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Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

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    Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

    Ne/Neva Eva;1152909 wrote: Curly, Probably a day late and a dollar short here, but listen, going up or down dramatically always knocked me around. If you go up, and it was too much too soon, please don't go down dramatically. It's medicine. Ease off it. That's just my humble suggestion that I will repeat ad infinitum until ...Ne, you know I always agree with everything you say and have never questioned you :H but on this occasion I think you're talking bollocks. Curly was only on the 250 for 1 day. Dropping a chunk off that, to go down to 210, will not cause a problem.

    Curly, listen to me, not her.

    Ne/Neva Eva;1152909 wrote:
    Murph, the sleep thing. I found it really helpful to stay in bed for a moment. I could train myself to do this. Stay, lay, think, "okay, I'm done sleeping. Time to wake up." Or something. Sometimes my mind would slip bac into the betweenplace and I would remind myself that I was dreaming.

    If you're awake, then wake up! Ya' know?
    Is that at all helpful?
    Ummm, not so much, but thanks.
    I think I've worked out what's been happening. I always wake up every 2 hours. I've been doing that since I started on bac. It's not a problem any more, I just get up, take a leak, have a glass of water, maybe have a fag and then go back to sleep for another 2 hours. I'm used to it and I no longer really find it that disruptive. The last couple of nights I've been taking Nytol (USA=Benadryl). It's great; it zonks me out. I go to sleep and stay asleep. It's the dog's bollocks as far as the sleeping aids I've tried. But, the waking up every 2 hours thing has become such a normal part of my routine, that I keep on doing it, at least I do the getting up part, but not the waking up part because of the Nytol. The bac and the Nytol are workiing on different parts of my brain, the bac saying "get up, you always get up at this time" and the Nytol saying "you will stay asleep for 6 hours".


    I just stopped by to tell you how much I like the new av
    Thanks:l. Yours looks gay. Just sayin'.

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

      Murphyx;1152971 wrote: Yours looks gay. Just sayin'.
      She's a happy lass.

      Yep. You're right on both accounts. This time. Don't get used to it. bac at ya

      Sorry, Curly. Murphy is, as um, as um, well.
      If it was only for a day, and if you felt all discombobulated, then it would probably be a really good idea to go back down to 210 or wherever you last were.
      Sorry to be confusing!


        Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

        Murphy, maybe your sleep problems are menopause related. I wake up about every two hours too. Have done that pretty much every night since I quit drinking. I wake up, get up and pee, go back to bed. Usually I can fall back asleep easily but sometimes not. And sometimes I just get up at some strange early hour and be done with it.

        I too was a daily drinker and passed out rather than "fell asleep" for years. So maybe it's not menopause related. I've just sort of resigned myself to it.

        Did I tell you about my mulberry trees? They are old a big and high production mulberry trees. Most people don't like them because the birds eat them an poop purple. Our dogs eat them and THEY poop purple. (just to ge the thread back on topic )

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

          Very interesting regarding your sleep pattern DG; I do wonder how that and other things I put down to bac SEs are in fact down to removal of alcohol.

          But back to the turdyness this thread has become. About 20 years ago I lived on a nice leafy street in London. The trees were all cherries and produced a great display in spring but in summer pigeons would eat the cherries and poop on the cars parked on the road (no garages). If you didn't clean the poop off within 24 hours, it would start to eat it's way through the paintwork. One year I went on hols for 2 weeks and when I came back I had to have my car resprayed.

          I hate pigeons; flying rats. And the squabs (baby pigeons) are THE ugliest creature on earth. A long time ago in a place far, far away I had a job which involved clambering around old, tall buildings and sometimes I was unfortunate enough to come across pigeon nests. I would feel instantly sickened if the nest had a squab in it. Now, I'm an animal lover on the whole (except for spiders and sharks, which are both evil), I'm vegetarian, I believe in the right of all sentient creatures to exist with out hindrance from humankind, however, I would completely understand if people were to stamp on squabs whenever they saw them. They are the revolting babies of a disgusting bird and their shitty antics cost me 2 grand.

          The unexamined life is not worth living


            Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

            Sharks, spiders and "squabs" abound here in Aus. They are not "evil" at all . They just live in their natural habitat. Sorry they cost you 2 g. Obviously the money was an absolute travesty for you. Hope you enjoyed killing them. They were babies of a species allowed to live here on this planet, unless, of course, they cost you money.



              Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

              I know so many people who feel that way about pigeons. And squirrels. And rats for that matter. I happen to feel fondness for anything with fur. But I've got a nasty pigeon story for you:

              I had a lovely porch. I was living alone, created a beautiful Ne-space that was my own for the first time in many, many years. (Ed lived down the street. We realized that we liked each other more when we weren't under the same roof. At least for a while.)

              Having a fondness for watching the squirrelly antics and the pigeons fornicating (it was spring) I kept food on the railing. I spent many hours out there reading the Game of Thrones series (and drinking copious amounts of wine.)

              End of summer roles around and I bring in all the cushions etc... Put them in a storage bin at the bottom of my bed. Over the next month I find I'm getting weird little itchy bites. Not like fleas, which I'm very familiar with.

              Bed Bugs! I'm convinced the damn birds brought them in straight from NYC. damn yankees.
              Result? New mattress, down comforter, sheets, pillows. apartment fumigation with horrid poison, cracks, crevices, you name it. Cleaning like I've never cleaned. Followed by months of paranoia.

              Now I keep the beautiful mourning doves at a good distance, and shoo them off of the current lovely porch. The squirrels are still sort of welcome, but with an eye to the fact that they carry non-furry vermin. yuck


                Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                Forgive, Murph. I know you don't need me to do this... And I know it's silly.

                missyabby1;1153319 wrote:
                ...snipe, snark, jab...
                Lots and lots of spaces to read, places to post, things to obsess about. We are ALL of us fragile souls.

                and um, grrrr, sister.


                  Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                  I guess every single "bird or animal" have a purpose in this world. We., in Aus , are such a new nation, just 200 years old. I have worked with the old inhabitants of this country. I love them to bits. They don't rush around trying to make money, at all, they just lived with what they had. They didn't have alcohol problems at all, they didn't have the western world disease. Greed, power or alcoholism. I don't understand your posts Ne. I want to, but I really don't.

                  Missy xx


                    Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                    I should've been more clear. Read, obsess and post somewhere else. Murph's just like all the rest of us...Making his way through. He's also my friend. As are you. Leave him be, please. He's not who or what you think he is and I'm sick of the sniping. and I'm tired Missy. Please.


                      Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                      Pigeon shit is a vector for meningitis, I think.
                      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                      A Forum
                      Trolls need not apply


                        Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                        Ne, I.m sorry I have upset you. but the thing is Karen, everyone is free to express their feelings here. I don't like Murph, I don't like his expressions of superiority, I don't think it is helpful for people. I think Murph has tried to expound his superiorty in more then one way in the world and to support him is nothing less then unhelpful.

                        Let him alone Ne, let him sort it out for himself. You already have a very co dependent man in your life. I am tired too. He was the one who really started the abuse ne. I won't nor can't let that go. That would be a travesty.

                        Missy xx


                          Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                          :H whatevs.

                          Meningitis? Dammit. Guess I got off easy with bed bugs.

                          I also had a mourning dove nest next door this summer. I could see it from where I sit with the computer, so watched the whole process. Pretty neat. I was convinced the poor thing was starving, since she never left the nest. Turns out there's a mommy and a daddy bird, and they take turns, or he feeds her or something. Anyway, she's just fine and the only part of the process I missed was seeing the damn things fly away.


                            Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                            Ne, buy a BB gun and keep it next to the computer. Doves are just pigeons with better PR.

                            The unexamined life is not worth living


                              Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                              Oh yeah Lo0p, who the fuck is Sasha and why is her avatar so important to you?

                              The unexamined life is not worth living


                                Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                                Murphyx;1153454 wrote: Oh yeah Lo0p, who the fuck is Sasha and why is her avatar so important to you?

                                I'm about as likely to own a gun of any kind as you are. I DO allow squirt guns in the house. Well, outside when they're full. Unless I'm training a puppy or tormenting my dog. Yes. I know. Worst trainer ever. But sometimes it's simply enough already! with the positive reinforcement and repeating behaviors and well, dammit, stop driving me crazy! Actually, it's been so long I can't remember what I used 'em for. Maybe I'm just mean. I am secretly thinking about fostering another puppy. Which would make Goose and Ed VERY upset. hmmm. Nope. Nevermind.

                                What's news?

