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    Hello All,

    I'm seeing posts about bac and exercise, to quote a couple of you, "bac and exercise feel GOOOOOD!!" and I think Neva said that she's excited to see what the possibilities are, with bac and exercise, because it makes her feel so good.

    Okay, tell the rest of us about your experience, pretty please! When did you notice a change? Did anyone not exercise and start on bac? How do you deal with hangovers and bac side effects AND exercise?

    What do you recommend for those who don't exercise now and are starting bac? How do you maximize the benefit? Are you seeing physical changes due to more exercise? Are you kicking into endorphins more and earlier than without bac?

    Curious minds want to know! Thanks in advance!



    Bac didn't affect me with respect to exercise, but I was very cautious when doing strength training. Because bac is a skeletal muscle relaxant, I wasn't sure how my muscles would perform under load. I was also concerned about coordination, since I'd been bumping into things a lot at the start of my bac program.

    None of these things seemed to matter, and I was able to perform exercise as normal.

    People often speak of the "endorphin high" of exercise. I can't say I've ever really gotten this, but there have been workouts where I've felt pretty darn good afterwards, so I assume there's some truth to it. This didn't change with or without bac.

    I wasn't really able to exercise while still drinking. The hangover was too much for me. I didn't have any problems while AF though, even at 200+mg/day bac.



      BAC and EXERCISE!

      "Did anyone not exercise and start on bac?"

      Uhm...(sticks up sheepish hand. Still not got round to buying those running shoes.)


        BAC and EXERCISE!
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
        A Forum
        Trolls need not apply


          BAC and EXERCISE!

          Thing about Bac and exercise is that is doesn't hurt like it used too.

          Still pretty boring mind you.
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


            BAC and EXERCISE!

            could someone explain what this word means,,ex,,,cer,,,cise? What does that mean? foreign concept here....
            "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


              BAC and EXERCISE!

              I have recently started on Baclofen mainly to combat my cravings.
              I did run before I was AF but always struggled but since being sober have noticed excercise is so much easier.
              My test is a race tomorrow after taking 40mgs of Baclofen today. I will let you know.


                BAC and EXERCISE!

                Taw Its a code spelling that signifies.............well anon knows.
                Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                  BAC and EXERCISE!

                  Exercise not EXCERCISE sorry my mistake. Is Bad spelling a SE of Baclofen?


                    BAC and EXERCISE!

                    Sadly, they still have not come up with the little pill that gets you to buy the shoes, lace them up, go to the gym, and stay there. :H
                    Bac comes close, though! (It's nice to look for SEs that aren't the yucky ones, ftr.)


                      BAC and EXERCISE!


                      I raise my hand!

                      I find a lot of things boring after a short while, but exercising was very immediate in that matter. I'd rather take a walk in the park in the springtime, with birds and bees and flowers all around me. And maybe, next spring I will actually take that walk instead of closing the curtains, avoiding spring, and get drunk.


                        BAC and EXERCISE!

                        See the Loop

                        Thanks everyone, including Lo0p, you're writing a book, right? You're so verbose and you have tracked your progress so closely, and you have such a good story to tell ....

                        I have found bac to make me lazy and sleepy, sometimes critically so, somnolesence (sp?) or whatever you want to call the sleepy side effect -- it definitely feeds my couch potato and not my workout fanatic.

                        I have been both, on and off, for many years, so I should have receptors for both!

                        Still waiting for my last two orders of bac, I've given up on one, the other should be here any day now. Afraid to raise my dose without a supply on hand just in case I need to lower it. (getting rid of the tit word here).

                        I'm looking forward to getting to where many of you already are, with indifference or AF, and able to control the carbs because you're AF which is crucial.....:goodjob:


                          BAC and EXERCISE!

                          Exercise - drink standing up, alternating arms with every sip.
                          Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                            BAC and EXERCISE!

                            Well i took the bac last night and won my category in a 10 k race today. Enough said!


                              BAC and EXERCISE!

                              I exercise daily and lift weights. No problem on bac. Being AF improves our metabolism and makes weight loss easier, not just by reducing the sugar calories either.
                              I have lost 52 pounds in 7 months. I have 10 pounds to go. I haven't felt this healthy in decades. I actually look 10 years younger than I did a year ago. One person said I look like a model! that never happened before. Just one unintended good consequences of being AF.
                              I am beginning to jog and am working my way up to more distance. I have a goal for my 59th birthday in March to celebrate it with a run. I am making progress toward the goal. That would only be possible AF.
                              Best to all
                              one year on the 13th for me.

