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    "I've a question regarding titrating - Is there a magic number we are all trying to get to?"


    I wouldn't know. At the beginning of the journey, my personal limit was 400 mg/d. I didn't want to go any higher. But when I was there, I was pretty sure I could physically easily go higher. I didn't drink no more at that high dosage, and I didn't want no more. So the result was there, but I've always been looking for 'that moment' 'the switch'. I wanted to be absolutely sure I hit the switch. I had enough bac to stay at 400 for weeks, but decided (also because my Psychiatrist and de Pharmacist thought this 400 be a little high).

    So I don't know what's right for you. I think it's the result that counts. A few months ago the common opinion/perception on MWO was that 'the switch' was something very real and you 'should know for sure' when you hit it. Also, that "if you're not sure you have reached the switch, then you probably haven't". So I went for that feeling.

    Nowadays, since more 'switchers' seem to come out of the closet, I believe that it has more to do with being 'indifferent' than experiencing the magic moment of 'the switch'.

    These days (mg I sound old now) there are a lot of members sharing their conversation with Dr. Levin. And what I distract out of those 'reports' is that Levin is using the word 'result' more than he uses 'the switch'. But that could me just me reading what I'd like to read



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      Grrr, I've been trying to post one version or another of this post, on and off, all night. The earlier, lost versions are now irrelevant, I was reporting yet another pleasant side effect, that I now can't remember :wow: I've decided to start using neva's smileys, they always make chuckle...

      Well, the easy journey has come to a crashing halt... It's 4:30 in the morning, and I'm wide awake, very unusual for me. That's ok, I've always thought less sleep would be a good thing, think of what you could do with an extra 3 hours every night! That's an extra 12% of life you get to live, provided you aren't yawning through the rest of it!

      I've been lying in bed struggling to breath, which is the most unpleasant sensation I have ever come across. Luckily, I was distracted from this, by a taste in my mouth that I guess would be like rotten strawberries would taste, if I was dumb enough to eat them. It tastes like I have them in my mouth. Drinking water helps for a brief period, which is lucky, because I have a raging thirst. Flatulence is becoming an issue, from both ends :wow: Still, I've been waiting for this, so I can't complain too loudly.

      Somewhat alarmingly, my wine isn't tasting so good! Desire is still there, so I could be facing a problem if this trend continues! Whisky, my other preferred poison, always ends in disaster, because I drink it at the same speed as my wine, which is already quite fast!

      The birds have started chirping outside, a sound I've always associated with the end of a good night's partying! I'm on the early shift looking after our son, which I'm finding to be the most amazing thing. Watching him learn all this stuff really blows my hair back. He should be awake in a couple of hours, so I'll have something to do! Waffle waffle waffle.
      Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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        Low, thank for responding, wise as ever. I hope I get to where you are now!

        taw, I would let your body decide how fast you can go up. At teh same time I qualify that by saying I have no idea what I'm talking about! I hear you on the instant gratification thing. Have you heard of the marshmallow test?

        Ig, thanks for that. Is my maths correct? I'm normally pretty hot at maths, but don't trust my head at the moment. 85kg's comes out at 255mg's? Man, what a treat if that's the case, I'll be there tomorrow!

        Grommet, I don't think this thread ever left the gutter!

        On a side note, my bac is running low. I've got a prescription, but the pharmacist already looked at me strangely when I filled the first one. When I go back for the second, what's he going to think? I am fully aware of the dangers of running out, is he?

        The world has suddenly gone, as terryk so aptly put it, two dimensional. It's a cool effect, but I can see how it might get boring.
        Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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          bleep69;1042328 wrote: Low, thank for responding, wise as ever. I hope I get to where you are now!

          taw, I would let your body decide how fast you can go up. At teh same time I qualify that by saying I have no idea what I'm talking about! I hear you on the instant gratification thing. Have you heard of the marshmallow test?

          Ig, thanks for that. Is my maths correct? I'm normally pretty hot at maths, but don't trust my head at the moment. 85kg's comes out at 255mg's? Man, what a treat if that's the case, I'll be there tomorrow!

          Grommet, I don't think this thread ever left the gutter!

          On a side note, my bac is running low. I've got a prescription, but the pharmacist already looked at me strangely when I filled the first one. When I go back for the second, what's he going to think? I am fully aware of the dangers of running out, is he?

          The world has suddenly gone, as terryk so aptly put it, two dimensional. It's a cool effect, but I can see how it might get boring.
          Bleep, get your refill NOW! I don't know about how it works where you live, but in the U.S., the pharmacists cannot argue with you re: your prescription if a doctor prescribed it. They can't ask the "wheres & whys," they just have to fulfill it. I know that when I picked up 336 bac pills the other day, I was fully expecting a huge "wtf" from the pharmacy people. They just shrugged and gave me my script. Bac is not a drug of abuse, and pharmacies are not on the lookout for people who "abuse" it. Just my two cents...


