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    Be well Bleep. Take care of yourself, you will get through this. I will be thinking about you. Keep us updated.
    Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


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      Good luck. First things first now. Get off the fcking booze. You seem to ruin your own life and far more important!, you seem to ruin the life of others. Take a rest, camp, get off the booze and pick your life up. Or don't, but don't frighten or intimidate other people. May sound a harsh now, but it's the @$mn truth you have to face. Now face it, take the dmn pills in a normal way and don't expect yourself to be healed in a week, because most probably you are not and nothing's gained. These things take time.
      This bac-thing enables you to take control again. It's very much up to you now what to do with this chance you are getting.

      Make a schedule, talk to the 'good doctor', and stick to the plan.

      This is my way of 'reaching out'.



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        Cut back on the booze and take the pills.


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          Thank you all. Low, your post is spot on. As is yours UK.

          Man, we are all over the show in Bleepdom here! Now I am staying, she said it was just spillover from my actions the previous night. Understandably so. Thankfully I haven't called my friend each time, or he would be doing his nut.

          Physically, I feel good. My hearing is acute to the point of hearing things that aren't there, so I suppose its bad, really. Baclofen completely removes any and all traces of a hangover (which incidentally is an old expression, meaning "unfinished business", which says a lot!) for me, which is a great side effect. On the whole, the SE's are positive, which I suppose is where my lack of fear comes from about going up.

          On the going up note: There are two reasons. Firstly, it generally is an approach that hasn't been really tried, very rapid titration, and who knows? Maybe its the way to do it? Also, I can feel this stuff working it's miracle in my brain, so I feel it's close. I want to get there. My fingers, arms, toes and legs are crossed, which looks strange and feels stranger.

          If my posts change in any alarming fashion, please point this out!

          Sorry for the rollercoaster.
          Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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            "I can feel this stuff working it's miracle in my brain, so I feel it's close"

            My dear Bleep, yesterday you got home drunk on a scale of 7 to 10 and smashed a window because your wife didn't want you in the house? I might be mistaken, but I think that is not really what the switch is all about

            Hope you'll get there soon. Don't know if you can speed it up. You could try of course. Why not.

            Maybe you should go to that friend of yours and try the fast titration schedule. Or would you rather bother your loved one at home with all the SE's you will be facing? Being nursed, 'supported', getting compliments when you are almost a day AF. Getting all the attention, again? First it's about Bleep the Alkie, then it's about Bleep scaring his wife, and now it's about Bleep doing the fast titration schedule, doing something special. Too much Bleep.

            I would say: go into the woods, let everybody live their lives, titrate fast, and return a better man in 3 weeks. But I'd love to have lived in the Wild West, so too romantic maybe.

            Personal note 1: you begin with smashing windows, you end up smashing faces. Get off the booze Bleep!
            Personal note 2: I don't post that much. But your behaviour is worrying me. I've seen this things happening. You don't want to be where you are now.

            But: the audio-disturbance?? what is happening there?



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              I don't look at lack of hangover being a positive effect - for me it only encourages me to continue drinking(which I have been doing again). In the past hangover prevented me drinking, or at least frightened me into wanting to stop. With the Bac all I do is sleep a bit longer, wake feeling a bit dopy but no headache, no sickness, no nothing.

              Bleep you aren't progressing with anything but your alcoholism. You aren't normally violent?yes alcohol makes us into people we really aren't. Based on past experience myself I'd do either one of these things;

              Stop drinking now - it isn't impossible and waiting for the titration to kick in could result in further bad things happening.

              Leave home for your family's safety. Unless you 'switch' today you are putting loved ones at risk.


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                Low, I read your post, and then went away to think.

                Sigh. You are right, I need to take a step back and look at what I'm doing Me me me! I am going to send Mrs Bleep on a holiday, while I sort this shit out. That way she can relax, and I can focus, and everyone's a winner. Right?

                Although, to be honest, there's a part of me that wants to be in a tent, battling my demons, while the wind howls away outside...

                Thank you very much for the honest appraisal Low. It's not easy to see these things from inside.
                Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                  Thanks UK, another honest assessment. We have hit upon a solution, I hope.
                  Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                    Everybody that's suggests stopping drinking as part of the solution... Well, if it were that easy, I wouldn't be looking for a solution.
                    Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                      bleep69;1046289 wrote: Everybody that's suggests stopping drinking as part of the solution... Well, if it were that easy, I wouldn't be looking for a solution.
                      Another Tip from Tip:

                      Read the Tool Box thread - it's in Monthly Abstinence.

                      Part of my plan was to literally rashion my alcohol, and reduce it steadily (by 25ml of vodka per day in my case). .Once I was off the vodka, I started doing the same with my wine... By the time the stuff put me off completely, I was struggling to finish a single glass with dinner.

                      Have activities to keep you busy so that you prolong the period before you start drinking.

                      Reward yourself for sticking to the goal you set for any particular day.

                      Whatever it takes....
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


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                        bleep69;1046289 wrote: Everybody that's suggests stopping drinking as part of the solution... Well, if it were that easy, I wouldn't be looking for a solution.
                        You really need some days AF Bleep. Let the Bac work.
                        Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


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                          Bac helps but you cannot afford to wait until it works, many people stop through wanting to change, via changing their lifestyle. The bac is there to assist you but you can give it a kick start by stopping through your own sheer efforts. Bac isn't going to walk in and take the alcohol away, only you can do that. If you want to wait until it does eventually override your extreme determination to drink, then that's up to you but you may find you lose everything in the meantime.


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                            If you send your wife away make sure you do not use it as an excuse to get blotto at home.


                              The order has been placed...

                              Tip, thanks, I'll have a look. The rationing idea sounds good, I'll try and start today. Todays drinking has unfortunately begun, I was cooking, and that's a big drinking thing for me, but we'll see...

                              Grommet I hear you. Last weeks AF day was so positive and fun, I'll do my best.

                              UK, I most certainly won't use it as an excuse. I am trying very hard to work on myself.

                              Despite the tone of the last few posts, I am in a very optimistic frame of mind. My wife is pleased to have a small break in her future.

                              Thank you all.
                              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                                I wanted you to know that I'm here, and I've been where you are, I think. I'm not appalled by your behavior, not offended by your (what seems to me) frantic search for a solution, HERE and NOW! I totally get it.
                                Do what you feel you need to do. Know that AL disturbs our perceptions and decision making abilities. It also has the remarkable ability to turn us into hateful monsters. (I've heard WAY worse stories in church basements, and have been befriended by men who I would've dismissed because they did horrible things when drunk. No excuses for the behavior, ftr. Drunk or sober, it's still our responsibility to own it.)
                                Baclofen rights all that. And rather quickly.
                                Low's sage advice moved me in terms of finding my own balance. It's very relevant for all of us, imho.
                                Don't hurt yourself, or anyone else. Head down, mouth shut, eyes on the goal.
                                Profound words from someone on another forum: Thoughts become words become action. watch the thoughts.
                                KOKO, and KTTDP. our own versions of ODAT etc...:H
                                EDIT: we cross-posted. Yes, I'm in a very, very good place. Can't wait until you get here!
                                PS. lots and lots and lots of people thinking about you, even if they're not posting. There is an army of good will behind you in this struggle! (the "V"-hippy- in me coming out!)

