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I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

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    I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

    I'm having a kind of emergency and I waited until 10:00 his time and tried to call him at home. It hooks up to a fax machine for some reason. Does anyone have a cell phone number for him? Or any ideas how I can get in contact with?
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

    I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

    beatle;1046413 wrote: I'm having a kind of emergency and I waited until 10:00 his time and tried to call him at home. It hooks up to a fax machine for some reason. Does anyone have a cell phone number for him? Or any ideas how I can get in contact with?

    I've sent you an email.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

      I called dr. l on his cell and left your number. My experience is that it's easier to get him at home and in the office.
      Also, sent you the numbers.
      If it's an emergency I hope you'll call emergency services.
      Touch base as soon as you can.
      take good care, beatle.


        I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

        whew! looks like beatle is going to be okay.
        Thank goodness.


          I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

          I'm sorry to have alarmed everyone unnecessarily. I said what it really was (and is) "a kind of emergency" -- I had hoped that phrasing would indicate it was not a life-or-death situation. I was not in much of a state to be careful of how I wrote things, either.

          To be clear here: I had a pain all night and in the day related to a condition which is related to heavy alcohol consumption over many years (as in my case, gwos). I have been 3 times hospitalized for this condition, and that is the worst thing I know (to be in hospital). I was especially concerned this time because of my high level of baclofen consumption. (The previous hospitalizations were pre-bac). I recognized the onset of this acute condition and I wanted to avoid another ER and another hospital stay. But I needed pain relief terribly. I have a fairly potent pain reliever, but I was afraid to try it without the Dr.s input. In fact, I had mixed it with bac once and had hallucinatory experiences. I had other medications I wanted to try, but I was afraid to do anything without consulting him. At the same time I was in quite debilitating pain, and felt I had to do something (anything but go to the ER).

          In the end I took aspirin (little help) and ibuprofen (a little more help, but worried about the kidneys) -- I had wanted to consult Dr. L about these, too, but under the circumstances, I felt they were the less scary option (compared to taking the strong pain reliever or going to the ER). These OTC pain relievers eased the pain enough that I felt I could reach out to you to try to get in touch with him. I was overwhelmed to tears by the responses I got. I have at least left messages for him now, but I haven't heard back yet.

          Meanwhile, the pain has eased somewhat, and I'm not as scared as I was earlier, but am approaching the night with some trepidation, so would like very much to get in contact with him by then.

          I'm sorry to have caused so much consternation. Please be aware that I did not put out this message lightly. I really felt an imminent need to get in touch with him based on my pain and past experience. And, as I said, I am so so so very appreciative of all the concern all of you have shown.

          I'm still not in a "good place", but a little better. (Most importantly, not in a hospital!)

          I will keep all you true friends out there updated. Where would I be without you?
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

            I am glad you are feeling better! And no worries about were scared as you should be! We are here to help...wish I would have seen it earlier!!
            "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


              I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

              Phew. Glad you are ok.
              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

                Beatle, clear out your pm box hun!!!!

                I couldn't help but wanted to catch up, seeing as I am one of the people here lucky enough to have met you!!!!

                Take care .........

                Love & Hugs, BB xxx


                  I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

                  Beatle, sorry I didn't see this earlier, glad you're doing better, I know how it feels to be alone and in an emergency state where you feel you're dying. Hang in there! Lots of water....


                    I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

                    Beatle, I hope that you are feeling better now. I'm so sorry you had to go through that! Best wishes on getting past that horrible shit and never having to deal with it again! :h


                      I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

                      beatle, I hope you're feeling much, much better and look forward to hearing from you soon! (I've moved most of my pms to a file I can save, ftr. Cleaned out the box and don't have to worry about it for a while. )

                      Here's the thing:
                      The good doctor is a shrink. He's not going to be available for emergencies.
                      Unfortunately he's all we've got in terms of answering questions about managing anxiety/meds/SEs and high-dose bac. I'm going to spread the good doctor's information around to make sure I'm not the go-to source for all things Dr. L related. But again, I don't think we can or should rely on him for emergency situations.
                      I'm going to look for contingencies for just that reason. I don't want to end up in the ER forced to withdraw from high-dose bac with addictive narcotics.
                      Perhaps I can get my own doctor up to speed? We'll see. I think she's going to have to be, since she's what I've got and I can't afford to switch doctors atm.


