Nail on the head and all that Murph.
The thing with reaching indifference is this - I used to think the word was perfect, that I was truly indifferent to alcohol. I suppose it still fits, but now I have an... aversion? Is that too strong a word maybe, to getting pissed. Not to alcohol, to getting pissed. I really don't want to get drunk anymore, and that's where the change comes about.
Before, I wanted to get drunk, so having 3 drinks was a small precursor to the act, a warm up. Now 3 drinks means I might get drunk if I drink more, so if I get there, I don't want to go further. It is a strange yet normal place in my head that I live in now.
I don't think I'm explaining this very well. I said it somewhere else better, along the lines of getting drunk used to be a goal, now it's a horrible consequence, or something like that.