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    Thanks for the kind words. Randomly posting on people's threads is what I did for a loooong time. I would encourage you to jump in, though I would also caution that the words can't really be unwritten. Read carefully! Again, wish I'd taken my own advice.

    My posts are inane blatherings compared to some of the real info on here. And like you, I'm not free yet, so it's hard for me to be too encouraging, if that makes sense.

    I, too, avoided the bender I was longing for. In part because of an (unrelated to this) email I got from a long time MWO member. I don't want to let him down, if that makes sense? Silly, since I don't know anyone here, really. But it's true.
    As to the blackouts, I'll bump beatle's thread about dealing with the physical repercussions of AL abuse. Some good info there, though I haven't used most of the supplements listed. It's an interesting read. Specifically, look about half way through it until you get to the part about trytophan and 5-htp.
    You're not only NOT doomed, you are about to find salvation. Sorry to go all religious.
    Baclofen is most certainly not a panacea for all your ills, but I firmly believe it's a good way to get rid of the one that makes all the others pale in comparison.
    Read Moglor's thread. Preferrably when you're not pissed, as it's hard to retain anything when you are! ha. And lo0p's journey helps me immeasurably. Also Ignominous' log, if he ever got that squared away, is a testament to both the efficacy and the doubts we all certainly encounter. Also, sunnyvalenting has some v. important messages to impart, for all that I'm not following her path.
    Happy New Year to you too. I'm about 4 hours away and looking forward to a new year free from the beast. Maybe not right away, but soon enough!
    Good luck, hang in!


      The order has been placed...

      Thanks Neva, some gold threads there...

      Lots of reading to be done!
      Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


        The order has been placed...

        you're welcome, bleep.
        Yes. good stuff all around. (some shite, too, ftr.) I fell in love with MWO reading around here. Too bad it doesn't keep me out of trouble. I feel like crap. Hope you're faring better, though by the time, I'm guessing you're well on your way.
        How long til you get the bac?


          The order has been placed...

          Sorry to hear you're feeling crap. Booze related, or just feeling crap?

          It's 7 PM here, so I must have set my time wrong when I registered (what a surprise!), third glass in hand, so today's hangover is receding at last! I'm guessing a couple of weeks at least before the bac arrives, but with luck I can convince the doctor I am seeing first thing Monday to prescribe. Fingers crossed...
          Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


            The order has been placed...

            Morning, bleep. (My morning. you don't have to set your clock! I am becoming proficient in time zones around the world! Zimbabwe, Amsterdam, Asia, every time zone in the US. :H Lots to be recommended for sticking around here. Including a geography lesson and some colorful new vocabulary!)
            I felt like crap because of the booze. and maybe too much bac. Don't really care if it is too much, though. I'm relishing the journey with my eyes set firmly on the goal.)
            Hope you're still avoiding the bender/s.
            Order lots and lots of bac. Seriously. Don't f* around with that if you're unable to get your hands on some quickly. Good luck at the doctor's tomorrow. Take OAs book, or print out some of the stuff on here. Also, the good doctor takes phone calls from other physicians, if they're in doubt. I'll pm the numbers for him.


              The order has been placed...


              Yup, already printed off what info I could find, in anticipation of an uphill battle. Phone numbers would be very helpful, thanks a lot!

              Responded on your thread re the quantity of bac, thanks for the nod. Realised I have woefully under-ordered.

              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                The order has been placed...


                Yup, already printed off what info I could find, in anticipation of an uphill battle. Phone numbers would be very helpful, thanks a lot!

                Responded on your thread re the quantity of bac, thanks for the nod. Realised I have woefully under-ordered.

                Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                  The order has been placed...

                  bleep, ya doing today
                  "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                    The order has been placed...

                    Hey taw,

                    Well, this morning was a surprise. In true form, I slept late, and so in my rush to get to the doctors on time, I left all the info I had so diligently printed out for him regarding baclofen. Expecting a real battle, I braced myself, and began my little prepared speech.

                    "Oh, baclofen," he said, interrupting me, "sure, I've heard of that, there's another woman who I treat who comes in every now and again for a prescription. Here's yours."

                    We didn't go into too much detail about the high dosage, although I did tell him about it. I anticipate he may start to get nervous if I have to go too high and he is the guy prescribing, but we'll see. Given how simple this was, maybe I'm seeing problems where there's no need too, so I'll relax and let it be. I can always supplement with internet pills. He was very cynical about these, btw.

                    He also gave out a prescription for Amitriptyline, which he said he takes to help his boozing at night! Anyone know of this drug, and whether it can be safely taken with bac? I am quite happy to just take the bac. 5mg taken so far. I can see the hard part is going to be remembering to take something so regularly. I have forgotten to finish every course of pills I've ever started, so I need to come up with a system here!

                    Let the games begin!
                    Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                      The order has been placed...


                      Well, let the games begin then! Welcome to the world of sleepless nights en being stoned all day long for the next three months. It's the price you pay but it's very much worth it.

                      Just be patient though! You'll still get pissed, and there's no need to worry about that. Don't get angry with yourself, no use. It's just part of the journey. It's a one step-program.

                      Eventually you'll notice a change. For me, that was gradually. But it worked damn well for me! I started feeling really better at 110-120mg/d. Other members here had that same experience. My psychiatrists has other clients and they stayed on that level, because it felt already like being in a different world.

                      If your body tells you that you can increase the Bac, just do it. Schedules are a guideline. if your body tells you to take it easy, stay there a while.

                      Most of all: it's really, really, worth it. Hang in there and here. We'll support you as much as we can.



                        The order has been placed...

                        Thanks for the kind words and advice Low. Had to laugh at "It's a one step program"! My kind of program.

                        Planning on hanging in regardless, but that's easy to say from here! Very glad to hear you found relief yourself.


                        Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                          The order has been placed...

                          Good for you Bleep! I am crossing my fingers and toes that my bac is in my mailbox when I get home tonight!!! I need to get out of this nightmare!!

                          Keep us posted on your progress!
                          "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                            The order has been placed...

                            Hey Taw,

                            I'm your neighbor....I'm in Wisconsin. How are you today? Have an appt. with Dr. Levin tonight. Taw, if you need to call Dr. Levin, he can be reached after about 7:00 p.m. at long as you don't call right at 7 tonight because that's my time slot. ;-) ;-)

                            Bleep, great for you to get your doc. to prescribe you Bac. You sound so positve. I've never heard of Amitryptiline. I echo what Low said about dosage. I'm good at 90 mg and the difference between the real thing from Dr. L and the Lioresal from River is night and day. I feel great, have loads of energy, and I'm HAPPY!


                              The order has been placed...

                              Thanks Rusty...I already spoke to Dr. L. but my insurance won't cover him or the meds...and because I live so close he wants me to come in and I cannot get the time off of once again, i am left to my own...
                              "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                                The order has been placed...

                                bleep69;1033944 wrote:

                                He also gave out a prescription for Amitriptyline, which he said he takes to help his boozing at night! Anyone know of this drug, and whether it can be safely taken with bac? I am quite happy to just take the bac. 5mg taken so far. I can see the hard part is going to be remembering to take something so regularly. I have forgotten to finish every course of pills I've ever started, so I need to come up with a system here!

                                Let the games begin!
                                It is an older type of anti-depressant. Entirely safe to take with bac. My psychiatrist prescribed it to me as well. Often prescribed alongside Wellbutrin (Zyban) since it counteracts the insomnia the former often causes.

                                It should help you sleep at night, especially if you're like many of us and start suffering from insomnia as a result of high-dose bac.

                                Here's a link: Amitriptyline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

