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Considering baclofen: concerns and questions

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    Considering baclofen: concerns and questions

    Hey folks, I hope that I'm posting in the right place here.

    I'm considering trying to get put on baclofen for alcoholism. I'm having trouble finding good resources explaining how this works. My first concern is being able to find a doctor who is willing to prescribe it.

    Short story about me: I'm a student (23 years old) and I recently moved back to campus & I'm living alone. I took a year off, working and taking some classes while staying at sober living places. I have managed to reduce the amount of harm alcohol is causing in my life significantly but I'm running into issues with the amount of stress I'm facing. I have been drinking once a week now and it's not working for me. I don't have any friends here anymore and I don't know what to do with my free time. I know something like baclofen won't solve all of that, but I am trying to arm myself to be able to step out of my comfort zone and try to make a life here. My thinking, then, is that I will have an easier time doing that if I don't have alcohol as a "go to" for enjoying myself.

    On the other hand, I'm concerned about some of the baclofen side effects. I already am oversleeping on a regular basis. I have a hard time getting up to face the day. I am also not very productive, motivated or happy, which is worrisome because my career focus/academics are very demanding and I can't afford to be wasting so much time worrying about my drinking.

    I'm at the point that I am considering antabuse as an alternative, if necessary. My resolve crumbles every weekend when I'm faced with three days of free-time and nothing to do but a stack of homework. Agh, it's clear I need to be doing something about my life, my drinking, but a written contract just isn't going to do it. If baclofen can help ameliorate some of the psychological struggle here, I know I could put my faculties to better use.

    Thanks for reading.

    Considering baclofen: concerns and questions

    Hi guy. Welcome.

    You are right, baclofen isn't the silver bullet that I first thought it would be, but it certainly helps. I'm probably not the best person to talk to, having had a relatively easy ride, but the SE's are nothing to be afraid of. They may be unpleasant, but so is a hangover. You may be on of the lucky ones, and have no SE's, although there are some very pleasant ones. I think your attitude regarding SE's is quite fundamental as well, you will get what you expect, within reason. Then there are the lucky ones who have an immediate reaction to baclofen.

    Also bear in mind that people are focusing on their SE's, so you get a nearly exhaustive list here, often with the good ones left out.

    Whatever you decide, best wishes for you on your journey.
    Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


      Considering baclofen: concerns and questions

      You might be better using antabuse - obviously going completely AF in the meantime. Many say AB makes resolve crumbling impossible. The other thing is that if you drink on Bac you will most probably suffer side effects. For me when I drink on Bac I wake with spinning head which make doing anything impossible for some hours. No hangover but unable to do anything productive.


        Considering baclofen: concerns and questions

        Thanks for the input. I've decided that I'll mention it to my doctor but I won't push it. The fact that I'm going to see a doctor is an important step, because I was seeing one before moving, so it makes sense to keep up what I was doing before.

        I am probably not going to go with antabuse, either, though I may reconsider. I'll probably stick with my wellbutrin and propranolol, both which have been useful. I've molded a plan of action for this coming weekend and I'm talking to a friend to keep me accountable to it.

        Thanks again.


          Considering baclofen: concerns and questions

          People can also drink through antabuse, despite the horrible sides it causes.

          You need to find something else to replace alcohol, perhaps joining a Gym and focusing on your fitness instead, that also has the byproduct of increasing your self-esteem and confidence which should help you to become more outgoing.

          Baclofen helped me look at alcohol rationally, but it really helps if you sort out the reaons why you drink in the first place and replace it with a different reward in the evening.


            Considering baclofen: concerns and questions

            No worries. While I've never taken antabuse, the whole idea is repugnant to me. It's a personal thing though, so don't let that dissuade you.

            You might have to push it, depending on your GP. I think it is worth the effort. OOne thing I have noticed is that my GP underestimates the speed at which high-dose baclofen eats through a supply. This won't be an issue to start with, and you'll think "wow, check out all these pills, they'll last forever!" but they don't.

            Good luck with your plan, let us know how it goes. If you are anything like me, the best of intentions go out the window after a drink, despite accountability. I won't hide it, but I won't care, either. So, good luck!
            Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


              Considering baclofen: concerns and questions

              It sounds like this is a new GP, so push it, and if you sour the relationship, find another.
              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...

