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Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

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    Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not sure it's a good idea to take both Viagra and Ciallis at the same time. Is that what people do? I don't know. If so, yeah whatever. But, it might well be a very bad idea to take viagra with baclofen. Viagra increases BP (I think) and so does baclofen (often, but sometimes lowers it ), so the combination of the two might have you, not that sort of stroking.

    The sag-knob (that's the correct medical term for this condition) might be caused by things other than baclofen, especially if you've been at this dose for some time and the problem has only just occurred. Have you been to your GP about it? Has s/he done a prostate exam? Personally I'm with Tony Soprano on that one *, but it might be an idea to check out other potential causes.

    * - "Hey, I don't even let anyone wag their finger in my face." - Tony Soprano.

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

      Nope its caused by baclofen. I was just fine until I started bac. It got progressively worse as I titrated up. I've been at 200 mg for a long time now and its not getting better. Oh and I didn't mean I would take them both at the same time. Just possibly try them both.


        Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

        You've been at 200mg for a long time. Is that your switch or maintenance dose? It's not relevant, I'm just being nosey.

        I really wouldn't go sourcing viagra yourself if I was you. You really need a doc to take your BP and prescribe it, especially when you're already taking a medicine that alters your BP.

        BTW, we are talking about Mr Floppy coming to town are we? Erectile dysfunction is quite unusual with baclofen (as far as I can tell), the more common problem is retarded ejaculation and viagra won't help with that.

        The unexamined life is not worth living


          Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

          There were definitely levels when I couldn't have got it up for love or money. And I tried for both.


            Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

            B, just tell him/her. It's not, um, unusual. And it's not um, necessary to have the problem ongoing in order to get a script.
            I agree with murph about the viagra vs the cialis. And for other reasons, too.

            It's fun. Really fun. It's also ridiculously expensive, fyi.


              Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

              Ne/Neva Eva;1108839 wrote: um, just to be clear, just take the meds, B. They're fun. For everyone. I know my husband would agree wholeheartedly, though he might be a little annoyed that I posted it here!
              C and V do the same job. By the way, yes for most they will be fun but there are one or two folk for whom either can make them exceedingly ill. From migraines and flashing lights to six months unable to work.

              These were a minority but still enough to make you at least a little cautious. By the way in the cases I know of, V had actually been taken under medical supervision........


                Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

                Anybody remember Jason Stackhouse from True Blood? When he drank too much "V" (vampire blood)?

                That's what would happen to me if I took any V or C.

                "Yup, it looks kinda like an eggplant...size and color...hmmph. Well, we're gonna have to excise." said the doctor...:H
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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                  Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

                  It's not that "Mr. Floppy" doesn't work at's just lack of feeling or sensitivity and trouble keeping it up. I have a lessened desire as well. Fuck I don't know, but it's annoying. I was spared of all of the other bullshit side effects that everyone else seems to get and got stuck with what seems to be the most rare of them all... that's my luck.

                  200 is just a maint. dose I decided to stick with. I went up as high as 300 ala Lo0p style. Very few side effects. I suppose I could play with lowering the bac dose, but I'm so afraid to mess up a good thing.

                  I don't know for sure when I hit my switch, but I'm pretty sure I'm there as I bought a six pack back in late January and over the course of two weeks opened four of them on different nights and didn't finish any of them... so I threw the other two away. I haven't had a drink since. Not that I am purposely avoiding it. I just don't give a shit.

                  I'm not going to do anything until I talk to Dr. L. about this. I was just waiting it out and was frankly, too embarrassed to mention it to him before. I realize that is childish so I will mention it on Thursday.

                  Thanks for the feedback peeps. And you fuckers are lucky :h



                    Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

                    Quick update. Decided to not mess with V or C but did get changed over to a different brand of Baclofen and the sexual side effects don't seem to be quite as bad with this brand. I'm still not back to normal I don't think, but things do seem to be better. I was on Teva brand from Walgreens before but am now taking Qualitest.

                    Anybody else taken Qualitest baclofen from a US pharmacy?



                      Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

                      So I still have this problem. It's horrible. I guess I am going to start tapering down on the Baclofen and see what happens.


                        Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

                        Geez, Bminor, I'm sorry.
                        I can't say that I understand. I really can't, I guess.
                        To answer the first question, I used to take only Teva brand, but I've recently realized that I wasn't being diligent (read neurotic) and have been taking a variety of them. Who knew?

                        Have you talked to your doctor, any doctor, about this? And did you look into C or V? (I can't recommend them highly enough, assuming you don't have something else going on???) I guess I have two concerns for you: What are the implications for your continued success with bac? and what if there is something physical going on that is related to bac, maybe, but is more serious? (blood pressure or something?)
                        Take good care, B!


                          Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

                          Definitely playing around with your dose seems to be in order. See if you can't find some sort of middle ground that makes everyone happy.

                          I take a complete mix of brands, sometimes on a daily basis. It all depends on what is available in the country at any given time. There are certainly times when I don't feel up for it, I hadn't thought to look to certain brands.


                            Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

                            redhead77;1050024 wrote: Oh great. I was kind of excited about this increased libido thing. I thought to myself, wonderful, this should make sober sex go very well. I don't know about you guys but sober sex seems kind of awkward when you've had only drunken sex for a long time. Now I have to worry about not having an orgasm? So my sober sex fantasy might be getting derailed. I guess I shouldn't even post this until it happens. I like to come here, though. No pun intended.
                            Red, I hadn't even thought about sober sex until I read your post. Now, I am scared. lol
                            Still fighting the good fight.


                              Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

                              I, too, had issues the higher the dosage. When I don't have a partner, the only time I don't want to pleasure myself is when I am hungover. This is because it just doesn't work. I noticed sometime around 120mg's that I wasn't interested in pleasuring myself. However, I have been noticing men lately. lol Maybe, I am just sick of myself and wanting someone else to do it for me. lol
                              Still fighting the good fight.


                                Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen