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            Hi Serenity, thanks for that. It turned out you were 100% correct - she didn't ask a single thing. She did say "wow, 270 pills!" I didn't tell her that's a 10 day supply! I'm off to the doctor tomorrow to get a (hopefully much larger) prescription!
            Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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              I’m going mad. I wish I had neva’s level of expression in her posts, it would help to convey the manic tone of my post a little better, but I don’t so this will have to do. I hope it works. I am typing this in Word, because my fucking internet connection still doesn’t work, even though I have gone out and bought our equivalent of 3G, at 20 cents a mg :wow:

              I’m going mad. It’s the only explanation I can think of, caused by Baclofen or not. Well, definitely caused by Baclofen, but Fuck fuck fuck.I know I said I could take any side effect, and I can, but my wife can’t and I don’t blame her. I’m ridiculously manic. The fact I can’t post this now is not helping. At all. For the first time in my life, I have poured a glass of to relax me, which I know is counterproductive, because booze just makes me more manic, and always have. Neva, you are blessed with your ability to post; I cannot stop myself fixing any and all grammatical errors. Hope that comes out right. I’m posting this at 1:40 in the morning. Fuck it. I’m getting really pissed off with all the helpful grammatical corrections that Word keeps suggesting, but I can’t help it, and have never been able to help myself, I go back and fix every stupid green underline. Fuck. A green line under the fuck because it doesn’t contain a subject and a verb. Double fuck. The wine is helping, what’s going on? I’m really going to try and write this as is, and not go back and edit every fucking line to make it correst. I’ll ignore the stupid green lines that word is putting under every sentence.

              I feel calmer already, don’t know what’s happening in my poor little brain any more. Every time I wake up, I feel extremely weird. I am doing very weird things. This time, I woke up under the bed at 1 in the morning, trying to rescu a phantom friend that I had been with earlier in the night.. Luckily my wife slept through it, although she woke up later and went to sleep in our son’s room. I don’t blame her, I am very manic, after waking up, and I know it, but I can’t seem to stop it. I am going to ask her to read this post, maybe it will help her understand what’s happening, although I don’t think so. There have been other, equally weird things happeing. She’s going to pop. What can I do? How have you guys coped with this horrible SE? Please please help.

              Baclofen is causing beneficial changes in my brain’s wiring, I can feel it. My thoughts are, ironically, despite occasional manicness, more calm and composed, and I love it. I don’t want to stop, this will work if I can sort out this horrible manic phase.

              Hah, suddenly my internet connection is working, all is right with the world. At 20 cents per mg, I’m going to have to selective with this, this sort of thing adds up quickly…

              I’m finding it hard to ignore Word’s correction suggestions, but Fuck it. Word can go to hell.
              I need to stop this manic feeling before it gets worse.
              :going mad and can’t help it, don’t want to stop taking Baclofen smiley: there should be a picture for this.

              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                Hi, Bleep. Take a deep breath.
                Can you go to chat?


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                  If not, I have to say, I thought that my posts were perfectly grammatically correct, and the spelling was impeccable. Right? :H
                  And I've been there. It helped me to chat. Or pm. And definitely to post.
                  Also to be reminded that it's safe. It isn't going to kill you. Read Birdy's post. I'll try to find it.
                  How High Dose Baclofen Cured My Alcoholism


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                    where;s this chat I've heard so much about?
                    Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                      bleep, you okay??? I'm sorry I wasn't around to help, but you might want to invest in some calming supplements. Calmes Forte might be a little too mild to cure mania, but how about xanax? I've restarted it and I'm now sleeping, which makes me much happier. Maybe it would help your mania if you can get some. If not, there are herbal supplements that can help calm you, but you need a stash and you need to take them. How about valerian or kava? Anyone know if they're contraindicated? There must be something you can have on hand to help when mania strikes. Hang in there bleepy. xxoo


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                        bleep69;1043491 wrote: I’m ridiculously manic. What does that mean for you exactly? For me it meant ENERGY, sleeplessness, paranoia maybe? NEED to get out of my head, for sure. obsessive thoughts, definitely. hate those the most.
                        bleep69;1043491 wrote: For the first time in my life, I have poured a glass of to relax me, which I know is counterproductive, :H I'm guessing you never needed a reason to pour a glass. relaxation?energy?insomnia?sleepy? yep!!! ha!

                        bleep69;1043491 wrote: I feel calmer already, don’t know what’s happening in my poor little brain any more.
                        Good things. I know it's uncomfortable. Downright disturbing sometimes. And still, when things sort themselves out, I feel SO much BETTER. Even today as compared to yesterday (which sucked.)

                        I haven't had that particular side effect. I can't imagine it was any fun. But you said that you thought bac is causing beneficial changes. The changes, imho, are pretty profound, right? If something that has been with me for my entire life is being altered? Something that drives my thoughts, is being eliminated? Not the scientific version, for sure. But the comforting one.

                        bleep69;1043491 wrote:
                        I need to stop this manic feeling before it gets worse.
                        :going mad and can’t help it, don’t want to stop taking Baclofen smiley: there should be a picture for this.

                        Ya' think maybe you want to look at your titration schedule?

                        and there is. It's this one:
                        This one isn't bad either:
                        Hang in there. Post your level, and your titration, so that others can weigh in.


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                          Chat is up there ^ It says live chat. You need to enable java for it.


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                            Thanks for the chat neva, it helped. Enormously.

                            It's mostly when wake up, in fact its always This strange feeling of having to get up, to do something, now. Other than the fact I am doing something strange, like bench pressing the bed, or pacing around muttering! It's a bit like my motto for drinking, "more, more often, quicker!" has suddenly been applied to my life in general. I'vre never drunk to relax, no the reason is irrelevant, but today i did!
                            I hear you on the titration schedule, think I must adjust!

                            Gruun, thank for you response, will definitely try something in my quest to sort this out. Wil revert back if successful or otherwise,,,
                            Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                              My titration schedule has been rapid:

                              Day one was 15, day two and three the same. then, due to a lack of SE's, I went up 30mg's a day to where I am now, 250, taken in roughly 8 equal doses. Seems that;s not the way to go about it! Hmmm, think i see the problem here...
                              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                                Are you still drinking?If so I would recommend 100% that you have some AF days. The majority of my side effects disappeared after 2-3 days without a single drink. I only have a slight concentration problem now, everything else has settled down. Result is I don't need to go any higher. Remember even one drink opens up the addiction pathways.

