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How to dose bac inb my situation?

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    How to dose bac inb my situation?

    Hi everybody,

    Disclaimer: Sorry for my bad english but I am a foreigner from the Netherlands.

    Unfortunatly I've been strugling with my alcoholconsumption for about two years right now after drinking too much for 8 years.

    After drinking without stopping for 5 years (18 till 23) I'd come to a point that I needed help. My financial, social and every situation imagineable was horrible. So I went to a rehab center. It wasn't a internal project, just some consults every month.

    I've been in a rehab project for about half a year now and tried refusal this summer. Although it kept me clean for about 3 months, it still felt like a battle every day. After stopped using the refusal I gradually started my drinking again. Until the point I am right now.

    In the 3 months of non-alcohol use I managed to get a good job and get things right. I was really proud of myself. Now that I am drinking again it is going the wrong way. Since i've been here before I know i'm sliding off again.

    Slowly started to drink daily again, when I'm out with my friends I start binging again and miss my work. And when I'm off work... I invite some friends in my place and it's off.

    In fact the worst thing is that when friends come to my place, I''ll have alcohol in my house the next day. So when I wake up the next day I feel so horrible I take a beer. Just saying in my head: "Just one, it will ease the hangover" After that one beer I start getting it again. This continues untill there is no alcohol anymore in my house.

    At that point I'm able to tell myself: not tonight, you have to work tomorrow so that's the good thing. The bad thing is that I notice that it's going the wrong way.

    The last months I got in much more fights (not physical) than in the whole summer. My drinking started to go up and I am missing workdays. Since I''m a freelancer that doesn''t matter: ill go the next day. But when I look to my behavior on a honest way I see i'm sliding off.

    So that''s why I ordered baclofen in a very drunk mood. I''m tired of fighting everyday against the craving until the day arrives I allow myself to drink. Only finding myself in another fight or just a horrible morning. The only option is to stop totally, or try baclofen.

    Since I've threw enough junk in my body the past couple of years, it wont matter much to try this one. So until it arrives I'm trying to obtain as much information as possible, this includes posting on this forum.

    So after telling my story, here comes the question:
    Since i'm not the drinking wiskeys or drinking all day/week long. I consider myself as an alcoholdependent person, not an alcoholic.

    What should that do with the dose? Should I start lighter than normal or just work it up the ramp till it hits?

    Maybe somebody who recognizes itself in this can give some good advice.

    Thanks in advance,

    How to dose bac inb my situation?

    That's probably the smartest thing you've ever done while drunk!! :goodjob:

    I think you've got it backwards. You're an alcoholic but not necessarily alcohol dependent. You can find out by not drinking. If you go into physical withdrawals then you are alcohol dependent too. We've already established that you're an alcoholic because even after not drinking for 3 months you are still white knuckling it every single day.

    No you do not need to start lower, it sounds like you've got it just as bad as a lot of us do (past tense for me).

    I defer to someone else as to what a normal titration schedule is. Sounds to me like you've got more reading to do.
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      How to dose bac inb my situation?

      Hi, anonymity and :welcome:

      The following post has many of the threads that can get you started finding information about treating alcoholism with high-dose baclofen:

      There is also a thread around here concerning dosing suggestions and advice.
      Good reading!


        How to dose bac inb my situation?

        Anonymity, hello. I'm at the start of my baclofen regime. I based it around the pills I got which were 25mg and 10mg. I started at 20mg a day (2x10) for a week then moved to 35mg a day (1x10, 1x25) and am going to stay at that for at least two weeks because of some side effects - tiredness, general mental slowness, thirst (ha!), some phantom hangovers. BUT, I was advised to take it slower than that and the reason I didn't was I couldn't be bothered to split pills, so there was no real logic in my decision just plain laziness

        However, even at low doses I have noticed that the urge to drink has gone. I can't be sure that this is down to the baclofen as I have gone this far (2 weeks) in January before so it could be a bit of willpower, staying away from old haunts etc. I will say this though, I work from home but have to go to London for the day sometimes. For the past year almost every single time I have worked in London I have tried to hook up with someone either there or on the way home for a drink. I've been in London four times this past 2 weeks and haven't even thought about trying to drag someone out for a gargle.


          How to dose bac inb my situation?

          Hi Anonimity,

          Also from the low-countries I sent you a Private Message in Dutch. Maybe I can offer some help and/or info.



            How to dose bac inb my situation?

            This is the best description of an alcoholic I have ever heard/read:

            I think you've got it backwards. You're an alcoholic but not necessarily alcohol dependent. You can find out by not drinking. If you go into physical withdrawals then you are alcohol dependent too. We've already established that you're an alcoholic because even after not drinking for 3 months you are still white knuckling it every single day.
            :welcome: Anonymity. Glad you are here.

            I would follow the regime for "normal" alcoholics. It works for so many.

            AF April 9, 2016

