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New and question about getting started with Topamax

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    New and question about getting started with Topamax

    Sorry for the cross-posting. I posted this to the Just Getting Started section and it was suggested that I should ask my question here so here goes!
    I'm so happy to write to say that I found a doctor that would prescribe Topamax for me. My family doctor wasn't willing to do it but I found a psychiatrist that would.

    I held my breath during the appointment worried that she wouldn't go through it. I bit my tongue when she talked about addicts and wondered why I am not interested in attending AA.

    But, she did give me two prescriptions - one for 25 mg and another for 100 mg so I can titrate up.

    My question to the experienced folks here is should I go ahead and start on the Topamax when I can pick it up tomorrow or should I wait until I receive the hypnotherapy CD's and supplements? I still need to get those. Do most of you do all of the supplements and CD's with the meds?

    I'm so excited to get started. The My Way Out book resonated so much with me. I could totally relate to what I was reading. It made me feel good to read that I am not a bad person because I can't stop with one or two glasses of wine.

    I'm so eager to get rid of the shame of drinking one plus bottles of wine a night.

    I really appreciate everyone's input! Thanks in advance for your responses.:new:

    New and question about getting started with Topamax

    Hi Mariesc, and welcome.

    I have not tried topa, or the cd's so am unable to help. However, there is a huge thread with a title very similar to yours,

    that if have a free week to read through will surely answer your question! Either that, or someone with experience will drop by and help, no doubt.

    If I had to guess, take the pills now.
    Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


      New and question about getting started with Topamax

      Sorry, forgot to add, good luck.
      Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


        New and question about getting started with Topamax

        Can't believe I lost my whole reply!! marie - I have to go to work - but as Bleep said - post on the new here and starting Topa with a question - in the meantime, yes take the 25 mg. Pm me if you have any questions - I can help or any of us on the other thread can too - hate that I lost my post!!! Lots more re the dosage!!

        Sunshinedaisies x
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          New and question about getting started with Topamax

          Thanks bleep and sunshine. I'll pick up my RX this afternoon and get started! I'm so excited and hopeful.


            New and question about getting started with Topamax

            Welcome Marie!
            My best wishes to you!
            I am on Topa, it is not a miracle pill, as we all hope, but it does work for many many people.
            I ll try to write more soon. I m writing from my phone as my computer is not working.:welcome:

