I went in to my son’s room, and offered up a silent prayer, so profoundly thankful that he would live a life without the cloud of an alcoholic parent hanging over him.
I reached my switch after only 3 weeks, at 360mg’s per day, broken into 12 x 30mg doses. I had been on this dose for a day, dropping back down from 400mg’s. It is my belief that this even spread of dosage helped. I feel a fraud, having gotten here so easily, but I hope my musings will help those who come later. Come they will, because what is happening here will open a floodgate…
I reached it 2 days ago, when I had a cup of tea after a glass of wine. At first, I felt empty. The “goodbye old friend” feeling. Then I realised what had happened, and thought “Hah, fuck you booze, I win.” Against the odds, which have already turned against booze, for everyone, after years of booze being in control. I hesitated to post this, because it is so soon, but there is no doubt in my mind. I am filled with a quiet joy.
My plan is to go up one more level and remain there for a bit, then titrate slowly down to find my maintenance dose, which is hopefully low. Whatever it is, so be it. I want to be sure sure sure.
This is, and will always be, the happiest post I have ever made.
I want to thank my family, who put up with my endless shit, and stood by me through this. Everyone on this forum, and this forum itself, for being there. Without you, this journey would not have begun, and if it somehow did, would have been much harder. And of course, thank you to Dr. Ameisen without whom this definitely would not be possible.
My name is Ryan, and I was an alcoholic.