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    I've come round to the idea that bac will work better and faster if one is AF, or at least drinking very moderately (which I am not -- just about 2/3 of what I drank pre-bac).

    There is some empirical/anecdotal evidence for this, but there is no shortage of people who drank heavily right up until the switch.

    Bleep, if you did one AF day and felt great (not just because you did it, but actually great), then you can do more. Just remember how good it felt, and that you CAN do it (because you have).

    (Yeh,yeh, you say -- what about you beatle? You who has not had a single AF day in the past 2 years, you who is afraid to go AF cold turkey because of all the awful experiences you had over the past 10 years whenever you tried to go AF overnight -- including a grand mal seizure on the motorway?. Who are you to talk?)

    Well, I will be AF today for the first time in 2 years.

    The fact that bleep could do it once and felt great (I know I won't, because it's only 14.15, and I'm feeling a little bit like a drink, and I already feel lousy) is a great motivator.

    All the urgings from the people on this forum that used to be irritating (hey guys, can't you see I'm taking baclofen to GET sober?) are now seeming to make sense somehow.

    And you all are great motivators.

    I think I was looking too hard for the easy way out. But, with all these SEs, bac is certainly not the easy way out. And I'm thinking, even if I don't hit the switch quicker or at a lower level, maybe it won't feel so lousy to titrate up if I am AF.

    I don't think I will have a seizure (thank you UK for your thoughts on this), but I do think I'll feel lousy and miserable. I can handle lousy and miserable. Lousy and miserable is what I've felt for the past 15 years of my life. Lousy and miserable is how I feel on bac now. I wallow in lousy and miserable. Bring on more lousy and miserable.


    Bleep, I know it's too late for you to join me today, but you have one AF day on me, so we will be even tomorrow. Then what?
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


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      Ukblonde;1046254 wrote: I don't look at lack of hangover being a positive effect - for me it only encourages me to continue drinking(which I have been doing again). In the past hangover prevented me drinking, or at least frightened me into wanting to stop. With the Bac all I do is sleep a bit longer, wake feeling a bit dopy but no headache, no sickness, no nothing.
      This is exactly my experience. I don't even sleep longer (less, in fact -- insomnia galore), but I don't feel any effects from the alcohol the night before.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


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        Yes I don't see it as a positive side effect, unless you want to continue drinking.


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          Beatle, that is the best news I have ever heard! Brilliant, well done! Truly, thats such nice news! Thank you. Tomorrow, then, I'll aim to go 2 - 1 on you! Fine use of a cheerful smiley! You've made my day, thanks.

          Neva, thank you. That small army you talk of are what made me suggest the holiday idea to my wife. Knowing people are reading this, shaking their heads, thiking "what is this guy doing??" I was trying to work out why your approval means so much to me. I can't figure it out, but it does, so thanks.
          Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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            I don't know why either, bleep. Just an alcoholic on the other side of the planet... but I'm thankful and you're welcome.
            what you think matters to me, of course, too. I weigh what I glean from posts against what I want, though, and I hope you are too. I'm not there, but well on my way! (darn well better be, given the mgs I'm taking. pfffft.)
            Being alone has not been helpful for me at all in this journey. I wonder if you can call a friend to watch you type on MWO for the holiday? I know my husband really appreciates that. (ha!) But I'll be around tonight, my night anyway, if you need to chat. And lots of others to be found there that will be encouraging regardless of the bac.
            be well. xo


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              Cool, will chat if you are about. Thanks. You have my approval neva. You aren't alone, we are all here for you. Us, and the unseen army. What do you mean by having someone watch over me typing? What a dull job!

              I just had 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep! I feel so relaxed. Like a warm puddle of goo. The longest I've slept for the past week has been two hours, and I sisn't think it had been affecting me, but clearly it was. This is great.
              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                Hey bleep,

                Definitely the bac and the AL and the loss of sleep together are a recipe for disaster. Glad you're sending wife away for a time, I wish you strength and focus during those days.

                By the way, the hearing things that aren't there ... I have that too. A handful of times I yell at something in the middle of the night, and wake the dog and cat up. Sure it could be a dream edging on my reality, but I swear I've heard something then realize no one else did, so I figure it's an SE.

                I am going to tit up today. :bust:


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                  Bruunhilde;1046474 wrote: Hey bleep,

                  Definitely the bac and the AL and the loss of sleep together are a recipe for disaster. Glad you're sending wife away for a time, I wish you strength and focus during those days.

                  By the way, the hearing things that aren't there ... I have that too. A handful of times I yell at something in the middle of the night, and wake the dog and cat up. Sure it could be a dream edging on my reality, but I swear I've heard something then realize no one else did, so I figure it's an SE.

                  I am going to tit up today. :bust:
                  Alcohol withdrawl can lead to hearing things that aren't there, as well as being overtired, or the result of being up all night on amphetamines. I've had all of those things result in me hearing stuff.

                  Bac isn't special in that regards, and if he's drinking enough to make him put his fist through a window could easily be the alcohol.


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                    UK, I hear you but I've never had dependency/withdrawal issues, so I think it is definitely the baclofen.

                    Bruun, good luck on your way up!
                    Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                      Well then there is no reason to no stop drinking if you have no withdrawl issues.


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                        It is quite possible to be an alcoholic without physical dependence. For example, I don't have heavy tolerance for AL and I can abruptly stop AL with just a mild hangover. BUT, over the years I have had multiple legal encounters and other personal problems while drunk.


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                          Thanks for that 37.

                          Ok, my titration schedule:

                          I am taking 30mg's every two hours, so my daily dose is fluid. If I am awake, I take it, asleep, obviously not, There are probably 2 or 3 periods during which I am not awake at the moment, so it is ranging from 270mgs to 330mgs, depending one the day,

                          Side effects have almost completely gone away, including the nice one, which is a shame.Will keep going up until they appear.

                          Thanks gang, for your collective help during this rough patch.
                          Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                            [quote=Ukblonde;1046503]Alcohol withdrawl can lead to hearing things that aren't there, as well as being overtired, or the result of being up all night on amphetamines. I've had all of those things result in me hearing stuff.quote]

                            Sure could, but I'm not drinking any less and I have never taken amphetimines, and I'm sleeping enough, so none applies to my case.

                            Thanks for the encouragement Bleep!


                              The order has been placed...

                              Yep, I'm pretty sure it's a baclofen related SE....

                              Go Bruun go!
                              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                                The order has been placed...

                                Bleep, I am thinking about you a lot. And I don't judge you for what happened. I know damn well how much AL can affect our behavior. And I think it was a very good idea to give your wife a holiday while you deal with this. And BOY do I understand your crying and emotional response to the events.

                                Just know that you're not alone. We are here for you, my friend.:h

