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    I know it's here somewhere but I can't take the time to find it...
    Lo0p, how long from start of baclofen to indifference? How did you know? And how much did that weekend suck?


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      Hi, all. The reason I asked the last is because I'm curious. Lo0p didn't quit drinking alcoholically right away. I'm genuinely curious how that experience was, and what indifference meant in his case. If I remember correctly it was late November when he took the weekend to hit 300mg/day. There were some benders after that...

      Sorry about the stridency of the earlier post. I am a little ...wound up. I never know when I bump up what place I'm going to find, and this time it seems a little manic. Again. I simply can't imagine not having SEs.
      Bottom line, it's not going to kill you. Just don't let anything lead you to quit!


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        neva eva;1041146 wrote:

        Sorry about the stridency of the earlier post. I am a little ...wound up. I never know when I bump up what place I'm going to find, and this time it seems a little manic. Again. I simply can't imagine not having SEs.
        Bottom line, it's not going to kill you. Just don't let anything lead you to quit!
        Didn't find the post strident, so no worries. I like your posts, you really seem to care, so its nice to read them.

        At this point, I can't imagine anything that would lead me to quit! Mind you, it's hard to imagine feeling crap when you feel normal, let alone this good!

        Currently on the morning of a 240mg day, and all is well. Broken it down into 8 x 30mg's, the hardest part is remembering to take the bloody things. This is a result of Beatle's posts in another thread, about splitting the dose (can't find the thread, unfortunately, otherwise I'd post a link). Really sound advice, I think. I would split it further, but then I would be taking pills every hour, which is just ridiculous.The side effects help in this regard, as baclofen is never really out of my mind because of the way I am feeling!

        I've started getting little flashes in my vision every now and again, where it feels like my eyes have closed for a second. It's not unpleasant, just a little disconcerting. My sense of smell and hearing seem enhanced as well. There are a lot of cars that belch smoke on our roads, and the smell, while never pleasant, is just unbearable now! Makes me feel ill when I get stuck behind one of them.
        Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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          I read Beatle's post and have heard the same from Dr Levin however apart from a mild Bac rush about an hour after taking the pills I had no discernable differences in SEs which were dependant on the time I took the dose. I did however have trouble keeping track when I was dividing the days quota into many parts; I eventually found the easiest thing was 4 doses approx at 6 hour intervals.

          It varies for everyone but I think if you're not having trouble with SEs after taking the dose then its best to keep it simple.
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


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            I really like MWO. I've never posted so actively on any other forum. I now find myself F5ing every time I finish a task! You are a good bunch of people, thanks. For a bunch that probably have much worse social statistics from the norm, you are remarkably easy to get along with.

            Pointless post, really, just wanted to get it out there.
            Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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              bleep69;1041402 wrote: I really like MWO. I've never posted so actively on any other forum. I now find myself F5ing every time I finish a task! You are a good bunch of people, thanks. For a bunch that probably have much worse social statistics from the norm, you are remarkably easy to get along with.

              Pointless post, really, just wanted to get it out there.
              Feel the luuuuv! I do, I know.
              So how goes it at 240? Don't mind the fact that I'm a little bitter about the fact that it's taken me 3 months to get there and it took you, what? a minute and a half? :H
              Oh, no. that was lo0p. Hyperbole aside, I'm very excited about this bump up. Hope you are!


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                Very excited indeed neva, hoping to see some results soon other than SE's, but prepared to do whatever it takes! No worries on that front!

                It's took 10 days to get here, and for the most part, mostly pleasant side effects. These now include:

                Increased libido, physically and mentally (to borrow a phrase...) Difficulty in bringing it to any form of a close though, which is very frustrating.
                Very increased clarity of thought. Every thought feels like an minor epiphany, even something mundane like "where are my keys". That's a thought I seem to having a lot of as well. Lots of walking into a room, and then back out without doing whatever it was I had gone into the room for.

