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Does Baclofen reduce craving instantly ?

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    Does Baclofen reduce craving instantly ?

    Bleep (and off-topic, I fear),

    No need to feel that way. Baclofen is safe. Even prescribed for little children. When you don't take any drugs and you look in the mirror for a long, you'll also see that maybe your skin is a little dry.

    As far as I'm concerned, do what you normally do. Even if that's the drinking part. Might help you to focus not so much on SE's that you might experience, which almost surely are not SE's at all. Maybe other members might think that this is a really bad advice. I'm no doctor. But most of the members experienced that you can even drink at high-dosage Bac and nothing 'bad' happened. I must say that I myself had no contra-indications. In the past I used to do lots of coke and exctasy, for recreational purposes (of course: more than others) so I know can stand alot. If you (are able to) get so pissed that you have black-outs, there's a huge possibility that you can handle the Bac at this dosage.

    Good luck!


      Does Baclofen reduce craving instantly ?

      Hey Low,

      Ya, I'm sure it's just pre-enormous-journey jitters, so not overly concerned. It's been about 4 hours and I felt/feel fine. Thanks.

      End of derail, sorry
      Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


        Does Baclofen reduce craving instantly ?

        I'm not sure the General group is just for support (despite what I said earlier). I used to be on General (and Holistic Healing) all the time and never even ventured into the meds forum until a little over a year ago (by serendipity). I believed alcoholism was a mix between physical and mental/emotional/spiritual problems and I believed strongly that if both could be addressed naturally, one could overcome the disease.

        (I have had terrible reactions to medication in the past, and had a firewall up against even considering meds, which in my mind were all part of the trillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry stranglehold on health, and, yeh, you know the story.)

        I was a diehard Holistic Healing participant, and I learned and gained (and I think shared and gave) a lot there, and I still consider that one of my two homes here on MWO. I feel the meds and holistic healing dovetail each other, and I wouldn't have one (baclofen) without the other (natural ways of healing the body and soul).

        As for General, more than a support group, I think it was a social group for me. (Genreal folks, please forgive me for "generalizing here ) There is lots of sharing of miseries there, but also lots of fun and humour. At least that's how it used to be. I stopped visiting it so often after finding baclofen because I just didn't have time for all 3 and, importantly, I got a lot of the social aspect and support from the folks here, and in a much more focussed way, and with far fewer people, and with everyone focused on the same thing (and nobody can say we don't have a lot of fun here, too).

        I feel there is more sharing of information here, information we all agree we want and want to share, and we are mostly like-minded in terms of our healing, although there sure are a lot of different personalities.

        Anyway, just thought I'd share that perception.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Does Baclofen reduce craving instantly ?

          Good Morning Everyone,

          Coffee...I'm sorry I missed your earlier post. To answer your question about titrating up too fast, Dr. Levin said the side effects could be much, much worse, and you could suffer a seizure.

          Neva, I just saw your post on your Baclofen Progress Thread. Hope you're ok

          Dr. Levin said the danger in titrating down too quickly, from 90 mg. to 0 mg. could give me a seizure, that's why it's so important not to run out of BAC and always have your same supply. I'm talking to him tonight and we are setting up a consultation this week so I'll let you know what happens.

          Bleep-the side effects of Baclofen are MUCH worse when you drink, and BAC is much more effective with combatting cravings if you even have 1 AF day under your belt. This was my experience: my last hangover was May 28, 2010. I had just gotten my BAC and took 30 mg. while proceeding to go through about 1/2 bottle of vodka in a day. I woke up the next morning with the hangover from hell...vomiting, heart pounding, sweating profusely....I thought I was having a heart attack and I was terrified. Bac intensifies the rush that you get from drinking so try and look at it like I did...."I'm not going to drink nearly as much today or not at all because I'll be damned if I feel like crap in the morning."
          Just knowing that you will feel worse than you ever will probably deter you from drinking as much as you're used to.

          Regarding the possible side effects, drug manufacturers do that to protect themselves from lawsuits.

          I have found that the bona fide Baclofen Dr. L. put me on is much more effective than Lioresal for combatting cravings, and it gives me no side effects other than it messes up my sleep.

          Neva, I called Dr. L. this morning and he must have been on the other line with you because he was very short with me and told me he had a client on the other line. It seemed urgent. LET ME KNOW YOU'RE OK.:l


            Does Baclofen reduce craving instantly ?

            I don't see why Dixon can't try to use it the way he proposes. We just don't yet know everything about this drug and how it can be used in specific situations. If he only gets cravings in certain situations why take a drug at other times? The only problem is getting to the right level for him. It might be difficult to achieve short term, but many people do experience relief of cravings even on very low doses, especially if they are committed to abstinance in my opinion. It is certainly worth a try with cautions about the side effects etc. He can always go to the more traditional dosing if it doesn't suit him. We are all studies of one on this board. I for one would like to know if it works for him that way. It makes as much (or more) sense as some of the things I've read on this site.
            Lioresal is bona fide. It is just generic. Dr L may have his preference but it works for me.


              Does Baclofen reduce craving instantly ?

              Interesting about the baclofen vs. generic. I've heard mention from others that the prescription they got from their doc was stronger than what they were getting overseas. I'll run out of my overseas stuff in not too much longer and will start on the "bona fide bac" from my doc. Now wondering if it might be better to sort of mix the 2 together for awhile and see how that goes?
              Better Living Through Chemistry

              Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

              Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.