                        I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info


                        neva eva;1046879 wrote: beatle, I hope you're feeling much, much better and look forward to hearing from you soon! (I've moved most of my pms to a file I can save, ftr. Cleaned out the box and don't have to worry about it for a while. )

                        Here's the thing:
                        The good doctor is a shrink. He's not going to be available for emergencies.
                        Unfortunately he's all we've got in terms of answering questions about managing anxiety/meds/SEs and high-dose bac. I'm going to spread the good doctor's information around to make sure I'm not the go-to source for all things Dr. L related. But again, I don't think we can or should rely on him for emergency situations.
                        I'm going to look for contingencies for just that reason. I don't want to end up in the ER forced to withdraw from high-dose bac with addictive narcotics.
                        Perhaps I can get my own doctor up to speed? We'll see. I think she's going to have to be, since she's what I've got and I can't afford to switch doctors atm.
                        hi neva, and of course Beetle,i do hope your better,what do you xpect,this is alchoholism,if it were the flu ,someone would say,o the poor baby,help him,if you got hit by a car,take him or her to the the hospital ? this is an addiction,not only to Al,what many are getting into,is over the counter meds,including nutrinal meds,they all have reprocussions, ? yes,and they all have INSTRUCTIONS, one ofthe biggest things i ve lerned over the last 3 years,is you get wgat you pay for,conversation is cheap, IT WORKS THO ? wish you well beetle gyco:thanks::goodjob:


                          I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

                          I think what you're saying Gyco, is that everything comes with a price? Repercussions abound from mixing over-the-counter medicines, supplements and other meds. And amen to the fact that directions are not suggestions. Addiction is a wily beast, with it's tentacles in all of our decisions, emotions and thoughts. It's important to me to find some guidelines that I can stick to as hard and fast 'rules' as much as that chafes.
                          It works, gyco. It works.
                          Thank you!


                            I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

                            neva eva;1046879 wrote:
                            Here's the thing:
                            The good doctor is a shrink. He's not going to be available for emergencies.
                            Unfortunately he's all we've got in terms of answering questions about managing anxiety/meds/SEs and high-dose bac. I'm going to spread the good doctor's information around to make sure I'm not the go-to source for all things Dr. L related. But again, I don't think we can or should rely on him for emergency situations.
                            I'm going to look for contingencies for just that reason. I don't want to end up in the ER forced to withdraw from high-dose bac with addictive narcotics.
                            Perhaps I can get my own doctor up to speed? We'll see. I think she's going to have to be, since she's what I've got and I can't afford to switch doctors atm.
                            I don't think Neva was directing this comment at me, specifically, since I made it clear I only wanted to consult him for information that would help me decide what to do, not to do anything for me in an emergency situation. (That would have been nonsensical, considering we live in different countries and I have no prior relationship to the doctor. There is nothing in the world he could possibly have done in relation to my emergency.) I just wanted him for information that I thought he alone might have in a situation of some emergency for myself.

                            I think Neva's real point is that we can't depend on other doctors for emergency situations in general (not that I was), and it she suggests we should have own emergency back-ups.

                            This is a crucial (and obvious, I would think) point. Everyone should have their own back-up plan regarding baclofen (and any other medications) in case of an emergency. In my case, I have a little blue book I carry with me that lists in the cover all the meds I take, the amounts/dosages (updated regularly), with an asterix next to the ones that cannot be stopped abruptly. In this book, I keep track dosage by dosage what I take and what time I took it every day and throughout the day and night. My husband and parents know about this book.

                            I have sent a separate meds list to my mother (updated regularly).

                            In addition (perhaps the most important), my doctor has a full overview of what I take and in what amounts. In an emergency, she would be the obvious source of information.

                            I assume everyone here has some sort of back up plan like I do, even if not so extensive. At least one person close to you should know what and how much you are taking of medications, and preferably one doctor, too. I understand there are "dog tag" cards you can use to identify the drugs you are taking for an emergency. I prefer my solution, but whatever works for you -- as long as you have some back up plan.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              I need help ASAP with Dr. L's contact info

                              You're right, of course, beatle. That scared me, as you know. For you, but also for me. I have no bac (!) up. And there's not a single person outside of this forum that knows what or how much baclofen I'm taking! My notes are thorough as to time and amount taken, but wouldn't be decipherable.
                              I've got a doctor's appt this morning for something unrelated to bac, and an unexpectedly busy morning so little time to prepare for her scepticism. I'm scared to death that she's going to insist that I stop bac. Don't want to digress, here, but that's relevant to this thread.
                              Thank you so much for seeing through the real message in my post, and for the advice!

