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    My new thread


    My new thread





      My new thread

      Good honest post there uk, Wishing you the best, Dont quit quiting.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        My new thread

        Thanks UK.

        I know you are already a believer in this, but I found even 1 day to be very beneficial to my state of mind, I hope you find the same happens to you.

        I too would like to more (some) studies done. There is one starting now, but apparently they take a couple years

        The leg spasm thing sounds a bit frightening, lucky you weren't at the top of a flight of stairs!
        Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


          My new thread


          The scary thing is that when I'm just drunk if I fall I don't know about it, but with the bac I was mostly conscious. Yes if it were on the stairs I'd've been pretty knackered. I don't think the ability not to feel drunk on bac is a positive after that one!


            My new thread

            Good luck on finding your switch, UK.
            Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


              My new thread

              What's your diet and water intake look like? While I was drinking, my diet was terrible, and my baclofen side effects were intensified by dehydration. If your body is holding on to water as you mentioned in another thread, you may not be drinking enough water, or your electrolyte balance may be way off. If you're drinking alcohol really heavily, you may also not be getting enough food nutrition, and suffering hypoglycemia on top of everything else.

              For me, baclofen SEs were strongly correlated with hydration and nutrition. Try increasing your water intake significantly. At my highest doses, I was drinking 4-8L of water a day. Yes, you will pee often. Try reducing simple sugar intake (donuts, sweets) and replace with complex carbs and protein to even out your blood sugar, especially when you reduce your alcohol intake. Your body gets very used to the calories and alcohol as fuel, and when it's deprived, it goes a little nuts before your metabolism stabilizes. Make sure you up your calories to compensate until you can re-adjust. Dizziness, shaking, muscle weakness can all be related to this (and intensified by bac.)


                My new thread

                Thank Moglor

                Thing is I've been comfort-eating along with the booze - which has also been low % alcohopops in large quantities(around 8-10 litres per day), plus a 500ml carton of low-sugar soft drink. I mostly crave savouries when drinking, so it's been brown bread sandwiches, pies, crisps, chips(that's fries in the US), burgers etc. In between bouts I tend to follow a very healthy hi-protein, complex carb diet but right before a binge I'll go on a high-sugar spree.

                The bad diet also makes me feel rough, and I'm looking forward to getting back to my usual diet.


                  My new thread

                  Wow, that's a LOT of sugar to be taking in one day. Alcopops and ciders are worse than soft drinks for the sugar load, too. Maybe you're looking at hyperglycemia instead. Have you been tested for diabetes? The sugar levels would definitely account for a lot of your symptoms, and would probably explain the edema. I was drinking so much beer per day that my Hemoglobin A1C put me in the diabetic category, and my blood sugar was all over the map. I felt very ill very often, much like you describe. My blood sugar has since stabilized completely, and my A1C is back down in normal non-diabetic range.

