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Sunny's Success Story

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    Sunny's Success Story

    I don't know if I will need to stay on it. I only take 20 mg at bedtimes and at times forget to take even that without any significant cravings. I believe and hope that a year of abstinence without cravings has allowed my brain to "rewire" to this current steady state of indifference. I will not "rock the boat" by trying out a drink. IMO that is the silliest idea and curiosity could kill THIS Kitten, indeed!! BTW my sister was planning my funeral about 15 months ago. Now we talk on phone and laugh together most mornings. Life is good. Hang in there all of you who are struggling. There is help and hope.


      Sunny's Success Story

      Oh Sunny I have been going to aa since 1998 ..And i am not surprised that they shuned your possible new cure. But if it's working for you stick with it. I to am looking for anything that can help me. I will be reading much more on this site since i really don't no much about baclofen and yes the world and medicine/science has changed soo much. Congradulations being af for so long.


        Sunny's Success Story

        Bump for the newbies. It doesn't have to be hard. Sunnyv spent a year here sharing her wisdom and her journey with any and everyone, on this forum and others.
        She and I disagreed about some fundamental things, but she was right in so many ways. I often wished I could've listened more effectively.
        She's missed. But a year plus some is enough to ask from anyone. Especially since she often got knocked around when she did post.
        hope you're well, Sunny!


          Sunny's Success Story

          Thanks for your story Sunny.

          I'm interested in how you took the naltrexone. You said they put you on it from day 1, but I gather you didn't drink while taking it. What were their instructions regarding that drug? The reason I ask is that taking naltrexone without drinking would have absolutely no effect on alcoholism. It is meant to be taken one hour prior to drinking. Then, it blocks the endorphin receptors so the pleasure you receive from drinking will be reduced. Over time, your brain unlearns the pleasure/alcohol association.

          Taking naltrexone without drinking would serve no purpose and could actually be counterproductive. I heard an interview with Dr. Sinclair who is a great advocate of naltrexone. One of his big problems is doctors using the drug improperly, like telling patients "take this and don't drink", when they should be saying "take this before you drink".

          Just curious whether that clinic is using the drug properly.


          I don't want to disrespect the institution that saved your life. It's amazing that they were progressive enough to be using these protocols. I've become interested in Naltrexone after reading up a little and hearing Dr. Sinclair's interview. If it didn't work for you, I'm fine with that. I've got no vested interest in it. But, after hearing this doctor complain that the drug is so widely misused, I felt that I should get a clarification on how it was prescribed to you. I forget who, but another member said that it wasn't working for him and went on to explain that he often forgot to take it until after he started drinking. Too late! Endorphins received, behavior reinforced.

          Thank you so much for your story.

          Stan... Edo Stan... "shaken, not stirred"

          Started baclofen on February 16th. Now at 210mg divided into six doses per day. You do the math.


            Sunny's Success Story

            Update on Sunny
            Still AF. almost 14 months now. Only taking 20 mg of bac at bedtime every few days. don't even carry it with me any more unless I am staying overnight.
            Edostan, there are several protocols for the naltrexone. Sinclair's is only one. My clinic prescribed total abstinence for scientific reasons. It does have an effect even if you are not drinking. There are those who never drink after starting it. It varies from person to person. I didn't need it tho as I had complete remission on baclofen and side effects to the naltrexone. I had reached the point where total abstinence was my goal so this was exactly what I was looking for.
            I will likely check in each month to report and encourage. I am also happy to respond to PMs too so anyone who wishes may contact me that way with specific questions.
            Life is good,


              Sunny's Success Story

              Congrats on your continued success, Sunny! It's good to hear from you, as always. Thanks for continuing to check in with us.

              I agree - life is good.
              Better Living Through Chemistry

              Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

              Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                Sunny's Success Story

                Nice Sunny,
                Very nice, and thx for sharing.


                  Sunny's Success Story

                  Congratulations sunny. Its such a shame and disgrace that people are being kicked out of AA for talking about a life saving drug. It nearly beggars belief! Anyway well done you. Im sure your sister was so worried she was going to lose another family member. Im interested in the fact that you are only taking 20 mg here and there. I have just started a thread today called Baclofen prn and thats exactly what I was wondering-was it safe to do that. So thanks for that and congratulations again.
                  I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

                  There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


                    Sunny's Success Story

                    AA seems more like a religion with it's rules and philosophy. They "have to" protect their heritage and liturgy. I get it now. I didn't then. And I disagree with them on many fronts although they have likely helped a lot of people along the way, I wasn't one of them.

                    With respect using bac PRN I saw that thread. I am convinced that each of us responds differently to these drugs and to some extent must keep trying until we find what works best for us. I believe that I could, now that I have 14 months, use the baclofen PRN in low doses. I don't know if I could have said that with confidence 6 months ago. I drank for such a long time that I wanted to be abstinent for a long time before going down on the dose. I take it mostly now if I am having trouble falling asleep. I have no interest in alcohol use.
                    Glad to see everyone is doing so well


                      Sunny's Success Story

                      Sunnyvalenting;1071950 wrote: coal,
                      AA seems more like a religion with it's rules and philosophy. They "have to" protect their heritage and liturgy. I get it now. I didn't then. And I disagree with them on many fronts although they have likely helped a lot of people along the way, I wasn't one of them.

                      With respect using bac PRN I saw that thread. I am convinced that each of us responds differently to these drugs and to some extent must keep trying until we find what works best for us. I believe that I could, now that I have 14 months, use the baclofen PRN in low doses. I don't know if I could have said that with confidence 6 months ago. I drank for such a long time that I wanted to be abstinent for a long time before going down on the dose. I take it mostly now if I am having trouble falling asleep. I have no interest in alcohol use.
                      Glad to see everyone is doing so well
                      Hey there I just want to say thanks for posting your story and sharing your experience. You have done so well and should be very proud of yourself! I'm very happy for you Sunny, and thanks again for now trying to help others.


                        Sunny's Success Story

                        Congrats on your continued sobriety, Sunny! You have been an inspiration to me since my first day starting Bac. It is truly a miracle drug. :h


                          Sunny's Success Story

                          Congrats! Thank you for sharing.


                            Sunny's Success Story

                            Hi, Sunny.
                            I looked into Accelerated Recovery (again) this morning hoping to find some clue as to how to get help locally.

                            They don't list baclofen in the list of medications, though they do list Nal and Campral. I wonder if they listed bac when you were there? Did you know about bac beforehand or were you introduced to it there?

                            Thank you again for your words of wisdom and your commitment to mwo.


                              Sunny's Success Story

                              Thank you for your story, Sunny. You have helped me a lot unknowingly.

                              I try to moderate using baclofen and have some success. Without baclofen I drink 1.5 bottles of wine 5 or 6 nights a week. On 75 mg I drink .5 - 1 bottles 2 or 3 nights a week.

                              Without baclofen I am happier and more energetic and drink more than I want. With baclofen I am reflective and sleepy and drink a a moderate amount I can deal with admitting.


                              Congratulations to you and your success and I hope you keep us all posted through the years.


                                Sunny's Success Story

                                Thanks so much for posting this Sunny, you have inspired me to look into baclofen more and also not to stop hoping that I will beat this.

