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convincing family that baclofen works!!

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    convincing family that baclofen works!!

    Firstly I would like to give thanks to this website and the people that have helped me.I have gathered info and am waitng to talk to dr chick re prescribing bac.I am trying to save the money for the consultation and continue from there however my frustration stems from the lack of support from my family!
    I spoke to my gp who refused point blank re the bac next point of call was my parents who simply dismised the idea of lending the money for some experimental last point of call was my brother who is a very successful orthapedic surgeon who literally laughed at me and told me to gain some will power and if other people can achieve results with aa why can't I.does anyone have any suggestions to make them realise that I am crying for help!!

    convincing family that baclofen works!!

    Sorry about that. You have to realise that non-suffers just can't and don't understand what it's like. Also if they've had to endure the fall out from your drinking, they are going to have certain ideas about it. Quite often those with alcohol problems promise many times to stop, come up with fantastic schemes in drink or out of it. People around us just think "Oh Yeah!Another hair-brained promise", and dismiss it. It might be your family don't trust you too - which is absolutely normal considering how drink can take us. You can try another Dr and of course you can order online too.


      convincing family that baclofen works!!

      I gave up trying to convince my family. I went through rehab and so far that worked for me along with using some other tools, meditation, exercise, AA, etc. found out about BAC after I was already sober.
      anyway, I'm not sure you have to convince anyone but yourself at this point. if BAC works for you that will be the only proof you will need.
      perhaps you should call dr. levin and explain your circumstances about payment. maybe make smaller payments to him over time?
      ii told myself I would have 5 years sobriety before I tried BAC. coming up on 4years. people ask me why I would even want to try it if I was already sober. because I'm still the same person (alcoholic) as before. I just don't drink. I still can't seem to be comfortable in my own skin. sorry to hijack your thread. that's my two cents.


        convincing family that baclofen works!!

        Hi sanity, that's an unfortunate situation to be in. My family is still skeptical, but I had the financial means to go it alone.

        Perhaps ask them to read through some of the posts on this site, let them pick and choose which ones to read? Unfortunately, it is very difficult to convince a non-believer. Perhaps your brother could speak to Dr Levin, on a professional basis?

        Hope you situation resolves itself, this stuff works.


          convincing family that baclofen works!!

          Hi, for sanity,
          You say you have gathered the info: didyou give the research/papers etc to your family? I put all the research papers, reports, Dr Ameisen's website; etc into a ring binder and gave to my daughters doctor. Made it look 'professional'. I included dr Levin's contact details, his professional quallifications etc.
          People havent time to do research themselves (unless they are an obssesive mother!), so be as objective as possible and ask them to look it over.
          I guess the sticking point for your family might be what 'we' are told: never, ever, give an alcoholic money! If this is so, then suggest a way whereby they could pay directly.
          In the meantime, keep saving and show them you are sincere. All the best.
          (my daughters doctor agreed to prescribe.)


            convincing family that baclofen works!!

            For Sanity, (AF for over a year now)
            If you are drinking now you are somehow paying for the booze. Take that money and use it to get the help you need. Mortgage your house, sell your car, eat beans for a year hock whatever you have of value. whatever it takes is worth it. I have lost a marriage to drink. I almost lost my job and all my friends along with my life. I spent over $ 25,000 directly on treatment before I found baclofen (not including the costs of booze and not being a productive worker). Your family have no reason to believe this is any different than any other thing you have tried. My understanding is that Levin will treat you on a voluntary payment plan. Maybe you can make arrangements for this. Don't allow this financial situation to be an excuse not to do what you think will help you. At one point I promised my son that I might not get better but I would keep trying until I died or did. luckily I did but it took 14 years lots o money and a marriage to get here. Looking back it is all worth it but wish I hadda known! Best of luck and keep us posted.


              convincing family that baclofen works!!

              for sanity;1048903 wrote: my next point of call was my parents who simply dismised the idea of lending the money for some experimental last point of call was my brother who is a very successful orthapedic surgeon who literally laughed at me and told me to gain some will power and if other people can achieve results with aa why can't I.
              I know he's your brother but that comment from him is maddening. You might want to point out to him that as it currently stands more people die annually from alcoholism related deaths than do from any single form of cancer. And that these figures will not change as long as physicians continue to "prescribe" a faith healing programme with no proven success rate instead of intelligent treatment.

              As for your current problem, perhaps your parents might be more willing to listen to a non-addict doctor. One of your biggest problems may be that you have a doctor in the family who is clearly poorly educated on addiction, which is normal as that isn't his speciality, but people will defer to his "superior" knowledge. Maybe you could ask your parents or your brother to call Prf Chick or Dr Levin in Chicago and speak with him? That might make them more willing to at least consider helping you on this path?


                convincing family that baclofen works!!

                buying online bac

                Thank you all for your responses and thank you AllyB for is refreshing to hear that my brother is not the be all and end all!I have decided to buy bac online until I can get something sorted with dr chick.can anyone give advice on the best place to buy from if I am in the uk.I found a place called 4RX.has anyone heard or tried them and can comment on their reliability?
                Thanks again to you appears here is my only form of support at the current time.


                  convincing family that baclofen works!!

                  They say that success is the best form of revenge! Well not revenge-maybe thats a bit strong but you know what I mean. Look at the fun you will have proving them wrong. Also if your brother saw that it worked for you then you could do huge good in getting the medical profession to change their minds.He in turn might influence other doctors and you never know what alcoholic you could end up helping down the line. So no pressure there then!
                  I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

                  There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


                    convincing family that baclofen works!!

                    I strongly suggest goldpharma as they generally post from other EU countries. This way it shouldn't be interfered with by customs. I do suggest that you check out where the pharmacy you are ordering from is based as that can alter the speed of your delivery arriving. Ordering from AWD in Germany, for example, will probably result in a faster arrival - German efficiency , but if it's coming from Greece it could be delayed due to the strikes and protests.


                      convincing family that baclofen works!!

                      Sunnyvalenting;1049230 wrote: For Sanity, (AF for over a year now)
                      If you are drinking now you are somehow paying for the booze. Take that money and use it to get the help you need. Mortgage your house, sell your car, eat beans for a year hock whatever you have of value. whatever it takes is worth it. I have lost a marriage to drink. I almost lost my job and all my friends along with my life. I spent over $ 25,000 directly on treatment before I found baclofen (not including the costs of booze and not being a productive worker). Your family have no reason to believe this is any different than any other thing you have tried. My understanding is that Levin will treat you on a voluntary payment plan. Maybe you can make arrangements for this. Don't allow this financial situation to be an excuse not to do what you think will help you. At one point I promised my son that I might not get better but I would keep trying until I died or did. luckily I did but it took 14 years lots o money and a marriage to get here. Looking back it is all worth it but wish I hadda known! Best of luck and keep us posted.
                      Great post SV.

