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Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

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    Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

    Murphyx;1116245 wrote:
    What? Now I'm not even allowed to post here anymore???
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

      Murphyx;1116245 wrote:
      What? Now I'm not even allowed to post here anymore???

      That made ME titter!

      Better Living Through Chemistry

      Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

      Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


        Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

        Lo0p;1116281 wrote: What? Now I'm not even allowed to post here anymore???Yes, you can post, just with less fucks. This thread has become drenched in fucks and some people don't like reading posts full of fucks and the fucks put them off. Now you might consider them pernickety little fucks for being offended by a fuck but their anti-fuck position should be respected.

        Isolde;1116340 wrote: :H

        That made ME titter!

        Is, what's with the tiny fuck? Perhaps you consider a tiny fuck to not be a real fuck? Mmmm, good point, but I would have thought a tiny fuck is still a fuck, just a less satisfying fuck all round.

        RudyB;1116248 wrote:
        (Dreams, however, are crazier than ever. Kinda fun.)
        I'm jealous. I never get the crazy, fun bac dreams.

        The unexamined life is not worth living


          Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

          Here's a heart warming story to remind us that we can accomplish ANYTHING if we put our minds to it...

          Man eats 25,000th Big Mac, 39 years after his 1st | World news |

          "A retired prison guard ate his 25,000th Big Mac on Tuesday, 39 years to the day after eating his first ... nine.

          "I plan on eating Big Macs until I die," he said. "I have no intentions of changing. It's still my favorite food. Nothing has changed in 39 years. I look forward to it every day."

          The sign beneath the golden arches Tuesday read "Congrats Don Gorske 25000 Big Macs."

          Before he ate No. 25,000, he showed dozens of onlookers many of the different styles of cartons he has collected over the years and other Big Mac-related stories.

          The crowd erupted into applause."

          Dan Gorske, we salute you!


            Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

            pony, that's going to make quite an obituary. b. 1969...d. after eating BigMac #260001. We were all shocked and dismayed at his early demise. The coffin was specially made, so in lieu of flowers, please send donations to the mortuary to pay for the exorbitant cost of burying the poor guy.

            I am weary, too, from all of the expletives. Glad it's run it's course. I'll probably be annoyed forever at my own half-arsed innuendos and gratuitous swearing, but whatevs. right?

            And since I do actually trust you, Murph, to guide me in some things in a positive direction, I'm going to try those little tobacco packets again. snuus? snus? I can't remember.
            Truth is that I did try the little wintergreen one and that worked out okay. It was the ones in the black packet, the original, I think, that made me turn into some sort of drooling neanderthal.


              Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

              You bought the 10 tin starter pack right? They are all very different. Some of them are crazy strong and quite gooey and others much more reasonable. Personally I hated the flavoured ones, but apparently girlies quite like them. The ones I got on best with were the Skruf and the Catch.

              You need to experiment with the different types, where you put it and how. I used to find that if I stuck it straight in under the lip, my mouth would be too dry and it would be uncomfortable. So, now I put it in my mouth and stick it in position with my tongue. This guy demonstrates. Just ignore the fact that he?s using 2 portions and for gods? sakes try not to look at his teeth.
    [/video]]YouTube - How to use a portion snus

              More on snus types and ways of using:
    [/video]]YouTube - What is Snus? How to use it and where to buy
              Of course you will be tempted to try the ?hillbilly? method mentioned, but that?s for later in your snus journey.

              And these are some Americans trying snus for the first time. I expect you probably know them.:H
    [/video]]YouTube - Americans trying out Swedish snus!

              The unexamined life is not worth living


                Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                egad. That first vid is enough to swear a girl off tobacco AND men without a toothbrush. The chicks? puhlease. That was 90 seconds I'll never get bac.

                I ordered a bunch to save on shipping. So just because I'm being frugal these days I'll have to give it another shot. Starting with the girlie flavors (of tobacco in a pouch that one inserts into one's mouth??? That's a bit oxymoronic. Or moronic.)

                What is up with the poor creatures you keep featuring in your av? They're almost as disturbing as Lo0p's!


                  Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                  Ne/Neva Eva;1116645 wrote:
                  What is up with the poor creatures you keep featuring in your av?
                  I'm not responsible for this one taking a weird pic of themselves. It's just a pic I found on the net, which amused me.

                  Ne/Neva Eva;1116645 wrote:

                  They're almost as disturbing as Lo0p's!

