Hey M, thanks, I feel pretty good about my weight loss progress although not so good about myself in general due to my hair loss. It beats me up every time I have to go out of the house, so humiliating.
Anyways, the PRN seems to work well. I notice my thoughts turning dark and I pop a 600mg pill, although sometimes only half a pill seems to work.
The worst time I have had where gabapentin saved my ass was last week, maybe I already wrote about it - think I did. I was insanely anxious and depressed and one 600mg did not do the trick, so an hour later another one went down the hatch. It totally fixed me. I was thinking normal thoughts instead of spiraling down the drain. I was calm.
I do find I end up taking it every day, just not on any schedule, just "as needed" and it works quickly. Yesterday I took one dose of 600mg and that was it. Today I woke up with edges of depression but haven't taken one yet. I'm waiting to see if I *must* go there or if I can save a couple bucks/tolerance and wait. I'll look forward to your experience for comparison.