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    Nite, Bleep!

    I am the same with drugs and AL...only AL has taken me...not sure why but I guess that is one less battle we have to fight!

    Get some rest....
    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


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      Man, I've gone from someone who never took pills to chowing down handfuls of the things every other hour. Saw some chap the other day who prescribed sulpiride, does anyone know if that works with bac?

      I've looked around a bit, but none of the drug interaction sites seem to have heard of sulpiride.
      Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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        Hmmm. Lemme see, bleep. Your drinking is down. You're popping bac like candy. You're concerned that it's not working because you're not experiencing SEs. And you're bored, and looking for a quickie fix/alternate reality. Is that pretty accurate?
        I get it, for sure. Not judging, just sayin'.
        You can have all the SEs you want, trust me. Or you can have a couple of really shitty hangovers, hang up the booze and find your switch, like STP and others. Up to you. I like the long, difficult route apparently... You're welcome to keep me company. On the other hand, you could use the popping 'em like candy, hit the switch and get on with it approach. Lots of options here on the bac/MWO ride.
        I would respectfully suggest that if you're looking for a good high, or to get out of your head, you find something a little less risky then throwing good meds/money at the issue and get stoned or something. Again, just sayin'. Or if you just need more meds, try NAL.
        This is what I found out about sulpiride:
        From wiki
        Sulpiride (sold as Meresa, Bosnyl, Dogmatil, Eglonyl, Modal) is an atypical antipsychotic drug used mainly in the treatment of psychosis (e.g. schizophrenia) and depression. It is a substituted benzamide. Sulpiride is more commonly used in Europe and Japan. Levosulpiride is its purified levo- isomer and is sold in India for similar purpose. So far it has not been approved in the United States and Canada. The drug has strong chemical and clinical similarities to the related antipsychotic amisulpride. has this about bac and anit-psychotics, though sulpiride isn't specifically listed:
        Combo may increase risk of CNS depression, psychomotor impairment, may increase anti-cholinergic effects with some combos (addictive effects)

        So unless you're psychotic (and, ftr, I've wondered if I am on various days over the last couple of months) or looking to find a new and different approach to suppression/cure, then stick with booze. It'll entertain you, I promise. :l


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          Hey neva

          I think you misunderstood, although reading my posts I can see where you are coming from!

          As part of this whole experiment, I agreed with my wife to see a therapist, something I have always maintained is a complete waste of time. Still, I agreed, so I went, and he prescribed the sulpiride, and a whole bunch of various vitamins, which is where the handfuls of pills are coming from. Actually surprised me a bit, the experience wasn't as useless as I thought it would be. Thanks for checking it out. I was trying to make sure it doesn't interfere with whatever bac is doing...

          The wanting to experience SE's was actually a bit of an epiphany for me, giving me some idea of the "why" of all of this.

          60mg's of bac a day so far, everything seems to be okay. Got absolutely trolleyed last night, sigh. Still, no hangover, so can't complain too loudly. At least that SE has disappeared!


          Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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            Sorry, bleep. I was probably projecting or some such good psych-babble term.
            Good for you about the therapist. I guess I'm headed there, too. I am not looking forward to it, though I usually appreciate the outlet once I'm in.
            And good for you about the supps etc. I don't know what to say about the sulpiride. It wasn't mentioned specifically. I agree with what you said on another thread, that the learning curve for the ones prescribing may be a little bit longer than for those of us who spend too much time here!
            Glad about the hangover. I've had both, obviously.
            Can't wait for the updates!


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              Patience!! For me at 60mg/d no SE's whatsoever. That was mainly the reason why I titrated up very fast in the first week. Started with 30, nothing, next day 40, nothing. I think I was at 100m/d in less than two weeks. At 110-120 I felt great. And after that....SE's will come my friend.

              SE's also motivated me because I felt the assurance something was happening. I can understand why you want to have/feel them. But it's just a common as it isn't that your body is very well able to manage the Bac right now.



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                I hear you Low. Thanks for the nod. I hope bac isn't like other drugs, and I need to take twice as much as the next guy to get the same effect! Still, even if that's the case...

