@Is and Bleep: You're both right; I went to 150 yesterday and it totally wiped me out, so I'm sticking here for a while until I get used to it. I went to the supermarket yesterday and it took me an absolute age to get round. Not only did I find myself looking at stuff in the baby food aisle (I don't and never have had children) when I thought I was looking for puppy food, but I must have walked up and down the whole shop 5 times trying to remember what I was looking for. And I also found myself doing my stoned walk: going really slowly with carefully measured steps because my legs felt 8 foot long and not entirely under my control. Not good. :no:
@Persona: It crept up on me. I noticed people smiling at me, which was rather disconcerting at first but then I realised they were returning my smile.
@Brun: I used to be careful not to use slang in forums, so as not to confuse non-Brits, but these days everyone seems to (more or less) get the jist of it, so I don't worry about it any more. I remember 15 years ago if I called a septic a wanker they'd be left totally clueless.:H