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    Bruunhilde;1045357 wrote: Hi Katherine, no, haven't hit the switch, nowhere near - I have no body aches. However, I feel high, dizzy, weak, exhausted, nauseaus. I'd prefer body aches though!
    :l The body aches are not so bad as the day goes on and some days no aches at all so maybe it's the Beast leaving it's calling card! All the best to you and hope you reach the switch soon. Do let us know when you do. K:h



      I wish I could tell you I hit it today! Hope to hit it before too long! :thanks:



        Katherine;1045139 wrote: I am a very private person and suffered my alcoholism on my own, hiding it from all. This was added pressure as I couldn't seek help for fear of being exposed as a drunken woman. I drank alone and can't really say that I was a drunken woman as I slept my way through it most of the time. When I eventually reached rock bottom I did turn to my local doctors' surgery but not one of them understood or really, if I am honest, cared or wanted to know enough to help me........... that's another long story. This forum has given me a chance to let others know of my plight and how I was able to get out of a disasterous situation lest I became another statistic.
        Katherine--I can understand totally. I too have had to hide my alcoholism from others. They already saw me as a drunken woman, and hated me when I was like that. (I hated myself just as much for it.) I've been a completely "closeted" alcoholic for years, though people around me *think* I'm sober. It's been very difficult!

        I also understand the frustration with doctors, etc. That's been my experience as well. I've tried to get others to read articles I've sent about Dr. A, but I haven't even gotten them to read anything. All I ever got was severe judgment. This forum has been a godsend because of that. I can actually talk about what's bothering me, and about how much I'm (still) drinking, and about my struggles with the Bac. And they understand and don't judge! It's truly a blessing.

        Congrats again! :h :l



          [QUOTE=seeking_serenity;1045415]Katherine--I can understand totally. I too have had to hide my alcoholism from others. They already saw me as a drunken woman, and hated me when I was like that. (I hated myself just as much for it.) I've been a completely "closeted" alcoholic for years, though people around me *think* I'm sober. It's been very difficult!

          :l Thanks S_S this adds to my awareness that there are so many others out there struggling against the tide that I have come to call the Beast since my first few weeks on Bac. As you have read, I was completely indifferent to alcohol from the word go. As the weeks turned into months of this new found freedom from the Beast it came to be the way I saw it/alc - a beast lurking out there looking for victims and I was one of them all those years ago when I found that a drink or two helped fend off my anxiety and stress. After saying that, it was fine at that time I won't deny, but over the course of time its claws sets in and won't let go and life a conveyor belt of drinking to get ride of those horrid anxiety attacks then suffering more from withdrawal once over the attacks - a vicious circle of the worse kind. It was a miracle ending for me, from that downward spiral, when I took bac. that first day and hope that this works for you too. Chin up and a huge pat on the back from me - you are worth it! K:h



            Hello Katherine, Been around for a while reading forums and posts and think that it is a great site. Can relate to you in particular as I also was more or less there from the word go. Have been on baclofen now for over 18 months and not looked back since. Really like the way you write on here and think that you could do more cos there's bound to be others surfing from time to time like me. Hope you are still logging in sometimes but have send you a pm too. TGE :goodjob:



              TheGreatEscape;1047512 wrote: Hello Katherine, Been around for a while reading forums and posts and think that it is a great site. Can relate to you in particular as I also was more or less there from the word go. Have been on baclofen now for over 18 months and not looked back since. Really like the way you write on here and think that you could do more cos there's bound to be others surfing from time to time like me. Hope you are still logging in sometimes but have send you a pm too. TGE :goodjob:
              :thanks: Yes, I still have a look at the latest posts and threads TheGreatEscape. Wow! like it! guess it refers to your Great Escape from the Beast! ha! Great to hear that you are doing well after 18 months on Bac. Take it that you hit the switch as they call it on here on a low dose like me so what are you on now if any? Would be great to know as I am thinking of tapering down to 5 mg morning and same in the evening next week when I hit the big 12 month call! just on 5 mgs now 3 time a day. Also, did you do this on your own or through a doctor and his/her script? I buy mine on line from inhousepharmacy and went for it on my own. So thankful to have made it on a low dose as the stories on here are of real heroes who go up to a huge amount and endure a bumpy ride - am truly in awe of them every time I read their posts. So good of you to post and pm me too - stay well. K:l:h

