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Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

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    Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

    What's news? Oh nothing much, except I got stoned on Monday. Unintentionally I should add.

    I was following the g@b@p3ntin thread with interest because of its apparent ability to deal with depression (which is omnipresent, despite ADs, although at a low level), social anxiety (which apparently I do have even though I didn't realise it) and alcohol cravings (which I still have, if only a teeny bit).

    The thread had a lot of information about dosage and a lot of it was quite contradictory. People were taking between 300mg and 2000mg per day. So I ordered some 600mg tablets on-line. They arrived Monday and I popped one when I picked them up from the post office. Holy fuck! I was speeeeeeding all day. The effect was like I'd done a pile of cheap coke cut with speed. The sort of thing that used to cost me 50 quid, back in the day, and kept me out all night drinking gallons of Stella, chatting to complete strangers about the most incredibly trivial things and being utterly engrossed in whatever guff they were spouting. Oh yeah and spending half the evening on my knees in the Gents, with a rolled up fiver stuck in my nose, snorting lines from the top of a filthy toilet seat.

    So, does it work? I wasn't depressed, I had zero cravings and if I'd been in a social situation I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been anxious. So yeah, I guess so. But the buzzy stoned thing was deeply unpleasant and definitely unwelcome. I guess I can thank bac for that.

    Anyway, I didn't take any yesterday and I was still getting buzzy moments like a kinda flashback. Today I've taken half a tablet and I'll see how that goes.

    I've leeted out the name of the drug because the Google bots index the stuff we write here and I don't want someone looking for a cheap high getting this post come up on their search results.

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

      Is that all? I wondered why you were AWOL.
      So you took more today? :H I get it. Hard for me not to look to medication to fix all things when bac was so damn effective. More on that on a different thread at some point...

      Hope today is better, less speedy, more functional. I certainly hope it doesn't bring vivid memories of snorting anything off of a public toilet. Hard enough to put my ass on one of those things. I can't imagine intentionally inhaling those germs.
      I did it once, though. Completely ruined my drunk, and everyone around me got high and then paranoid. It was my 20th birthday. A memorable one only in that I was sober, if you can call it that, despite my best efforts. Eff that.

      Why a fiver? A $1 bill is too plebeian for expensive powder?


        Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

        if you are so anti murph why do you torture self and us by reading his thread? why not just spare all and go away?


          Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

          Ne/Neva Eva;1153914 wrote:
          Why a fiver? A $1 bill is too plebeian for expensive powder?
          This confused me but then I remembered you're American.:H

          My sleep thing is still weird. So after the 2 nights of getting up at 2 am thinking it was 6am, Monday night I decided not to take the Nytol in case that was what was causing the problem (interacting with the bac as per an earlier post) but instead took a couple of 5HTPs, which have worked pretty well for me in the past. The weird thing is, Monday night I missed the 2am wake up. I woke at 4 as per my usual routine (pee, drink water, back to bed) and normally, as in ALWAYS, I wake at 2 and do the same thing but I missed it.

          Or did I? I had wondered whether the reason I had the experience on the previous 2 nights was a form of sleep walking. So maybe I did get up at 2 am but don't remember it. I could have done anything and anywhere. I hope I remembered to dress if I went out. While men wandering the streets, stark bollock naked, isn't exactly unheard of in my town, the police do still react badly when they find you doing it. Fingers crossed I just did something boring and normal like dressed up in my wife's underwear and danced around the garden, the sort of thing that wouldn't have concerned the neighbours too much.

          After that worrying experience (or lack there of) last night I decided not to take anything to help me sleep, until 2am that is when I was way too fecked off with not getting any sleep I dropped a Nytol and soon nodded off. And the strangest thing of all happened, I woke at 4am out of a dream. Not so strange in itself but I haven't dreamed, or at least been aware of having had a dream for the 6 months I've been on bac. It was extremely vivid, detailed and in colour and very, very weird, involving a series of people with animal heads and evil looking midgets who kept getting annoyed when I tripped over them. There was also a pair of gorgeous Polish girls who wanted to do depraved things with me...but you don't need to know about that.

          Also, I've been having hallucinations. At night, I keep thinking my wife is not in the bed (I allow her to share my bed). I see her getting up, going somewhere and not coming back. So I get up, go look for her and call her name and to my utter surprise, each time she's actually still in the bed and has never left it. This is starting to piss her off, pffft I should care?

