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    Well, that went according to plan, for the first time in a while. Even had the missus pinting away next to me! I have always found it relatively easy to stop, not so much white-knuckling it as white-hairing it, I find it very dull, feel that everyone else is having all the fun, feel very sorry for myself. Not so last night, was pretty easy to abstain, didn't really think about it! Again tonight, is the plan, will let you know how it goes...

    Tip and lo0p, you guys are lifesavers, the meeting went well, thank you so much for chiming in! I was more normal than I've ever been!
    Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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      bleep69;1044447 wrote: I was more normal than I've ever been!

      I'm glad your meeting went well.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


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        ignominious;1041996 wrote: I think that most people reach their switch at around 3mg per Kg.
        Also remember something about rats being safely tested up to 5mg per Kg
        Someone with a better factual memory should be able to help here
        I don't think it's ever a good idea to make generalizations like this ("most people reach their switch at...") , even if you qualify the statement by saying you aren't sure you remembered correctly.

        If there is one thing you can conclude from this forum, it is that there is no average, and people's switch points vary extremely widely, as do their SEs, and the rate at which they can titrate up.

        Dr. O reached his at 3.6mg/kg, and I've always been using that as the goal. However, I am now at 3.8mg/kg, and no switch in sight. I know there are others who switched at 2mg/kg, and others at over 4, maybe as high as 5mg/kg (?).

        According to other posters here who have spoken directly with Dr.L, he says it has nothing to do with your weight or how much you are drinking or your drinking history. I think he said it is entirely genetic. Please correct me if I'm wrong -- Cinders, Neva, etc.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


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          I'm coming to think the switch depends upon a lot of factors, including motivational aspects.


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            beatle;1044493 wrote: If there is one thing you can conclude from this forum, it is that there is no average, and people's switch points vary extremely widely, as do their SEs, and the rate at which they can titrate up..Yep. I'd agree with that.

            beatle;1044493 wrote:
            According to other posters here who have spoken directly with Dr.L, he says it has nothing to do with your weight or how much you are drinking or your drinking history. I think he said it is entirely genetic. .
            I've never talked genetics with the good doc. I think I mentioned to you that I don't think it has to do with weight. As to the rest, I have some opinions, but have not asked the good doctor about that either. And I am loathe to give opinions at this point, since I think we are about to find out some facts.

            Except this: Titrate/taper baclofen erratically or quickly at your own peril. That is based on anecdotal evidence and has been repeated many times by the good doctor. The rest remains to be seen.
            (Sunnyv may have been right on target, it seems. Just sayin'. oops that was an opinion. )
            oops, another opinion: look to the ones who have found success. please. THEY know.
            I'm out. xo


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              Ukblonde;1044502 wrote: I'm coming to think the switch depends upon a lot of factors, including motivational aspects.
              I would agree with this, but qualify that everyone here is pretty motivated.

              Jeesh gang, did you miss my post? I went AF last night for the first time in a long, long while!
              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                Way To Go Bleep! :goodjob:
                Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


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                  Thanks Grommet! Was surprisingly easy!
                  Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                    :goodjob: :disco: :H



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                      Thanks neva! Shocked me too!

                      I have a positive development to report! An extremely positive development. We went out for a quick dinner, and despite my plan of not drinking I had a glass of wine, knowing it would be the first of many.

                      It wasn't. I had to force myself to finish it, and when my wife wanted another, I didn't want one. That never ever ever ever ever happens with me. If I have one, I have lots more. Every time. Except this time. There were tears in my eyes when I realised this. Literal tears. I don't think it's the switch, not yet, but it's FUCKING close! I feel different, my thoughts are different, all the shitty SE's are gone, and the world is looking like a fine place to be alive in. There are tears in my eyes right now! Some of its just baclofen mania,which I'm learning how to disassociate from, but every other tear is one of gratitude, to you guys, to Sir Olivier Ameisen, to MWO, and to baclofen.

                      And to booze, goodbye old friend.
                      Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                        :yay:I'm also moved to tears, bleep. :yay: Thank you so much.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


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                          I am very happy for you Bleep!

                          Similar experience for me last night. We were having the home version of my Birthday dinner last night with my wife and kids. My wife opened a fine bottle of red wine and I didn't even notice she had until about half way through dinner! Did not feel like having any so I didn't. Before I would have been opening the second bottle before we even sat down for dinner!

                          Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


                            The order has been placed...

                            beatle, thank you.
                            Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                              The order has been placed...

                              10 points Grommet! It's the most liberating feeling I have ever felt, I know you know what I mean...
                              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                                The order has been placed...

                                Bloody fantastic, Bleep!

                                I also cried on my first AF day Almost an indescribable feeling, with an incredible sense of freedom and simple gratitude.
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

