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How I stopped drinking: Bac. VS Nal

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    How I stopped drinking: Bac. VS Nal

    When you want something bad is up to you to find what is the best path....and that is exactly what I did. My story is just what worked for me. I am sharing my story to help those who are looking for alternatives to "cold turkey" and baclofen.

    Wow... it has been an adventure!!

    With all I read initially, I really thought baclofen was my "golden ticket"...I just needed a script which was next to impossible to get in Canada. The U.S. doctor was great and wrote me a perscription, but there was a lot of hassle trying to get it over the boarder. Then, the idea that I had to keep taking the medication if I wanted to be alcohol free was a little much for me. I didn't really like the way baclofen made me, I do a lot of driving to get to work--and for those of you who are on/or have taken baclofen before, you know how tired it makes you. I needed help...but I didn't think baclofen was the answer.

    I sucked-up my pride, and started making phone calls...there had to be someone in my community, province that could help me. After many, many calls, I was direct to a addictive medicine doctor. His office was in a seedy part of town, still I walked into his office and told him my story. I was honest about how much I drank and how long I had been drinking. He was very good and patient and wanted me to get all his other patients. He perscribed me naltrexone. He said it would work. And it has!! I have been alcohol free for 3 months....and lost 15 lbs. (without trying!!).

    I had test done to see if there was any damage to my liver...and thank God, there was none.

    I no longer take nal. every morning, now I take it just three times a week. And soon, if all goes well, I can stop taking it completely.

    Life is good alcohol free...If I knew now the difference between drinking and not drinking and the effects on my daily life....I would have stopped long ago. I just forgot through drinking, what the important things were. I have reconnected with many friends I dropped as my drinking increased.

    Next week my husband is going to go see my doctor!!

    Good luck to everyone, I hope my story inspires someone to stop drinking and start living again!!

    How I stopped drinking: Bac. VS Nal

    Thank for sharing Wonka! Glad you found something that worked!!!

    I am sure this will be a huge help to others looking for a solution!!
    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


      How I stopped drinking: Bac. VS Nal

      Thanks Wonka! That's inspiring. I'm struggling with the SEs on bac, so very interested in how you felt on Nal. How long did it take and what dosage were you on? How long had you been drinking, and how much? If you don't mind sharing.... Thanks for sharing your story!


        How I stopped drinking: Bac. VS Nal

        You lost fifteen pounds without trying? I got pick-pocketed in Rome, I lost twice that ha-ha! (true story actually!)

        Congratulations on your success. Life without the fog of booze. Nice!


          How I stopped drinking: Bac. VS Nal

          I am so happy to read your post! I will be starting Nal within the next couple of weeks. I just pray I have as great results as you! Great Luck to you!!


            How I stopped drinking: Bac. VS Nal

            Bruunhilde;1042175 wrote: Thanks Wonka! That's inspiring. I'm struggling with the SEs on bac, so very interested in how you felt on Nal. How long did it take and what dosage were you on? How long had you been drinking, and how much? If you don't mind sharing.... Thanks for sharing your story!
            Okay....I was drinking 3/4 to a bottle of wine a night and more on the weekends...over a period of many, many, years (15 give/take). Of course there was variation, but that is about average. My doc. gave me a perscription for nal... called "Revia" in Canada, at 50 mg. once a day. He said that the medication would stop me from getting a buzz off the alcohol--and help with cravings. The first day I took it I had flu like symptoms that landed me in bed. Good, because that made me not want to drink--and remember, the reason I was taking it was to stop I did have a pretty good motivation happening.

            The first week I wasn't tempted to drink, but honestly I was curious what would happen if I, drinking was a habit....sooooooo, I did pour myself a glass of wine the second week, had a few sips...and nothing. So I figured, "What is the point?" and didn't finish the glass.

            I saw my doc. every two weeks for the first two months, so he could monitor my progress...and he only gave me enough pills until we met!! Initially he thought he would have to increase the amount I took if my cravings were too strong...but, it turned out, I stopped with just a 50 mg. strength.

            Now, if I want a drink or I feel that "rush" that I want a drink, I pour myself a glass of non-alcoholic wine...and usually don't finish that either.

            I am not saying that I am cured....but I certainly am on the road to recovery...and find myself smiling when I wake-up in the morning and wonder why I ever let alcohol rule my life!!

            Hope it helps. Let me know if you have any questions that I can help with.


            ..glad to share and glad it is helping others