                Wouldn't be bitter neva, it probably means I need to go to the high 400's!! (

                I've a question regarding titrating - Is there a magic number we are all trying to get to? Obviously this number varies per individual, but I'm assuming there exists "the dosage" at which a switch occurs, or is it a period of time that someone has been on Baclofen that matters most? "I did 4months, at which time I was on xxxmg's"
                Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                  The order has been placed...

                  Very excited indeed neva, hoping to see some results soon other than SE's, but prepared to do whatever it takes! No worries on that front!

                  It's took 10 days to get here, and for the most part, mostly pleasant side effects. These now include:

                  Increased libido, physically and mentally (to borrow a phrase...) Difficulty in bringing it to any form of a close though, which is very frustrating.
                  Very increased clarity of thought. Every thought feels like an minor epiphany, even something mundane like "where are my keys". That's a thought I seem to having a lot of as well. Lots of walking into a room, and then back out without doing whatever it was I had gone into the room for.

                  Wouldn't be bitter neva, it probably means I need to go to the high 400's!! (

                  I've a question regarding titrating - Is there a magic number we are all trying to get to? Obviously this number varies per individual, but I'm assuming there exists "the dosage" at which a switch occurs, or is it a period of time that someone has been on Baclofen that matters most? "I did 4months, at which time I was on xxxmg's" in which case a rapid titration is useless.

                  Not sure why this posted twice, sorry about that.
                  Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                    bleep69;1041972 wrote:

                    Increased libido, physically and mentally (to borrow a phrase...) Difficulty in bringing it to any form of a close though, which is very frustrating.
                    Very increased clarity of thought. Every thought feels like an minor epiphany, even something mundane like "where are my keys". That's a thought I seem to having a lot of as well. Lots of walking into a room, and then back out without doing whatever it was I had gone into the room for..
                    :H yeah, for sure. the erm, lack of fruition, is frustrating. That'll change, though. :wow:
                    A funny story about the forgetfulness, if I may? Last week I got to work, only to realize that I'd left the keys to get in at home. I dumped out my purse looking for the keys. Rushed back home in order to get keys to work, only to find I'd left the keys to home at work. Broke into my apartment, via a window using a ladder, got the keys, rushed bac to work. Realized I'd left the ladder next to the window and left the window open. :H
                    And that's not bac, that's just ne!

                    I can't speak to the magic number. Dr. L told me that I may have to go to the upper 200s, and I inferred that the number was that high because I was still drinking. I may have been projecting, though, since that's a theme here atm.
                    Not really bitter, friend. Hopeful! And glad there are others in the same place! to 400, then, if that's what it takes! (but lordy, I hope not!)


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                      I think that most people reach their switch at around 3mg per Kg.
                      Also remember something about rats being safely tested up to 5mg per Kg
                      Someone with a better factual memory should be able to help here
                      Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


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                        bleep69;1041972 wrote:
                        Increased libido, physically and mentally (to borrow a phrase...) Difficulty in bringing it to any form of a close though, which is very frustrating.
                        Just wanted to say THANK YOU for posting that! :H I was really starting to think something was wrong with me and for whatever reason, I didn't connect it to the bac at ALL. Whew!
                        Better Living Through Chemistry

                        Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                        Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


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                          I am on day 9 and only going to attempt 40mg today....should I be going quicker??
                          "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


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                            Taw, it sounds like you are having VERY positive effects at relatively low doses. It sounds like your titration schedule has been pretty sane so far. No need IMO to risk the side effects of a more rapid titration. The good doctor says that the brain needs time to adjust to the higher doses and recommends going up no more than 20 mgs/week.


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                              I know but being the good addict that I am I WANT instant gratification!!! I am having positive results...I just want more!!
                              "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


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                                Sorry in advance for taking this thread right back to the gutter.

                                The libido thing was also one of the first SE's I noticed. I too thought something was wrong with me. It has been a positive SE, but it has also led to some embarrassing situations - like when you had to walk from one class to another in 7th grade with a math book over your crotch embarrassing. I am having the opposite problem with "fruition" (as Neva so elegantly put it). I'm not sure which is worse...
                                Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.

