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Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

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    Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

    gotta stop;1183937 wrote: But i dont suspect anyone will acknowledge this, they will just continue to say what a caring guy he is and that he never bothered anyone.
    Real intelligent group.
    You seem to be pretty good at delivering insults yourself. Questioning a group's intelligence?

    gotta stop;1184273 wrote:
    Give it up Murph - we are not that dumb.
    seriously, people are trying put this behind them. for everyone's sake, stop doing this. If you want to continue at MWO - please do it without the insults
    This wouldn't be considered an insult. He quoted a real joke that was posted here on MWO. A joke between two women who claim a need to clean up the meds threads. Maybe that's not accurate, maybe it's more so to abolish Murphy. A joke that mentions falsely calling out rape and using the word cunt (I'm surprised this didn't get reported. Since this is a forum that is 90-95% women). Most women don't like the word cunt. Oh, wait...I'm not that surprised.

    You use very dramatic wording when referencing Murph's posts...abuse and assault are some examples. Quite a bit of melodrama, for one who claims to not like drama. (I'm happy to know I'm not the only melodramatic person here, but you might have me beat. I keep the melodrama to my own thread). Let's try to keep it in perspective. Murphy got pissed when someone corrected my post. It wasn't wrong that Tawny corrected it, but he felt that I might feel badly after being beat up on that thread (I think, I never asked, but he is chivalrous). He posted a relevant question when he asked what the hell is wrong with this site. It is a question that still stands. This is not considered assault.

    For one who doesn't like drama (this goes for the rest who claim to not like drama too), you sure do get involved in the drama threads. Actions speak louder than words my friends. If you don't like drama then you wouldn't post in it. And you certainly wouldn't be quoting PMs gotta stop (PM's are called personal messages for a reason). You quoted a PM in a drama thread you tried to start.
    This Princess Saved Herself


      Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

      nah, zen, we're not craning our necks. we're just sifting through the wreckage left by a few angry people. our necks aren't rubber. they're still skin and tendons and blood, so we feel a little something when one of our own, who was above all else a caring and generous person, gets slain. it's just nature. someone with a name like zenstyle should know that.

      this all reminds me of the book i read with my son tonight and last night. the one about the cowboys warring with all their guns. g thought maybe they'd all be dead by the end of the book. then he hoped for a better outcome, that they'd come back to life.

      i think we'd all like to see that happen here. and nobody's trying to perpetuate a negative thing. but after a battle there is wreckage of a nature that sometimes seems to expand as you inspect it. it's part of the healing process to address what has happened. to sit around licking chops and wounds and pointing fingers cause some haven't let go and won't stop posting about it denies a fundamental and obvious phase of the course of events of human behavior in conflict.

      trust the process. try to have it without any more accusations or bitterness. we all want the same thing here. we're all good people at heart.

      somos arbols torcidos, pero podemos enderezarnos. we're twisted trees, but we can straighten ourselves.



        Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

        Cassander;1184271 wrote: Slipstream, thank you for pointing out the extraordinary hypocrisy of Panno and Zenstyle, two of the loudest critics of the meds board. I have been listening carefully the past few days to decide whether their views are entitled to credence or respect. The "joke" destroys any semblance of credibility they might have had. It is not only not funny in the slightest, it is offensive in about every way imaginable. It is also very very sad.
        Thank you Cassander. You've pretty much summed it up. Considering the joke one lady posted and another can laugh at (extremely disturbing), I have to wonder if the behavior of the women in question is bullying. While I understand that what he posted was derogatory to a group (lesbians), he only posted this on his own thread after they came here. I don't care if this is a public forum and if no thread is one's own. There would be no other reason to start this trouble except for drama and bullying. He did express a strong opinion on the other thread. But that's it, an opinion. Nothing that should get him banned or start a witch hunt. Nothing that should land him in the middle of a pack of hungry wolves on a mission. He's never taken any of his humor outside of meds that I know of. Ever.

        *That said, I know this is over. So, slipstream (Murphy :H), thanks for bringing that post of the joke here. Thanks for being here in general, for the ones who appreciate it. There are plenty! We'll never forget you. :l
        This Princess Saved Herself


          Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

          oh lordy! now i have to re-read. who is this slipstream, afterall?

          lush, i forgot to address your posts. got carried away and it felt good. cathartic. um, yeah, after that first post i realized that it wasn't the finger (i originally saw it on my ipod), but it was a wagger. i didn't feel any better. i had posted the 'good effen joke' after teh quickest read, and nothing of it sunk in, certainly not the fact that it was deeply offensive. i felt a wave of panic, that i was about to be kicked and smashed and slashed to the ground for my unpopular response. when you 'gave me the finger', i was certain! my dear friend turned on me on a dime!

          so i took a closer read of the joke, let some of the words in response to it sink in, and hastily deleted my posts. eeeww, that wasn't me. it was one of those bizarred bac se's.

          anyway, we both stand understood, to be sure.
          xo ru


            Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

            Rudy, it's all good. You didn't know what you read. And please do get carried away on the ones who deserve it.
            This Princess Saved Herself


              Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

              If all you've got is I should go into politics Zen, then that's pathetic. Night.
              This Princess Saved Herself


                Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                This has gotten pathetic and disgusting. According to unwritten rules however I shouldn't post anything controversial on 'someone else's' thread.

