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    Ukblonde;1043995 wrote: Whilst I'd never encourage anyone to do anything to threaten their health, 300mls isn't an awful lot of units. About 12 maximum for 37.5-40% vodka. It shouldn't take long to reduce that at all, with minimal withdrawals especially using Bac.
    Really? I thought that was an awful lot... plus for the past decade, when I was up to half a litre of vodka per night, I weighed 44kg and ate practically nothing. The only other calories I ingested besides the vodka was the juice I mixed it with.

    I'm thinking that maybe ingesting so much (even if it doesn't sound so outrageous to you) every day for over a decade (and a damn lot before that -- but mostly wine and beer) makes it harder for the body to stop, even if 300ml doesn't seem like so much.

    Also, I have quit cold turkey 8 times before (4 times in in-house detox centres, and 4 times on my own, armed with lorazepam and determination). I've heard that it gets harder and more dangerous physiologically with each new detox. (No doubt it gets worse each time psychologically.)

    But I take heart in your words, UKb, and I am determined to taper down. Only 150ml so far tonight and it's getting late here.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



      Beatle I've detoxed many times, the worst was about 2 years ago when I was drinking more than I ever have consistently(about 30 units a day). I collapsed at one point during this and that was when the Dr gave me some meds. I did it at home with librium but after 2 days I didn't need the librium any more and threw it away. I too was told detoxes would get worse, since then I've never drank for as long but have had similar episodes and the detox has never been anywhere near that bad since.Ok I've had the nightsweats, waking up in a panic, paranoia, feeling alone and frightened but that was bearable.I think they say detox's get worse because usually drinking increases everytime you go back to it. If yours has lessened it might not be as bad. Fear of detox often keeps people drinking - it did me for a long time way back whilst waiting for my first which was 7 1/2 years ago.

      12 units is just 1 glass more than a bottle of wine. Over a week yes it is a lot more than recommended but not a scary amount. I'm 60kg and female so larger than you but not that much considering I would drink almost 3 times that on an average bender day. I would however have a couple of days off each week. Perhaps that made the difference, don't let fear stop you from cutting back further. Alcohol creates fear itself.

      I'm not saying do it now, it's just something to think about now you've cut back this far.



        do you or have you thought about TSM and BAC? sorry if this has been discussed before. some others have had success combining the 2 methods I believe.
        maybe at some point there will be a test to see if we are deficient in gaba or seratonin or dopamine, etc, and which path might be most successful. be well.[/QUOTE

        Actually, TSM is the one and only thing I haven't tried. As I wrote elsewhere, when I decided to try meds again (after many a miserable failure), I didn't want to do TSM because I wanted to stop quicker and I didn't want to ever drink again.

        Now I feel too vested in the bac and in just stopping and staying stopped to even contemplate embarking on TSM.

        I know Lo0p did both, but I had the feeling he was so turned off on alcohol from the bac that he was forcing himself to drink just to keep the TSM protocol. I'd rather just be turned off on alcohol and not have to drink again.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



          gratitude;1043970 wrote: beatle,
          do you or have you thought about TSM and BAC? sorry if this has been discussed before. some others have had success combining the 2 methods I believe.
          maybe at some point there will be a test to see if we are deficient in gaba or seratonin or dopamine, etc, and which path might be most successful. be well.
          Thank you, gratitude.

          Actually, TSM is the one and only thing I haven't tried. As I wrote elsewhere, when I decided to try meds again (after many a miserable failure), I didn't want to do TSM because I wanted to stop quicker and I didn't want to ever drink again.

          Now I feel too vested in the bac and in just stopping and staying stopped to even contemplate embarking on TSM.

          I know Lo0p did both, but I had the feeling he was so turned off on alcohol from the bac that he was forcing himself to drink just to keep the TSM protocol. I'd rather just be turned off on alcohol and not have to drink again.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



            End of day 5 AF.

            I'm taking around 70mg bac per day, am feeling a lot more relaxed than usual and this is helping. I do still get urges, ideas to drink and am using a combination of thoughts to supress those. I don't want to increase my bac dose since I don't like feeling spaced out, it wouldn't be good for several parts of my life(remember I can't do a lot of things when I'm drinking, and being spaced would make things no different) and so the lower the better for me.

