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Day one tomorrow on Topamax.

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    Day one tomorrow on Topamax.

    Hi all,

    This is my first posting. Meant to start new thread but tagged onto another. Oops. I went to my trusted and outstanding primary doctor who delivered my two children today after finding this website and reading this book yesterday. I printed out the literature and took it in, made my confessions (and told her I'd been untruthful for years), and she was skeptical when I told her I hoped to become an occasional and moderate drinker at some pint. She gave me some advice on abstinence, the placebo affect, drugs affecting people in different ways, alcohol and it's effects on the brain in even small doses, and was very accusatory of this book and website since they are profiting off the tapes and packages. However, I was persistent and told her I wanted to try Topamax and she said she had no problem with giving me the prescription after explaining how it worked and she took down the name of this site and the Lancet study article I brought in. I will be picking it up after work today, along with the supplements and the hyno CD's should arrive soon. I hope this isn't a load of crap. She did say I probably wouldn't make it up to the suggested dosage due to the side effects. She said I would be "ditsy" or "flitty" or something along those lines. She agreed when I said, I'm sure it's no worse than how I am after drinking 5+ glasses of wine the night before. I will let you know how this turns out for me.

    Day one tomorrow on Topamax.

    Welcome Redy! Best wishes! Keep us posted on your progress!! Good for you for taking the first step!
    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


      Day one tomorrow on Topamax.

      I'm sure that was not an easy conversation you had with your primary.

      Way to go on getting started!

      We're here for you Redy. Keep us posted on your progress!
      Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


        Day one tomorrow on Topamax.

        Hi there Ready - I am so pleased that you are starting Topa - I take it. I can't believe your doc said that to you -really supportive !!! There is another thread here called New Here and Starting Topa - when you have a spare couple of hours (LOL), read through it - quite a few folk have posted on it and you can see what sorts of SE they have had. I still post on it and so do a few others but we have sort of veered off course lately 'cos there isn't anyone else who posts on Topa! Please feel free to post on that thread - the others there can chime in with their experiences on Topa for you too. One thing I do suggest is following the titration schedule in the MWO book - i.e. 25mg for the first week, etc. Please feel free to PM me should you have any questions at all - and as I said, come on over to the other thread as well - as I said, we just chat now but would love to have someone else join us - and we all have taken/or are on Topa so we all have lots of experience between us.

        Hugs to you,

        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          Day one tomorrow on Topamax.

          Hello Redy - I haven't posted out here in quite awhile. I tried Topa last year & had great results with it. I'm back to it again after a long time. Start slowly & follow the schedule in the book as others have suggested. I found it made me tired at first. I also had some muscle weakness - others didn't seem to have that. Otherwise, once I was used to it - it was pretty great. It killed my desire to drink & i found it pretty easy to abstain. In the beginning when it made me a little more tired than I was used to, I just made sure I took it later in the day when I didn't have to be as sharp. As my body got more used to it, I was fine. I didn't ever have to dose up to more than 75 mg/day the first time I did it. I've never gone past 100mg a day for it to work for me, but everyone is different. You'll have to see how it goes for you. I found that when I went & drank on it, I got huge banging headaches - quite unpleasant . . . .try to abstain or drink very little. I really didn't want a drink while taking it though. Good luck!

