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Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

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    Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

    After reading your post I decided to experiment with Tyrosine again yesterday. Oddly, I didn't seem to get tired like I did when I tried it before. I have no idea what that is all about. :scratchinhead:

    How much B3 do you take, Mary? Enough to get the Niacin Flush?

    Good luck finding the right balance with your baclofen dose.
    "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


      Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

      I haven't posted in this thread before. (never really had the chance of late) But I've noticed its becoming very hard to, how should I put it.. finish?

      Sexual feelings are as high as ever especially with the warm weather now here (is that just me?) but when it comes to the business end of things its like... once I get going I know where its heading and its usually not well. After taking quite some time to find this out I've became a bit of a flustered mess.

      My mind starts to wonder after a while and its hard to keep focused on the job in hand which can lead to frustration and I never thought I'd say thing but a touch of boredom

      Also.. when I do finish (if). Its not much to write home about. This isn't just me. I've been told this. It just seems like a bit of a chore.

      Frustration is the word best to describe how I feel.


        Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen


        Did anyone ever figure out the right amount to take?

        Having some sexual SE at around 190 mg now. Going to try the tyrosine solution-


          Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

          ifulovelife2;1510979 wrote:
          Bad news: I've been on Baclofen for over two years and it still retards my ejaculations to a certain extent.

          Good news: If you drop down a couple of levels you will probably find the problem reduces greatly. At least it does in my case.
          Also my experience. It's a dodgy game reducing baclofen until the sexual plus just balances the danger of a relapse.


            Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

            So dopamine is the issue?

            This explains why the "thrill is gone" on so many levels.

            As I titrated up, sex was grrreat. Now, meh.... Drinking is boring. I have to shove my ass out the door to exercise. Laughing is a side effect now.

            I guess Bac reduces the adrenaline junkie in all of us. :upset:



              Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

              I've been taking bac for so long that I don't really remember the details of SE's re sex, pleasure, laughing . . . are these our dopamine supported experiences? There was a period of many months when sex was quite enjoyable, but climax, as I had identified it, was too much work. But now, almost 4.5 years along, I find myself finding ways to enjoy and laugh most of the way through some majorly f**cked up situations. And even though my fiercer and honest response when someone asks me how I am is:"I'm crazy as a loon," it doesn't feel bad.

              I am hoping that this is encouragement that long-term baclofen does not necessarily mean long-term diminish meant of pleasure and enjoyment, of all kinds. It MAY require tinkering under the hood and changing the way we think about some things??
              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                Sexual Side Effects of Baclofen

                Has anyone experimented with the tyrosine, and/or phenylalanine / DLPA solution? What amounts must be taken, and in conjunction/at the same time with B3?

                Was at GNC today. Wrote down tyrosine wrong, looked for tyroline (unsuccessful, lol.) Did find L-tyrosine. DLPA required special order, will take a week.

                Can one take both?

