Maybe you're at the doctor's. I hope you called today, and they got you right in. I can't for the life of me think what the breathing thing could have been. I wonder if it was an extremely bad apnea spell? I would say a sleep study is in order and maybe some xrays to check for an obstruction. I'm not sure if there's anything documented in the literature regarding baclofen and sleep apnea, but in theory, it could certainly make it worse. A prime cause of obstructive sleep apnea is relaxed muscles of the neck and tongue. A muscle relaxant (especially at the doses we take it), may make it worse. And get on some bp meds!
I have tested him like crazy. He is nothing less than consistant. He is an eloquent and creative writer. Think Ne, but a man version. He has been incredibly patient with me. If I were him, I would have given up on me a long time ago. I mean, we've been corresponding on and off (the off because I pushed him away), for a month. I still haven't talked to him on the phone. That's going to change tonigh, btw. We have a 9pm phone date. He knows I have a number of kids (he's doesn't have any that he knows about) :H, I'm damaged from a shitty marriage (he's never been married), I've been unemployed (he's employed and successful), I'm walking away from this house and everything else (so I've essentially destroyed my credit). Oh, and he doesn't even know about the bac. Or the drinking (I need him to meet me a few times before I divulge all that shit). Jesus! I'm the one who looks scary. This man should run....from me. But he doesn't. On paper, I'm a train wreck. I guess maybe he has a strong intuition too. Maybe deep down he knows I'm worth it.
Get yourself checked out and report back! rettplease: