Curly, listen to me, not her.

If you're awake, then wake up! Ya' know?
Is that at all helpful?

I think I've worked out what's been happening. I always wake up every 2 hours. I've been doing that since I started on bac. It's not a problem any more, I just get up, take a leak, have a glass of water, maybe have a fag and then go back to sleep for another 2 hours. I'm used to it and I no longer really find it that disruptive. The last couple of nights I've been taking Nytol (USA=Benadryl). It's great; it zonks me out. I go to sleep and stay asleep. It's the dog's bollocks as far as the sleeping aids I've tried. But, the waking up every 2 hours thing has become such a normal part of my routine, that I keep on doing it, at least I do the getting up part, but not the waking up part because of the Nytol. The bac and the Nytol are workiing on different parts of my brain, the bac saying "get up, you always get up at this time" and the Nytol saying "you will stay asleep for 6 hours".
I just stopped by to tell you how much I like the new av