                So let's go to mine because according to those here I can post WHATEVER I like on there.


                  Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                  Crunchy;1184294 wrote: I was just having a chat with a warm-hearted, lovely, new-found friend here. Maybe some people are idiots and do not understand the hurtfulness of all this. Maybe some of those people want to stay idiots. There is nothing I can do about that.

                  By continuing to engage in this mess I am afraid that I will just keep the hurtfulness going. I remember reading this ick and feeling so hurt and feeling hurt for people who were being attacked and feeling angry about it all. There is some one out there right now, maybe there are a lot of people, who are reading all this and feeling all that hurt too. They also feel powerless to make it all stop.

                  I think that the best way I can help make it all stop is to stop talking to the hurtful people. If I keep trying to talk to them I am just giving them the opportunity to keep the hurtfulness going. So I'm not going to do that anymore.

                  I hope everyone has a good night.
                  You are such a professional victim. "I am black and I am gay" was the first thing to come out of your mouth. And? You joined a site to state how unique and different you are and complain about someone you know nothing about. You projected your idea of Murphy onto him as a racist. I don't recall him saying anything racist before you challenged him to call you a nigger. You make Murphy who you want him to be in order to vilify him to suit your specific complaints to manipulate yourself into being a victim.

                  I tried to talk to you in PM's and your response was that it was cowardly to talk to you one on one and that I should do it in public. I thought being an adult was to pull someone aside and settle differences without a public spectacle. Your leaving with your catty remarks and half assed reasoning do not fly with me.

                  And to say that every woman who thinks his humor is funny is pathetic? How about Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle, Adam Sandler, Family Guy, SNL, Futurama, Simpsons, and pretty much every other comedian ever. All of them use stereotypes to make fun of ethnic groups and people in general. Is every woman pathetic for thinking they are funny?

                  Your attitude and personality can be summed up in one word: Douche.



                    Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary


                    While I agree with you 110%, I think it's time we all stop responding to these people. Otherwise they'll keep coming back, talking about how disgusting this all is and creating more drama. Let them go laugh it up and talk amongst themselves about what a trainwreck this is, and how that's why they never come here. They don't understand, never will, and they've ran out of things to say.
                    Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                    George Santayana


                      Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                      SlipperyPete;1184396 wrote: Rob,

                      While I agree with you 110%, I think it's time we all stop responding to these people. Otherwise they'll keep coming back, talking about how disgusting this all is and creating more drama. Let them go laugh it up and talk amongst themselves about what a trainwreck this is, and how that's why they never come here. They don't understand, never will, and they've ran out of things to say.
                      I completely agree pete, but I refuse to allow some douche bag to get the last word simply because they feel they are always the victim. Race card thrown, gay card thrown, automatic freedom from any level of logic? No way.


                        Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                        Zenstyle;1184309 wrote: A joke made by a British woman... that was as "in your face" as something Murphy would have posted. Well! I never!!!


                        FYI... Just because I dislike discrimination, that does not mean I don't have a sense of humour. That joke wasn't aimed at anyone directly. OK... maybe it wasn't in the best taste. Whatever.

                        How much digging around did it take to find a joke posted by someone that I went "OMG!" and added a smiley too. Is THAT all you have GOT?!

                        Good grief.......

                        Zenstyle...You are in denial (perhaps that's why you are here). The joke was not funny. It wasn't in the best was in terrible taste. It was obscene and offensive. It offends religion and it offends native Australians. It was racist. You claim to be offended by lesbian jokes and yet you laugh at this joke? Delete the words "nun" and "aborigine" and insert "rabbi" and "queer". How funny is that? And calling a nun a "c**t" is pretty funny, too...

                        Nobody here went on your board to tell you and your buddy that your joke was offensive. Yet you come here and preach to us. You keep coming back here and preaching to us. You tell us to get over it. You are the worst kind of hypocrite. Take a look in the mirror. If you have one shred of integrity you will apologize. And then, yes, move on.