                  The unexamined life is not worth living


                    Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                    I've decided there probably isn't much point continuing to increase my bac dose for the purposes of smoking cessation. I don't think I actually need the ciggies now as it is. I've recently started back on the snus and I'm getting all the nicotine I could possibly want but I still smoke. Smoking is just sooooo much about habit and habits are really difficult for me to break.

                    I will have more to report about habits and breaking them in the near future. Ne tells me I should be sharing everything and not keeping anything to myself. I think she's trying to turn me into an American or worse, a woman(is that worse? I'm not sure).:H

                    I'll be going away in a couple of days. I'll be gone a few days but it might turn into a week or two if the weather stays nice, so please don't go thinking I've had another choking episode and croaked.

                    The unexamined life is not worth living


                      Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                      Saw your new Avatar on a newbies thread. Make sure you tell him that was "pre-Bac"
                      ...we don't want to scare the heebie jeebies out of him!

                      And I love this fucking thread!

                      The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                      *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                        Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                        Lol, oh yeah, I hope he doesn't think that's what happens to you after a few months. There are some nasty SEs with bac, but if that were one, I'm not sure sobriety would be worth it. :H

                        The unexamined life is not worth living


                          Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                          Increasing my dosage to a new high of 200 has given me something of an insight into the SEs that people refer to as “kicking their ass”. I’ve never quite understood the donkey analogy and recourse to The Urban Dictionary, usually so helpful on the occasions when I need a definition of ‘teenspeak’ or an American idiom, is of little assistance: “We were having a kick-ass good time shootin' the shit and kickin' the shit out of this guy who needed an ass kicking. So kiss my ass” just confuses me further. Although it is interesting to note that Americans kiss their donkeys, which is I suppose quite sweet, but also reminds me of a party I attended as a teenager when one particular girl was encouraged to ‘pleasure’ a horse in the stable. A rather unpleasant experience (although not for the horse), not to mention messy and somewhat dangerous. Don’t try this at home kids!

                          The first few days at 200mg left me with the same side effects I experienced at 175 before titrating down, but just more so. I was all loved-up and enjoying human contact (particularly with women), which is nice, but on occasion it very nearly manifested itself in physical form, which would definitely not be so nice: “quick, fetch the camera. There’s a three legged man leering at that woman with the big tits”.

                          My sleep was greatly improved for the first few days and I actually managed to sleep for 6 hours as opposed to what has become the routine of a maximum of five hours interrupted by several visits to the loo.

                          Also my sense of smell increased to an alarming level when queuing behind an unwashed oik and I thought his odour would make me faint. The last time I fainted I was 10 years old. I was at mass, it was a hot day, the incense was making me feel ill and my mother had just whispered to me that Father Simon had asked if I wanted to become one of his altar boys. Fortunately I wasn’t a good fit for the role and only lasted one Sunday, so Father Simon didn’t get the chance to have me interfere with his cassock. Not that he would have done, being as he was kicked out of the church some years later for shagging the (female) parishioners. At that time a priest could quite happily molest young boys at will, but if he actually had sex with an adult female he would be excommunicated. Thank the gods that’s all changed now.

                          The real ‘ass-kicking’ SEs were: extreme somnolence, constantly nodding off including once while talking on the telephone to a client; vertigo, I often found myself almost falling over whilst walking and greatly reduced ability to communicate “what would you like for dinner? I’ve got some of that errr stuff that you liked that time or I froze some of the ummm thingy that we had last week. Don’t look at me like that. The thing we had, no not that thing the other thing. THE THING, THE THING.! Oh for Christ’s sake woman don’t you understand English?”
                          didn’t go down too well and resulted in the usual (and deserved) physical response from Mrs Murph.

                          Fortunately all the SEs have now somewhat abated and I am back to my normal self. Thank f***!

                          The unexamined life is not worth living


                            Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                            Strangely I'm finding the same thing is happening to me on a dose of 300mg's. For the first time I am able to get my dose even and consistent for a long while, and the SE's are ridiculous. I really am having my ass handed to me on a plate. I can't work it out.


                              Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                              Mmmmmm, again The Urban Dictionary is of no help. Was it a very large plate? Was the ass cooked or raw? I realise Southern Africans love nothing more than to devour huge amounts of meat, but surely an entire ass is excessive even for you lot.

                              The unexamined life is not worth living


                                Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                                The plate was nondescript, and not of any real importance to the story. What is key to note is that my ass was still attached to the rest of me, which gives you an idea of how discombobulating the whole affair is.

                                Zimbabwe is not South Africa. It would be like me calling you Scottish.

