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    That's ok and thank you.

    I will keep everyone updated on my progress.



      I wanted to quote UKB and DbD about hangovers and drinking more on bac. (Can someone please tell me how to do double quotes?)

      Anyway, I experienced (am still experiencing) something similar. I can drink more on bac without hangovers. (Actually, I rarely had hangovers ever, even after 1/2 litre vodka days. Something is seriously f***ed with my metabolism).

      I also experienced less anxiety irt drinking, although I think that was because I thought I was on my way to beating AL, so what the heck -- it won't last long... :upset:

      I notice that I have more control, even with a lot of alcohol in my system, than pre-bac.

      I am able to exert a little more will power and self control because of bac. When I look at the bottle and see that I've had 300ml vodka, I can say: "Wow, that was a lot... time to stop."

      But still, 300ml vodka a night? Progress, yes, but remember: 17 months on bac! Gives new meaning to the phrase "baby steps".
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005




        Thanks for sharing that. Yes I agree with what you say regards effects on your drinking. I have to say that whatever has happened I'm still having to make an effort. I have had two points today where I thought "hmmm I've got some time spare tomorrow, I could get sploshed tonight" and I have thought about a drink. I've used tools I already have used in the past to get past that one as well as a 10mg tab of bac.

        I still have a very sneaky suspicion that bac doesn't do the whole job by a long chalk. I've also been working on keeping calm, as well as scaling back my daily activities including my exercise plan. I've basically taken myself right back, mentally and physically, to where I was at the end of last March - which was the start of almost 6 months AF. This is quite frustrating since I am nowhere near as bad physically as I was back then, and it's holding up a lot of my current plans but I figured what worked last time, must work again. Not drinking Friday took a momentous effort but I was really sick of it all, I do believe taking AL from the equation speeds up the bac process enormously. I no longer feel spaced, no ringing ears and just get a slight buzz when I've taken my largest dose before bed.

        How about you try 3 days AF?That's only 3 days after 17 months of the stuff. You might find a difference.

        Back to dependency, I'm only concerned about not being able to stop taking it if I need to. For instance when I go on holiday - I would not be happy taking internet bought meds through customs.



          If you read Seven Weeks to Sobriety you will come away thinking that there is a huge amount more to alcoholism than Ameisen makes out. Phill also believes that and you should make contact and speak to him. Why not try the nutrient approach? I think bac addresses anxiety type cravings and gives you control over your thoughts even at low doses and is very useful but at high doses one can become detached from reality. Try using low dose bac just to help with anxiety and use other methods to mend the damage drinking has done which may be impeding your recovery. Everyone is different in terms of metabolism and the extent of the damage they have suffered from drinking. You just have to keep trying. Bac is also very good for alcohol withdrawal symptoms if things get out of control.

          Good luck and best wishes.

          Olivier Ameisen

          In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"



            Otter, I agree wholeheartedly -- and with experience to back it up.

            I did the whole "Seven Weeks" program and it did not keep me sober, but it did help along physically, and the two times I quit cold turkey on that program were much better than previous attempts.

            I've been focussing on Bac on this meds forum, but if you look at Holistic Healing, you will see I am a die-hard believer in nutritional healing and alternative healing methods. I don't think anything is a solution in a vacuum.

            People talk about toolboxes, and I have some other tools, too, but my personal toolbox is full of supplements and nutritional recipes. (And reams of research, of course )

            If I hadn't paid attention to the nutritional healing part, I'm quite sure I would be in far worse shape today than I am... yeah, I know, as bad as I am... but I could be dead.

            I have used "Seven Weeks" as a starting point and developed my own supplemental regime from that -- very different in the end, but I needed the basis to start.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



              I have read a lot of information on alcoholism, studied the 12 steps, nutritional therapy, CBT, counselling and meds.

              My conclusion and experience is that this is a several-fold condition. I have my diet in place and also have a good self-awareness. My tool box involves nutrition, some exercise, as well as a lot of CBT type strategies, and generally 'dealing' with myself. By that I mean staying calm, having belief things will be ok as long as I don't drink, not letting things get to me and living ODAT. The most success I've ever had has only come by putting my sobriety first and foremost.



                UK, the impression I get is a very 12 step approach. Maybe trying to give in to another approach might be beneficial. You seem prejudiced against them. Just saying...
                Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...



                  I agree Seven Weeks to Sobriety is an awesome tool for your kit. The author also wrote Depression Free Naturally, which basically provides similar solutions for non AL folks, including tons of aminos, nutritional recipes, etc. I think UK, you'd find it fits right in with your toobox. Congrats on being AF, that's a huge accomplishment. :goodjob:



                    bleep69;1043495 wrote: UK, the impression I get is a very 12 step approach. Maybe trying to give in to another approach might be beneficial. You seem prejudiced against them. Just saying...
                    Bleep what other things have I not tried?I've done just about everything you can think of and use the tools that work for me. I've tried all sorts of meds, including Topa, AB, Campral and now Bac which appears to be helping. Hypnotherapy, counselling, AA, CBT, nutritional, will power and white knuckling, spent thousands on private treatment and seen lots of addiction/alcohol specialists. The most successful have been the ones I'm using now and I'm still taking the Bac and am 4 days AF. How can that be prejudiced?

                    I'm reporting what I think to be positive effects from a med I was very sceptical about and I'm prejudiced?

                    Seems as if I'm back in the no win territory here, damned if I do and damned if I don't.



                      Sorry, I posted that in the midst of a bac funk. I see you have several other methods under your belt already...
                      Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...



                        Ukblonde;1043397 wrote: ...
                        For instance when I go on holiday - I would not be happy taking internet bought meds through customs.
                        Smuggling is an honourable tradition where I come from. Just put them in your pocket, you'll be fine. They have crossed the border once already on the way in, generally.

                        That said, I agree fully with what you say about having to take it once you've started. I dislike that aspect of baclofen.
                        Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...



                          Beatle, 18 months is just around the corner, and gets closer every minute!

                          UK, I notice your sig has changed, I find that very encouraging, both for you and for me. In an earlier post you said "As it is I'm stronger than that and there is a great section with lots of impartial support and advice. Just not here." Where are you referring to?


                          Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...



                            Ukblonde;1043397 wrote: Beatle

                            How about you try 3 days AF?That's only 3 days after 17 months of the stuff. You might find a difference.
                            obviously this is a good idea, but I honestly think I would go through severe withdrawals (as I have before) ... I know the bac is supposed have your back, but I'm not able to take the risk, or to live through that at this time...

                            ... because I am in an outlandishly horrible situation right now, and sometimes the need (call it craving, I call it need) to drink is physically so strong that I feel I will implode if I don't have something to drink.

                            For me, though, I think the key is to decrease in increments, but fairly quickly. I tried this a couple times and got a few AF days (never in a row) in and quite a few low drinking days. This happened before the horrible situation I was in then slowly exploded (I know, that's an oxymoron -- maybe escalated into exploding and keeps exploding with no end in sight?) -- and I felt I could not live without alcohol. I still feel that way every day, and things somehow get worse every day. It's a lose-lose situation, but decreasing the alcohol intake is a definite first step.

                            Another thing, bac makes me very agitated, and that is a huge trigger for me to drink.

                            Anyway, thank you for your advice, UK, and I know you are right. But that doesn't make it possible (right now).
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                              do you or have you thought about TSM and BAC? sorry if this has been discussed before. some others have had success combining the 2 methods I believe.
                              maybe at some point there will be a test to see if we are deficient in gaba or seratonin or dopamine, etc, and which path might be most successful. be well.



                                Whilst I'd never encourage anyone to do anything to threaten their health, 300mls isn't an awful lot of units. About 12 maximum for 37.5-40% vodka. It shouldn't take long to reduce that at all, with minimal withdrawals especially using Bac.