                        By the way, Zenstyle. What is going on on the meds board is of enormous importance. By a stroke of luck and perserverance and genius, Dr Ameisen has found a course of treatment which promises to change the way alcoholism is treated and viewed. In Florida, where you live, across the US and North America, in Europe and around the world. If clinical testing proves out what Dr Ameisen discovered...and the experience of dozens on this board is that it will...the lives of hundreds of thousands or millions will be changed. Not only changed. Saved.

                        And as you well know, alcoholism is a pernicious disease. It is the devil itself. In high school or college the devil appears and offers a beer. Its pretty innocent, right? This Bud's for you! Twenty or twenty five years later the devil is extracting final payments as marriages, jobs and lives themselves go down the drain.

                        Many of the people who come to this board are down to their last chance. Read the stories, woman! AA doesn't work for them. Nutrition, hypnotism, CDs, willpower, topa, camprax, nal, etc, etc. Doctors throw their hands up. Nothing works. It looks like the devil wins! And along comes a French physician who is an alcoholic who happens upon a random newspaper article, reads the literature, looks at the animal studies, and then takes his chances with the only patient willing to sign a waiver...himself! And he discovers a miracle. For him, baclofen suppresses craving.

                        Think about it. Let it sink in. Let it sink in. Baclofen suppresses craving. It is a miracle.

                        But the rehab community, the medical addiction specialists, AA, the press all pooh pooh it. Alcoholism has been around for a million years and we all know there is no cure. Right?

                        Zenstyle, the members of the meds board are like you and me and everyone else here. We're not perfect. Far from it. We know our brains aren't normal and we know we need help. We come with broken lives and rotting livers and probation officers and unemployment checks (that are running out) and no friends left and ex-husbands and crying children who don't want to see dad drunk anymore. We come with anger and fear. We are not always rational. The devil does that. Right?

                        So what the members of this board have done (with the help of baclofen) is cobble together a community that is a reflection of itself. Except with one big difference. Finally, there is hope. And from that hope springs support and friendship and community. Of course its a community of alcoholics, but it is one seriously awesome community. I won't name names, but there are some of the awesomest people I have ever come across on this board. I read their experiences and literally cry. I see them reach out with support and help. I see them walk newcomers through the titration and the side effects and the fear of the unknown. And then I see them hit the "switch" and its unbelievable. What happens on this board is unbelievable.

                        They have faced up to the devil and they are facing up to themselves. And they are helping others. They are saving lives.

                        They are saving lives.

                        And then you and the likes of you show up as some kind of self-appointed vigilante squad and start your preaching about offensive language. As if an alcoholic never lost his temper or blew her cool. And then we discover you basically laughing behind our backs at the same behavior you profess to be offended by.

                        Please go away and think about it. Do us a big favor and don't rush back here and post some "Puhleeze" response as if we're all overreacting. Do yourself a big favor and think about all this for a few days and then, if you must, come back and tell us what you think.

                        Or, perhaps, just don't come back.
                        With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                          Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                          good morning/noon/nite all! below is a quote from our murhp. it speaks for itself.

                          “Hello lovely people (and angry hags), I’ve been receiving alot of PMs. I can read them as email updates but, what with me being banned and all, I’m not able to reply. I greatly appreciate your kind words. If you’d like a reply (that particularly goes for those asking baclofen questions) please include your email address in the PM. Have a marvellous day, and as the great English poet and renowned philosopher Johnny Rotten once said: Never mind the bollocks!”

                          and, for the record, he does not ALWAYS mis-apostrophize 'its'.


                            Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                            Thanks, a good man never gets down when it comes to 'BULLOCKS' .
                            I know it is spelled with an O...
                            When I miss him I just go back and read about him in the baby food aisle when he was looking for puppy food
                            A must read!

                            So very well said. It is not the first time trouble has started over here, Murph being the target, and the same people involved.
                            It's over and you ended it eloquently.

                            The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                            *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                              Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                              Someone on another thread posed the question to me - "What's the point?". She is right and I thank her. There is no point in this continuing. I guess maybe I felt like I had to defend myself, and defend my friends. I love my friends and if they need me, I am here. But I do not wish to promote this anymore. To everyone, I am sorry that you feel like your friend was attacked. I am sorry you feel like a proponet of baclofen is gone. I apologize to the MWO Community. We are all alcoholics - we all need to support and be supported.


                                Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                                There was this paragraph in a book I just read. "Why do most women spend their whole lives defending men, why do they think it is their job to defend their fathers, when they assault their mothers, defend their husbands when they abuse them, defend their sons, when they shouldn't be defended". I couldn't give a shit whether this guy is a vegan, an environmentalist or is goddam God himself. He does not warrant air time here. He has abused me on many occasions for fun. Told me I am an idiot and a fuckwit. Who the hell does he think he is? A laugh a I don't think so. There are far funnier people in the world who don't have to resort to "bottom feeder" humour. He ended himself, and not so eloquently.