            I'm taking 10mg bac late afternoon which is when cravings usually hit, as well as making sure I'm occupied. Posting here is helping especially since I suggested Beatle try cutting back even more. I thought "Hey I can't drink and be telling Beatle not to!that would be hypocritical". Very selfish of me but it worked. Also remembering how good I look sober, hair, skin, fitness all coming back but keep reminding myself of how 'bobbly' my skin was going, also how in 2 or 3 weeks time my skin will look so good I'll not need any make-up at all. I know this is true from past AF spells. Yes annoyingly vain but it's keeping me safe.

            I'm looking at bac being an aid to my sobriety, not the sole reason which sits extremely well with me. I like to think I'm doing it, that gives me confidence and a sense of well being I don't want to destroy by drinking again.



              UKb, I really appreciate your advice and what you are writing about yourself. I'm very inspired.

              The vanity thing, well, I never thought of myself as vain, but this sagging face is the last thing I need for my already rock bottom self-confidence.

              I have never looked at bac as the magic pill-- although I do expect magic things to happen after all this. I am working on all other aspects of my life... when I can.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                Congrats, UKB, great job! You are on your way...



                  Well I drank again, I wasn't having massive cravings but I thought as usual that I could just get drunk once.

                  Turned into 3 days.

                  I've lost 2 strips of 10 x 25mg baclofen. It's not here and it's not in my bin so don't know what the hell I've done with it. Have ordered some more today but that was held up since I've had to have a card cancelled due to a problem with it.

                  Taken around 150mg today. I really need to stop drinking since I've not been able to work again, and am putting on more weight due to the food I'm comfort eating on top of the booze I'm consuming.

                  Here are my experiences with drinking on bac;

                  Most of the side effects experienced on bac are due to alcohol mixing with it, being

                  Spaced Out
                  Ringing in Ears

                  When I was AF for 5 days all these disappeared. I will also state that the lack of hangover with bac is NOT a positive effect. Why? because it doesn't put you off drinking more, and in fact I find it encouraging. I've NEVER had a hangover on bac despite drinking more than ever on it - prior to bac I had terrible hangovers everytime I drank and this did limit my drinking somewhat.

                  Quite a few mention wierd dreams, I've always had vivid dreams and they are no different on the bac. Emotions?No different to usual but then again I am used to having time off AL. On the bac and with booze I feel in a haze and am not experiencing heightened emotions at all. I do know when I remove alcohol that I do experience mood swings, and emotions I'm not used to having. These are normal, it's just I'm not used to them because of alcohol use.



                    UK, I disagree with your theory that no hangovers = bad thing. A shitty SE from a shitty habit is suddenly no longer there? Great.

                    Mind you, a potential hangover has never ever stopped me drinking before.
                    Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...



                      The shitty bits, from shitty habits generally give us reason to stop. Without the bad sides why on earth would we ever want to quit?

                      you are correct, a bad hangover never stopped me, but it did usually provide me with a few hours where I couldn't or didn't drink. It also contributed to the pain which would build up and make me so sick I'd want to stop. That was how I stopped 10 months ago-for almost 6 months.



                        How are you doing UK? My thoughts, and I'm sure many others, are with you? Are you AF at the moment?
                        Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...




                          I am sitting here on the sidelines rooting for you. I know how difficult and painful this journey is.

                          You have tried as hard as I have and I hope and pray you find your way out.

                          I have a bit of time under my belt but I am still taking the Baclofen and praying.

                          There just must be a way out for us.

                          We care, we try, and we fail.

                          There MUST be success somewhere.

                          I hate this disease. I really do.

                          Keep on keeping on.

                          As our dear Bear said, "Never quit trying to quit." He had about two years under his belt when he was killed by a drunk driver.

                          Whatever it takes, eh?

                          I can't quit quitting. There are so many relying on me.

                          I know what you are going through.

                          I just wanted to say.

                          I struggle daily. I know you do, too.

                          AF April 9, 2016



                            Thanks everyone

                            Well awoke today and the SE are just as bad as when I was drinking. Head spining, red eyes. I wouldn't drive right now because I know I'm not fit. Somehow I've got to be right for work later - that means no red eyes and not feeling stoned. Was hoping to get to the gym but I suspect I'd drop the weights, or just fall off whatever I'm doing.



                              It sounds like you're having a tough time Blondey, hope you manage to pull through.



                                UK, I find bac to be incredibly dose dependent. Just miss your next dose, and you'll be fine in no time.

                                I wonder why it suddenly hit you, have you upped your dose recently?
                                Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...