          I'm also seeing sudden bright flashing lights in the periphery of my vision; like a camera flash has just gone off to my side. The wife claims not to be responsible, but I'm not sure this whole thing isn't just her way of making me think I'm losing my mind. If she is, she'll regret it, oh yes she'll regret it!

          The unexamined life is not worth living


            Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

            Hi Murph! Hope those SEs go away - maybe you should lay off the gabap for a few days and see if they leave off.

            I took a 600mg this AM around 6am and I'm still buzzing at 10:25am. Powerful stuff at this dose on an empty stomach. I think I should only take the half pill each time, that seemed to work better. Although sometimes I like a little buzz, it's not as fun as an AL buzz but it fuzzies up the hard edges of the day - which is okay right now, it's the slow time of year here. It would be a good morning to read in bed (foggy and cool) if I could. Bzzzzzzzzzz......

            Those flashing lights at the edge of your vision are flashes from a camera. Your wife is taking incriminating pictures in preparation for her divorce case which will claim you're a pill popping crazy guy who is a danger to himself and society. You better check her phone for the pics.


              Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

              By the way, commonly prescribed dosages for gabap (for people with diabetes, neuralagia, etc) are much higher than I take as you know, and I believe the half-life is much longer than anyone states. The recommended dosage for pain relief is 3x/day which my cousin says makes her too fuzzy for her work as an RN. I can imagine that would build up in your system because like you Murph, I sometimes still feel the effects (if I take too much) many hours after it's supposed to be out of my system. If I took another 600mg now, I might as well crawl back into bed.


                Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                Wow, this stuff sounds like fun!

                What you are describing sounds like pretty normal baclofen related stuff though. I still get the illusion that Mrs Bleep isn't in bed, or vice versa. Often she's not, which confuses matters even further, but that's another story altogether.

                Just something to consider - it is not necessarily the other stuff that's causing this.


                  Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                  Teat post to see if my hard work trying to fix this awful sig of mine has paid off...

                  EDIT: No, it hasn't. Why are the threads showing up like that, does anyone have any clue? I've tried both with and without the url tags now...

                  FURTHER EDIT: No, I haven't - it automatically inserts the tags whether I delete them or not.


                    Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                    I take my dosage 3 x Day (tid?) and it doesn't affect my performance one bit. Odd.

                    It does keep me from hitting the "suicide headaches" that I get, though.

                    I am up to 2400/mgs day right now. Odd since I haven't been drinking. I always related my headaches to drinking but they are still here. My doctor worries about me because these headaches are truly "suicide headaches."

                    Many a time I wished I had a revolver to stop them. I know that sounds weird but if you suffered from the pain the headaches evoke you would understand.

                    Still, I do not feel anything from the Gabapentin (neurontin) when I take it.

                    I find it odd (because anything is odd that a person doesn't experience) that you all (southernism) do.

                    But, Gabapentin does keep those headaches at bay. Thank G-d.


                    ps My doc says 2400 mgs/day is the max. If I have to go beyond that, we are looking at new meds.
                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                      Murphyx;1153454 wrote: Oh yeah Lo0p, who the fuck is Sasha and why is her avatar so important to you?
                      Sasha is a friend of mine. Sasha is basically short for Alexander, which happens to be a very common, strong, Russian male name. Small island you're on there! :H

                      I can't remember what I was asking about his avatar, that was 2 years ago.
                      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                      A Forum
                      Trolls need not apply


                        Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                        Hi Cinders. Nice to see you! Murph, what the heck is a turd? Other than the obvious. You've called yourself a turd (or was that Ne?). You called your thread turdy.
                        This Princess Saved Herself


                          Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                          Bruunhilde;1154099 wrote:
                          Those flashing lights at the edge of your vision are flashes from a camera. Your wife is taking incriminating pictures in preparation for her divorce case which will claim you're a pill popping crazy guy who is a danger to himself and society. You better check her phone for the pics.
                          OMG that's why she asked me to dress up in the gimp suit yesterday. I thought she was getting frisky but she just cuffed me to the bed and left the room. Then I started seeing the flashes. I knew it, DA BEYOTCH!!!!

