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Hello, everyone - My Baclofen Experience

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    Hello, everyone - My Baclofen Experience

    Thanks for the advice, guys.

    I suppose I am just someone who is a nutcase when it comes to having to lie about anything (even if the lie doesn't hurt anyone).

    I am in the UK, so I don't know any way of getting a prescription over here. Just mentioning it to my GP caused him to send me to the local drug and alcohol unit for 'addiction to baclofen'.

    The kind of shooting I will be doing is target shooting with guns. I would not do that while hammered drunk, and I am not the kind of person who is able to drink to blackout levels because I have a phobia of throwing up.

    I think I am going to wait until after the holiday, and then the next time I have a holiday I will taper off my Baclofen doseage to nothing beforehand, and then start up again once I am home.


      Hello, everyone - My Baclofen Experience

      Persona;1126180 wrote: ... having to lie about anything (even if the lie doesn't hurt anyone).
      hmmm. I'd take a good hard look at that, Persona, and decide where the half-truths really are. Then I'd try and figure out who I was actually hurting with those half-truths.

      My take on it is this: The biggest lies I've ever told were the ones I told myself. The only person they ever harmed was me.

      I'm really glad I don't live like that anymore.

      I was never really able to moderate my drinking before in order to make sure that a trip was successful, especially the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Those are the ones I was guaranteed to mess up! Then again, I was never afraid of throwing up! That was just par for the course.

      I'm glad you are not there. I hope it's a good trip and that you know that bac, and MWO, be there if and when you decide to use it.

      Good luck, Persona!


        Hello, everyone - My Baclofen Experience


        Just been quickly reading this thread, and your posts. Hmmm sounds as if you had the classic honeymoon period with Naltrexone, I've read that it's quite normal to experience severe spikes. Including a return to old drinking patterns, and that control can take 6, 9 or even 12 months to attain. Are you still taking the Nal, or have you given up on it completely?

        Regards Baclofen it is virtually impossible to get any GP to prescribe. This is because so little is known, there isn't a dosing protocol and it isn't licenced for alcohol use - never mind prescribed above the recommended 100mgs per day. There is a private specialist based in Edinburgh who is open to baclofen, and sometimes will prescribe - although you do have to see him in person for this. I can pass on his details to you if you wish?

        I personally would not risk carrying unprescribed medicines. I know plenty say "Well I walked through with my pills" and "My friend has always been ok", but did these people get stopped?It's one thing walking straight through customs and no-one being the wiser, but another being randomly stopped just for a one off search.

        I once knew a person who used to walk through customs with amphetamine(that's an illegal drug in most countries) in their back pocket, they never got stopped but that isn't proof that it's safe to smuggle drugs.


          Hello, everyone - My Baclofen Experience

          But the thing is UK is that baclofen is not illegal. Even if they "catch" you in a random search, so what? You may be inconvenienced at the border control, but you haven't done anything wrong, have you?

          And what would the lie be? "Excuse me sir, do you have any prescription drugs?" I've traveled a lot, and never been asked that. Just tell them yes if they do ask. There is nothing wrong or illegal about traveling with baclofen. I think.


            Hello, everyone - My Baclofen Experience

            Persona;1126180 wrote: I think I am going to wait until after the holiday, and then the next time I have a holiday I will taper off my Baclofen doseage to nothing beforehand, and then start up again once I am home.
            Super-bad idea Persona if you don't mind me saying. Unless that is, you only have a holiday every 2 years. You'll do yourself absolutely no favours by going up and then down to nothing. You'll make the whole process impossibly long and I have my suspicions that sort of activity might even ensure bac fails to work.

            It's not really a matter of lying to anyone. It's merely withholding some information which no one else needs to know. It's not like you're carrying a bomb. Just my opinion.

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              Hello, everyone - My Baclofen Experience

              Ne/Neva Eva;1126527 wrote: hmmm. I'd take a good hard look at that, Persona, and decide where the half-truths really are. Then I'd try and figure out who I was actually hurting with those half-truths.

              My take on it is this: The biggest lies I've ever told were the ones I told myself. The only person they ever harmed was me.

              I'm really glad I don't live like that anymore.

              I was never really able to moderate my drinking before in order to make sure that a trip was successful, especially the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Those are the ones I was guaranteed to mess up! Then again, I was never afraid of throwing up! That was just par for the course.

              I'm glad you are not there. I hope it's a good trip and that you know that bac, and MWO, be there if and when you decide to use it.

              Good luck, Persona!
              Thanks for your kind words.


                Hello, everyone - My Baclofen Experience

                Ukblonde;1126537 wrote: Persona

                Just been quickly reading this thread, and your posts. Hmmm sounds as if you had the classic honeymoon period with Naltrexone, I've read that it's quite normal to experience severe spikes. Including a return to old drinking patterns, and that control can take 6, 9 or even 12 months to attain. Are you still taking the Nal, or have you given up on it completely?

                Regards Baclofen it is virtually impossible to get any GP to prescribe. This is because so little is known, there isn't a dosing protocol and it isn't licenced for alcohol use - never mind prescribed above the recommended 100mgs per day. There is a private specialist based in Edinburgh who is open to baclofen, and sometimes will prescribe - although you do have to see him in person for this. I can pass on his details to you if you wish?

                I personally would not risk carrying unprescribed medicines. I know plenty say "Well I walked through with my pills" and "My friend has always been ok", but did these people get stopped?It's one thing walking straight through customs and no-one being the wiser, but another being randomly stopped just for a one off search.

                I once knew a person who used to walk through customs with amphetamine(that's an illegal drug in most countries) in their back pocket, they never got stopped but that isn't proof that it's safe to smuggle drugs.
                Hello Ukblonde.

                I can't remember exactly how long I took the Naltrexone for. I think it was a period of around six months. I was quite happy with taking it, but I was not happy with the weight I was putting on from drinking beer. I stopped taking it because when I decided to try Baclofen, I found that the only way I could cope with Baclofen was to take it without drinking, and no drinking equals no Naltrexone. I kind of wish I had stuck with the Naltrexone.

                On the Baclofen side of things, I was doing really well with taking it and not drinking, I had lost 20lbs, was experiencing virtually no side effects, and was sleeping as well as I used to do as a child. I then screwed it up by not paying close enough attention how much supply I had left, and having to taper off my doseage to nothing to prevent withdrawal symptoms.


                  Hello, everyone - My Baclofen Experience

                  Murphyx;1126580 wrote: Super-bad idea Persona if you don't mind me saying. Unless that is, you only have a holiday every 2 years. You'll do yourself absolutely no favours by going up and then down to nothing. You'll make the whole process impossibly long and I have my suspicions that sort of activity might even ensure bac fails to work.

                  It's not really a matter of lying to anyone. It's merely withholding some information which no one else needs to know. It's not like you're carrying a bomb. Just my opinion.
                  Ideally I'd like to not mess around and take the Baclofen abroad with me. It's the kind of thing that I think probably isn't illegal, but I don't know for sure.


                    Hello, everyone - My Baclofen Experience


                    Taking Baclofen abroad is unlikely to be illegal, however I'd prefer not to have to explain why I had large numbers of little white pills on me. Some prescription drugs I believe whilst not illegal, are illegal to sell on. It would be interesting to know just how much Baclofen could be considered personal use, and at what point suspicion arises. There was a programme on the BBC not so long ago about the police being alerted to people ordering high dose medicines online.!

                    If you do take some abroad I'd definitely take the blister strips. I know someone who 'works' with medicines, and they expressed some concern when I asked them about travelling with loose baclofen.

