For starters: I fucked up. I've been drinking this week. Like: drinking with a capital D. And I screwed up my job by not showing up. So it's bye bye job. I closed the curtains and..(well, you know). Not responding to emails, text-messages or any others calls. Feeling sad about a lot of things, and mad about others things. The whole package. More boring than disappointing perhaps.
How did it come this far? I'll try keep this update as relevant as possible.
I titrated down to zero again. A few weeks ago, I don't know when exactly. I was freaking tired of not being mentally at my 'sharpest'.
So, I today I woke up and first thing in my mind was to send my dearest Karen/Ne an email and let you all know what happened without taking the Bac. I opened up my gmail-account (only Ne leaves me a message there once in a while) and there was she.
I take the pills again. Since yesterday. Immediately got up to 50 mg (so no cravings today), and heading for my beloved 120's-150's.
At one hand I know exactly what to do (ttdp), at the other I'm really ff-ing pissed off that I let things slip right through my hand and lost control. I'll have to get up and pick up the broken pieces of this week. I'll manage. As always when I get myself in trouble.
I read about the new protocol. Staying on your switch-dose for the rest of your life. That is absolutely not an option. I'd rather, and might as well get addicted to another drug then, to get at least a fun moment once in a while. There's no functioning for me at, let's say, 380-400mg. Even at a dose of 120-150 I know I'm not as sharp as I could be, happier though. But I?ve come to realize during this journey that I find myself a nicer person and others also prefer me not drinking.
Pffft, here we go again. At least I know what to expect and what to aim for.
I'll update again next week. I guess to let you know that I feel no cravings at all while taking the Bac. Maybe I needed this (last and final?) fuck-up to not try again living without the Bac. Then again, great to be back here

Missed you too K. As far as girlwoman F is concerned, we take the first flight to Virg. You'll love her as I do you
