Hey, red - that's a thing! My pharmacy suddenly gave me a different brand of baclofen! I hadn't put the two together until I saw your post! Thanks for pointing it out.
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Jesus, what's wrong with me. Two nights running, and I don't remember going to bed. This new baclofen is up to shit. I'm alone, in a strange country, always a recipe for disaster, and where bleep69 is capable of his finest escapades. I don't mind admitting I am scared.
Because I am away, I have a limited supply, so going up isn't an option. I'm going to have to abstain, if I get started, I don't know what will happen. Fuck me, just because of a different pill! This stuff is crazy.
Sorry, I son't have the energy to post on other threads - I hope everyone is doing well. I still think about all of you though.
Hey, Bleep: Please don't freak, friend. It's a . . . bleep . . . so sorry that it's being a rough ride again.
It's all gone off track before and come back. It will come back again. Really.
In the meantime, keep drinking lots of water along with whatever else. Eat regularly if you can, sleep as much as you can . . . all those things that your body will appreciate even if you're off-rail with AL.
How long are you away from home and when can you get bac to you're other bac brand?
You're right. This stuff is crazy. But not as crazy as drinking ourselves to death. Please, please hang in and hang on. Don't believe everything you're mind tells you. You can get through this latest roll of the roller coaster.
You've made such an invaluable contribution to this forum. Thanks for that. Thinking of you.
Beth"Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir
Well, I had a such a hangover today that I thought I was going to have a seizure. I don't think I have ever felt so mentally fucked as that before.
I found a blister pack of my old supply, so for today I am on that. It runs out tomorrow, and I don't think I can get the old ones. I was lucky to find a pharmacy that has baclofen at all. I'll have a word with them and see if they can't order it in specifically. I'm stuck here till Saturday, so will be able to go up then.
So much for abstaining. I am on glass number three, and it is tasting good. I know not to go out to pubs or clubs, anything can and will happen if I do that. Jesus, how did I live like this all the time, it's a terrible way to exist!
Thanks for your kind words Red. I know it will come back, it's just really irritating for it to be on such a knife edge. I am absolutely useless at any other way out of this hell - so for me baclofen was a godsend, so I have faith in it. I suppose you could say it is my higher power.
Bleep, hang tough! Eat, eat, eat - stuff yourself and you will have less room for booze. But if you're on #3, you probably aren't much apt to want food right now.
I hope the pharmacy can order you some of the good stuff. Are you somewhere where I could overnight some of mine? Let me know via PM.
And hang in there. A lot of people here LOVE you. :l* * *
bleep;1077421 wrote: Jesus, how did I live like this all the time, it's a terrible way to exist!
Eat as Tracy says, it helps me if I eat alot before the witching hour.
Hang in there, this will be in your past soon.
Well, I managed to avoid a bender last night. Just had a quiet few glasses of wine before curling up in bed watching another season of 24. Windows beware!
Very disappointed to discover that Piracetam is prescription only here, so I'll try order from Amazon when I get home, but I don't hold out much hope that it will survive our postal service. I've managed to get hold of phosphatyll seride (sp?), but haven't noticed much of a difference. Beatle, does it have to build up in your system, or does it work straight away? Stuck in lectures all day long though, so it's not the most stimulating environment with which to test it.
Somnolence in these lectures is proving to be debilitating! Luckily there are other people sleeping all around me, so it's not too bad. I also don't sleep, as such, I just want to fall asleep the whole time. As soon as I nod off, I jerk awake. Pity, a nap would help pass the time!
Thanks everyone who chimed in, it is surprisingly helpful. I sort of feel like the crisis has past, but I'm back on the crappy baclofen today, so time will tell. I have checked my supply, and I have enough to go up slightly, which I'm going to do. Maybe some fun SE's will help pass the time in some of these lectures.
Oh, geez, bleep. geez.
Everything Red and the others said, okay? a blip, a bleep, soon over.
Glad you trust the bac, it's well placed trust.
Lots of love and support.
(I'm not sure that I would want the really fun SE to kick in in a public place, ftr. Some of the others, maybe!)
bleep;1078024 wrote: I've managed to get hold of phosphatyll seride (sp?), but haven't noticed much of a difference. Beatle, does it have to build up in your system, or does it work straight away? Stuck in lectures all day long though, so it's not the most stimulating environment with which to test it.
I know they only carry one bac brand here (strict regulations here about medicines... even supplements are closely vetted and many supplements are not allowed in. L-glutamin, for example, is limited in capsules of 250mg. Which means I would have to take 20 to get my 5gr dose. It's an amino acid, for crying out loud. Go figure.
As for Phospahtidyl Serine: What amount are your capsules. I assume they are capsules because it should be an oil inside a capsule. I take 100mg of the MWO stuff that also has gingko biloba in it -- they are supposed to work synergistically with one another. Don't know, maybe it's really the gingko, then?
I only use it occasionally, and it kicks in pretty fast if you take it on a empty stomach. 15m-1/2 hr. Sudden clarity and focus. However, it is sort of an upper, a little bit like caffeine, and this can increase my agitation. Which I used to numb with alcohol.
Good luck Bleep!Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
I have been looking all over for you! Do you undersand the lives you have changed?..mainly MINE! What you did is what I want to do on occasion, but get back up and keep on going!
Get back up, and know you are healing me and many more people here. Including your wife and son!
Bleep, you are my hero! GET UP!
Lady:lThe hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.
*Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*
Ukblonde;1078199 wrote: Beatle
Most L-Glut capsules are limited, partly due to sheer size limitations. That's why most people use the loose powder. Can you get the powder where you are?5g is just 1 heaped teaspoon.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005