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    Thanks seeking, it helps. I hear you on the crying front, although that is easing up a bit, thankfully. Very draining at its previous levels. This forum has been a rock, thank you all.

    On the baclofen front, I am on 400mg's, or will be by the end of today. No side effects, other than the bac glow returning, which I now realise I had lost. A slight pleasant tingling in the face. On this note, I have been lucky, but I think attitude plays a an important role. If you are waiting for the bac glow, you get it. Same with nausea, or unpleasant SE's. Obviously there are undeniably physical responses, but...

    I am also on Sulpiride, which may or may not be helping. I wish I had taken them separately, to distinguish the effects, but, as with all things in my life, suddenly there is no time!

    To any lurkers - post! It is incredibly helpful and cathartic. I was a lurker for a long time, not seeing the benefits of posting.
    Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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      Morning, Bleep

      Do you write down each dose so you can keep close track?

      And just checking: do you have a sufficient supply? PLEASE don't run out or be forced to taper for that reason.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


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        Hi Tip, I take every other hour, today I'm on odd hours, so it's quite easy to keep track. 4 pills every other hour.

        I don't think I'll be able to maintain this dose at work though, I'm too stoned. Pity, it's quite nice blobbing around the house like this...

        My supply is good for a few weeks at this rate. I'm thinking of phoning Dr L this morning (time differences) and maybe getting a prescription from him. Doctors here just don't understand what high dosage means! I wonder if they fill foreign doctors prescriptions here?
        Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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          [quote]Bruunhilde;1046654 wrote:
          Originally posted by Ukblonde View Post
          Alcohol withdrawl can lead to hearing things that aren't there, as well as being overtired, or the result of being up all night on amphetamines. I've had all of those things result in me hearing stuff.quote]

          Sure could, but I'm not drinking any less and I have never taken amphetimines, and I'm sleeping enough, so none applies to my case.

          Thanks for the encouragement Bleep!
          I'm not saying it's not the bac, what I am saying it's generally a side effect of taking drugs which affect the brain - and bac does just that.


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            Ok, 4 pills every 2 hours is too much for my head to handle at the moment. I was intensely stoned. In true stoner style, I was unwrapping a chocolate, and it took me about 5 minutes! I had phantom pains in various joints. It feels like I am wearing a hat all the time. All in all, I'm glad it's over! The thought of eating meat is abhorrent to me, and meat makes up most of my diet.

            Will drop back down to 3 pills, especially since I have a meeting this afternoon. Bit grim for a Sunday.
            Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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              I just thought I would mention what brand of baclofen I am using:

              It just say baclofen on the box, and comes in 10mg pills, in trays of 28.

              The manufacturer is McDermott Labs t/aGerard Labs.
              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                3 pills, and all is right with the world. Experienced somnolence for the first time, I have never been that tired in my life. There were anvils attached to my lids, I nearly fell asleep standing up!

                3 pills puts me in the 300mg area, I can't go higher at the moment because of the stonedness. I no longer have the feeling that the switch is around the next corner, which is a shame. It was almost a certainty in my mind.
                Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                  I wanted your thoughts on the following:

                  I am thinking of going back to my rehab and doing a share (god, I hate that word) once this is over. I will discuss it with the coucillors beforehand, but not in detail. Just a brief history of how it worked for me (bring it on!), what it is, etc., and then some details about how to get it. Then, and this is the part I am not certain about, I want to ask the rehab why I wasn't told about it, when I SPECIFICALLY
                  Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                    asked (not sure why it posted), and do I get a refund for such an incredibly shitty service?

                    Thoughts welcomed.
                    Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                      A lot of people do go back and share on their success - however that was achieved. I am sure they would welcome you.

                      I would warn you that you need to get to that sober place first, and that it is very common for newly sober alcoholics to want to go out and fix the world well before they are ready. You may also find that your current anger is replaced by gratitude that you are now cured, and so your resentments fade as only the future will matter to you. Going back and being angry will only get their backs up, whereas you could be a messenger that brings hope in the form of showing them how this new treatment works.

                      I'm not resentful since Baclofen is a new treatment, and still an off-label treatment. If it were to be widely prescribed and go wrong then the liability could fall on the rehabs themselves. There is so much to be careful with and your inability to succeed isn't necessarily down to the clinic themselves, since they have to follow certain rules and regulations. They may not have known themselves.

                      Concentrate on your sobriety and your programme first, worry about the rest later.


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                        Thanks UK, you are right. I would wait 6 months after the switch before proceeding with this plan. I would also want to go to various AA meetings locally.
                        Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                          Another sober night, and it is amazing what a good place it puts me in the morning. I drove to work with no road rage, unusual for me.

                          I love this feeling, I want more of it. I plan to try to not drink tonight as well.

                          I know I said the switch was no longer imminent, but that's two sober nights in a week!
                          Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                            Good going, Bleep!

                            Yep: work to increase your AF count. Have a plan for every day. Stick to it. I used to post my plan for the day on MWO - that made me accountable to this little community.

                            Couldn't be easier
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


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                              Tip, I am hesitant to post my plan, I am trying to work out why, and will let you know.

                              I'm busy going through the toolbox, some good stuff in there. Another tip top tip from Tip!
                              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


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                                Bump for Charlie.

