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Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

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    Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

    We've all thought but why more people don't try Bac and I think some people secretly think it's a sign of weakness that we rely on a drug to help us quit drinking. I don't think it's a sign of weakness. People use Chantix for quitting smoking, right? They use Weight Watches for weight, correct? For me, Baclofen keeps my emotions more balanced so I can address the root cause of why I drink and gives me space in my brain to develop new goals, hobbies, etc., (new routines) now that I don't drink. This might be an idea for a new thread....what do you guys think?


      Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

      I'm glad you posted this as well, Low. I think most of us were hesitant to announce that we had hit the switch. And you're right, it's not an "A-ha!" moment. It is all very gradual. Four AF days passed for me before I realized that it had happened.
      I so identify with everything that you're saying. Every step was gradual, almost to the point of being un-noticeable. And yet now, it is hard to believe that there ever was a beast, that I could have been such a slave to it, or that I could ever possibly feel that way again. And there are so many events that used to "require" alcohol that don't even pop up on my radar anymore. With any other method that I used to try and control my drinking, I always had to substitue something for the AL whenever I was doing those activities. And now it doesn't even occur to me.
      The saying that bac "rewires your brain" actually now makes perfect sense to me. And it does seem to do so without any real conscious effort from us, though I think those efforts can be helpful. But that bac has the ability to do this is nothing short of amazing.
      Keep us posted on your downward titration and best of luck to you!

      Nev, your dream about OA made me crack up, but that you woke up thinking it was real and logged on to see if Low had posted about it was really hilarious. :H Thanks for sharing that!
      Better Living Through Chemistry

      Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

      Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


        Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

        Rusty;1036502 wrote: ....... and I think some people secretly think it's a sign of weakness that we rely on a drug to help us quit drinking. I don't think it's a sign of weakness.......
        To me it's about getting a result, not bothered about how the result is achieved in this instance because you have to do whatever it takes. We all only have one life, waste years trying to kick booze through willpower or take the fast track using baclofen, what sounds more sensible now?


          Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

          CharlieBigPotatoes;1036552 wrote: To me it's about getting a result, not bothered about how the result is achieved in this instance because you have to do whatever it takes. We all only have one life, waste years trying to kick booze through willpower or take the fast track using baclofen, what sounds more sensible now?
          My experience is feeling spaced out on a low dose and 'enjoying' it to the point I want to take some more - hey that's my usual addict reaction to anything that makes me feel that way, and why I avoid anything that could do that to me. But it's ok everyone says it's the fast, and brave way so I'll carry on and hopefully won't do anything too daft, or take too much.


            Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

            Wow, great news, Low! What a great thing to read on an otherwise crummy day. :-) Let us know how your titration down goes.


              Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

              Originally Posted by Rusty View Post
              ....... and I think some people secretly think it's a sign of weakness that we rely on a drug to help us quit drinking. I don't think it's a sign of weakness.......

              I think that was me. Baclofen has shown me the idiocy of that reasoning. Is that an oxymoron or something!

              UK, if you think that being an alcoholic is getting in the way of your emotional growth then go for it and enjoy the high. I had the same experience, thinking that a drug that feels this good must be bad for you. All the evidence and my experience to date point otherwise. Its possibly the most liberating thing I've done in my life.
              Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

                Like Ig said.. Nice to 'see' you again.
                chrs, Low


                  Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

                  As someone said earlier...

                  "Wow. Just wow."

                  Nice one Low.
                  Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                    Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

                    ignominous;1036777 wrote: Quote:
                    Originally Posted by Rusty View Post
                    ....... and I think some people secretly think it's a sign of weakness that we rely on a drug to help us quit drinking. I don't think it's a sign of weakness.......

                    I think that was me. Baclofen has shown me the idiocy of that reasoning. Is that an oxymoron or something!

                    UK, if you think that being an alcoholic is getting in the way of your emotional growth then go for it and enjoy the high. I had the same experience, thinking that a drug that feels this good must be bad for you. All the evidence and my experience to date point otherwise. Its possibly the most liberating thing I've done in my life.

                    I know for a fact that alcoholism has stopped my emotional growth, it has severely held me back for many year I've never denied that, in fact I've done many step ones, lots of work over this time admitting this painfully and infact recognise that completely so don't insult my intelligence. I don't think you realise how much I do know, recognise and do admit about this illness.

                    Heck I take the darned stuff and still get insults thrown at me.

                    Seems I can't win either way.


                      Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

                      Hijacking, for a moment, Low. Sorry.
                      It is my strict policy to not post when I wake up in the middle of the night. Anymore. Ever. But I don't like rules, I've got to stay up until my next bac dose, and you've been on my mind.