                Neva, no worries. Reading through my posts I can understand that's what it looked like! Pleased you are trying to keep me in line! I'm pretty sure at some point I'll cross it, so please jump in then!
                Therapists bother me for some reason, can't quite put my finger on it... Who would want to listen to people's problems for a living? Mind you, I'm spending an inordinate amount of time on here, reading about people's problems!
                Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                  Same here with other drugs. Mostly took double to get to the same high. Which, of course, also wasn't enough Had great fun with it, I now lively recall!


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                    Aha, could this be a side effect? What a winner. I am getting a feeling of.... the best way to describe it is that of the end of an ecstasy trip (if you have never tried E, I recommend it. I know this isn't the place, but it should be mandatory). A warm, tingly glowing feeling of wellbeing, an hour after taking my pills, that lasts for half an hour, intermittently.

                    I haven't seen this reported anywhere, has anyone else felt this?

                    I'm on 90mg's a week after starting, and am going up to 130mg's tomorrow as a result of no bad side effects.

                    Low, we sound quite similar, chemically. Was always very annoying, other than the few times there was an unlimited supply! You hit your switch at 480mg's if I remember correctly? Hope I don't have to go that high, but it's looking that way...
                    Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                      bleep69;1039240 wrote: Aha, could this be a side effect? What a winner. I am getting a feeling of.... the best way to describe it is that of the end of an ecstasy trip (if you have never tried E, I recommend it. I know this isn't the place, but it should be mandatory). A warm, tingly glowing feeling of wellbeing, an hour after taking my pills, that lasts for half an hour, intermittently.

                      I haven't seen this reported anywhere, has anyone else felt this?
                      Firstly, agreed that it should be mandatory and everyone should try it once in their life.
                      I didn't get that exact feeling, but there were definite moments of euphoria that did seem similar to an E trip. I don't think it was at a certain time after taking my pills. The warm glowing feeling of well being was definitely there though at different times. It's a great SE, enjoy it while it lasts!
                      Better Living Through Chemistry

                      Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                      Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


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                        I didn't enjoy E very much, have heard it's not recommended for those who experience extreme emotions or who have trouble with them. That was certainly the case for me, I'd just be all over the place on them after an initial high. Then I'd try taking more and more to get the same effect. In the end I found amphetamine worked best for me since it's more of a 'constant' drug. I've had a mild warm feeling at times but mostly it's made me tired, only up to around 40-50mg at the moment though.


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                          I love that bac-glow. So many good SEs we forget to mention.
                          Can't speak to the rest of it...or won't, rather.
                          Glad I didn't offend! :l


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                            Ukblonde;1039250 wrote: I didn't enjoy E very much, have heard it's not recommended for those who experience extreme emotions or who have trouble with them. That was certainly the case for me, I'd just be all over the place on them after an initial high.
                            The problem with illegal drugs is you never actually know what's in the bloody things! Pure MDMA, the active ingredient in Ecstasy, sends your emotions one way only! Unfortunately, there is often very little MDMA in your average pill, and, funnily enough, it's speed or a speed derivative that they are normally cut with. Let me not turn this into a druggies thread though, booze is enough for now...

                            Isolde and Neva, thanks for chiming in about the "bac-glow", even for pleasant side effects, it's nice to know you aren't alone!
                            Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                              The order has been placed...

                              Wow, I now know what UKBlonde is talking about. A complete indifference to getting smashed. Had a real blow-out last night, ended up sleeping at a friends house, which came as a real surprise this morning! Work is going to be a real blast today. That's really unusual for me on a workday. The wife is charmed with me, unsurprisingly.

                              130mg's, and other than the bac glow and this indifference to drinking large amounts, nothing to report.
                              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                                The order has been placed...

                                I am reminded of this long lost ditty by the Libertines....

                                Oh, hooligans on E
                                He buys you burberry
                                And aquascutum
                                If you're lucky
                                Hooligans on E
                                Discussing symmetry
                                Said I'd like you, can I join your gang?
                                Going home in a London ambulance
                                Going home in a cosmic ambience

                                No, we don't carry coal
                                And no, we don't carry lead
                                We only carry hatchets
                                To bury in your head

