Rudy, you asked on your thread how one posts a youtube video. I'm replying here in order to deflect any kerfuffle that my reply may cause the few gentle souls who seem to feel the need to complain about my posts.
Just copy the url, in your reply press the 'insert link' button (the one that looks like a globe with the chain below it (www + link, clever eh?)) and paste your url in the box that appears. Then you will be left with something like this:[/video]]YouTube - ‪dance laddie dance!‬‏
That's actually a scammer who I convinced to make a video of himself before I'd send him the wads of cash he thought he'd conned out of me. If anyone is easily offended don't click on it, or click on it if you want and then you can be all a riled, and breathless with indignation you can mutter things like "dagnabbit" under your breath while you write your letter of complaint.
I'm pretty sure people who don't say 'fuck' or 'bollocks' or 'wanker' or 'cock' and find it deeply offensive to even read someone else saying such words and would have absolute conniptions if they were to read a sentence such as "bollocks to you, you fucking, cock-headed wanker", use words such as 'dagnabbit' in their place. Personally, I agree with their concerns and you'll find no such profanity on this thread dag-fucking-nabbit.