Tittle tattle
Thanks for the feedback, NE, Sunny, Anon, Low, Ig, everyone..... it gives me hope. Much needed today, since the last two days I've spent in bed sick (can do that on weekends so I do) and today was extra horrible.
Bleep, I did that exercise ALOT last night and spent today vomiting. BLEEP!!!! And I broke a promise to Fletch (my dog) that I'd take him to dogpark.
By the way, Nev, thanks for the contra-indications. I'm sure my melatonin isn't helping the situation, although it did help keep me sleeping when I'd otherwise be insomniacing.
By the way, asking all and any women out there, when I really poison myself good, like this weekend, and get a hangover that would kill a horse, I sometimes bleed *down there*. Do you? I also verge on the brink of a bladder infection, I can feel my urethra do something bad, and I get out the cranberry juice and usually can avoid it blossoming into a full fledged infection. Do you have this happen? I feel like I'm falling apart.
Wish my effin' RX would arrive. I'm unable to tit up until it gets here, for fear of needing to tit down. So far I've received one and two are outstanding, but I've only got two boxes left of the first one.....