                          bleep;1154114 wrote: Wow, this stuff sounds like fun!
                          Noooooo! That's your old addict brain thinking, boy. It's not meant to be fun. As I said, a while back I would have paid handsomely for it. But to be honest, this time around, for me, it really wasn't fun.

                          Cinders;1154116 wrote:
                          It does keep me from hitting the "suicide headaches" that I get, though.

                          ps My doc says 2400 mgs/day is the max. If I have to go beyond that, we are looking at new meds.
                          Those cluster headaches sound like a complete nightmare, Cinders. How long has it taken you to get up to that level? How soon does one have to increase the dose to get the same effect?

                          Lo0p;1154118 wrote:
                          Sasha is a friend of mine. Sasha is basically short for Alexander, which happens to be a very common, strong, Russian male name.
                          Methinks the lady doth protest too much!

                          Whateva dude! No one's judging here; if you're getting a bit of Ruskie man-on-man action, that's cool.

                          redhead77;1154143 wrote:
                          Hi Cinders. Nice to see you! Murph, what the heck is a turd? Other than the obvious. You've called yourself a turd (or was that Ne?). You called your thread turdy.
                          RedH, are you tripping? Have you been helping yourself to the meds trolley? A turd is a turd. I don't think I ever called myself a turd and we both know Ne is far too ladylike to use such a word.

                          The unexamined life is not worth living


                            Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                            Murphyx;1153169 wrote: Very interesting regarding your sleep pattern DG; I do wonder how that and other things I put down to bac SEs are in fact down to removal of alcohol.
                            My unsubstantiated theory is that hormones have a lot to do with sleep and that my hormones were probably a mess long before I stopped drinking. And the only reason I slept soundly was because I passed out soundly. I don't care for melatonin but Valerian root helps. The waking up every two hours has been pretty bad lately though. I'm thinking of pursuing something stronger as a sleep aid but I'm a bit gun shy about chemicals.......what do people here suggest in a non-narcotic sleep aid?

                            But back to the turdyness this thread has become. About 20 years ago I lived on a nice leafy street in London. The trees were all cherries and produced a great display in spring but in summer pigeons would eat the cherries and poop on the cars parked on the road (no garages). If you didn't clean the poop off within 24 hours, it would start to eat it's way through the paintwork. One year I went on hols for 2 weeks and when I came back I had to have my car resprayed.
                            :H:H:H (sorry..)

                            And the squabs (baby pigeons) are THE ugliest creature on earth.
                            When I read that, I realized that in all the years I lived in Chicago surrounded by disgusting pigeons and pigeon poop, I don't remember seeing baby pigeons. Surely I must have, but they never made an impression apparently...

                            Your buzzing high sounds sort of scary. How are you by now? Actually, it's probably time where I hope you are sleeping now. Always fun to catch up on the Murph thread.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                              For sleep, DG, you could try kava, although it's been getting a bad rap in the past few years for abuse I believe. Magnesium helps to relax you - try epsom salt baths, epsom salt is magnesium and it's a great way to make sure you're topped off without the gastric upset. It will also help get rid of (help it get utilized) any high blood calcium you might have stored up. I find calcium helps relax me too.

                              Regarding RX, xanax is a great thing, but you know the tolerance issues with that. I'm slowly weaning off xanax and using the baclofen/gabapentin instead since I'm using those for AL and anxiety anyways. I wonder what my doctor would have to say about that. He's not a fan of pill popping. Unfortunately! :H


                                Murph’s Baclofen (or should that be BacloFUN) diary

                                Doggygirl;1154168 wrote: When I read that, I realized that in all the years I lived in Chicago surrounded by disgusting pigeons and pigeon poop, I don't remember seeing baby pigeons. Surely I must have, but they never made an impression apparently...
                                You'd be unlikely to have seen one. Pigeons are descended from Rock Doves, which nest in crevices on cliff faces. Pigeons still have that instinct so do the same thing using tall buildings. You generally only see their nests hidden away, up high. If they nested where people could see them and their hideous young, they'd be stomped on. They're disgusting.

                                But, I'm not sure if they're the ugliest of birds. Coot babies are pretty damn disgusting too. The first pic is a pigeon, the second a coot.

                                The unexamined life is not worth living

