To Tbilisi's question: the bac "high" doesn't feel at all like a marijuana high to me. I guess I'm extra fortunate 'cause it just makes me feel normal - or at least what I imagine other people who aren't craving alcohol or feeling depressed all day feel. While I've been feeling "high" with bac my friends remark that I'm behaving more like a sober person than I did for the 3 years I was AF without baclofen. Thanks to suggestions from other members of this board, I also take huge quantities of l-glutamine, and somewhere between the bac and the l-glute I quit taking anti-depressants. Oh - and I never get even sleepy, much less somnolent, from baclofen.
So, while being prepared for difficulties and challenges, be on the look-out for really good things that might happen!
I thought I had sag-face, too, Bruun. Then I realized I was looking at myself through eyes that were neither drunk nor hung-over for the first time in a long time. Yowsa'!
Can't speak to SagKnob, Murph. Hopefully it's one of those SE's that disappears at some point. I do have SagTits, however; which I believe is a SE of titrating down too quickly from high doses of baclofen. Or age.