                      I stuck to my strict policy of avoiding brawls on the other thread...But I wanted to say this: I completely understand where you're coming from. Anyone that hasn't had those thoughts hasn't looked at a bottle of pills from some off-shore island, and thought, "WTF am I DOING???"

                      It's hard not to want to shout this from the rooftops when it starts to work. I liken it to the first time I got sober in AA, when I bored my unaddicted friends with powerful insights that just don't translate outside of the rooms.
                      Or one of the many times I found god, on a yoga mat, or a megachurch. And spread the "message" again.
                      All of those experiences were legitimate, I saw the light! Because I wasn't slave to the beast for a little while... But they didn't work for me.
                      This, this journey, is better. Profoundly. I can't imagine how it's going to feel when I am completely indifferent. Will I go completely off the wall and have "baclofen" tattooed on my forehead? Or a discreet little OA tattooed someplace else? hmmm. that's a thought. :H

                      As to Ig's comment, emotional maturity has been a theme in chat recently.
                      I know you know the drill, because I read the other threads.
                      As to the feel good? Yes, I've had it. I've more often had the experience of choking the damn pills down. It's likely you'll have that experience too. And I've also had the experience of taking too much, both because it feels good sometimes and because I'm just so damn eager... Didn't work so well for me, but it has for others.
                      Baclofen is my last, best hope for the suppression of my disease. I started this about 3:30am, sober. And I'm drinking water, even though it could still be 'wine time'. And I've got a full glass of wine right here, that I couldn't stomach and was too lazy to take to the kitchen last night. Woooohooooo baclofen.
                      Okay, first dose of the day has been taken, and I'm bac to bed for a little more kip.

                      Stick around. We're actually kind of funny over here, if a little irreverent and sarcastic. (Sometimes not so funny, though, of course.) Just like everywhere else on MWO.


                        Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

                        Well thanks for that at last some support.


                          Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

                          No offense intended UK and I'm sorry you read it that way.

                          I was trying to empathise with you about the feeling that you got from Bac. I think I may have started a thread about it being addictive because it felt so good.

                          Good for you that you're giving it a try. I started like a swashbuckler but for the longest time after I was in a quandary as to whether I was doing the right thing or heading for catastophe.
                          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                            Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

                            Yep. You're welcome. But we're all here, in the same park, on the same roller coaster. Fortunately it's not the feckin' merry-go-round anymore! :H
                            Ig definitely posted on his thread, I think Sobriety about bac being more fun than stuff he'd paid more for. Ha! At the time I was miserable with the bac, and wondered where the hell he was getting his?

                            Tell us something about yourself, somewhere, will you?


                              Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

                              "I fecked it all up by having a drink, and thinking it might be ok, then I did it again. I went right back to where I was to a full-on relapse within a few weeks"

                              This is exactly the reason why I was so reluctant to share and start this threat. Atm, everything is ok, but who knows what the future brings.

                              Update tapering:

                              Well, tapering down is easy for me. I'm on 200mg/d now. Nothing's changed, just feeling a whole lot better and got my feet on the ground again. SE's are almost gone. But MOST of ALL: I sleep well!! Still crazy hours, but I must set the alarm again.

                              At higher dosage, I often noticed some kind of noise in my head, a light 'peep'. On and off. Checked everything very closely: the fridge, loudspeaker, lights, electric devices, but I never could find out where the noise/sound came from. I held my ears against walls, floor, windows. Mostly at night. Pretty strange, now.
                              Maybe the industry should develop a new Bac that plays Mozart or Beethoven at high dosage. Anyway the 'peep' is gone now, so that was probably a SE I never really experienced as scary.



                                Well, I'm indifferent (6 jan 2011)

                                Lowcountryman;1037026 wrote:
                                At higher dosage, I often noticed some kind of noise in my head, a light 'peep'. On and off. Checked everything very closely: the fridge, loudspeaker, lights, electric devices, but I never could find out where the noise/sound came from. I held my ears against walls, floor, windows. Mostly at night. Pretty strange, now.
                                Maybe the industry should develop a new Bac that plays Mozart or Beethoven at high dosage. Anyway the 'peep' is gone now, so that was probably a SE I never really experienced as scary.
                                You're not alone with that SE, Low! I have been hearing all kinds of things, in addition to the basic ringing. And yes, especially at night. Mine wasn't a peep though. More like someone had a radio or tv on in the other room, even though there wasn't anything on. Sometimes I could actually go with it and let it unfurl until it really turned into a song.
                                That SE isn't so bad now, but still there on occasion. I heard a beautiful Bach piece yesterday that would have been nice to have replaying in my brain last night as I was drifting off to sleep! Or on one of the MANY numerous occasions that I woke up during the night. Can't wait until THAT SE goes away!
                                Better Living Through Chemistry

                                Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                                Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.

