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Double blind trials

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    Double blind trials


    You have gone way off line there.


      Double blind trials

      Was just posting anything I found, didn't really look into it...


        Double blind trials

        No it was a link for the disabled for those with muscular problems.

        Bleep if you are to post links without checking it really isn't fair nor useful. We all know bac is prescribed off-label and the link was inappropriate.


          Double blind trials

          Just a couple of quick comments and I am done talking science on these forums.

          The OP is attacks strawmen. No one is saying anecdotes are useless. Obviously they are critical to patient care and form the impetus to real studies.

          People in double-blind trials aren't told that they are getting DrugX when they get placebo. That's just completely wrong. It is so mis-informed that the rest of the post makes no sense.

          The Wikipedia article from which the snippets were taken actually does a pretty good job explaining RCT's. People should just go read it instead of selective quotes to bolster an agenda.

          I give up. Whenever I bring up scientific points, people get riled up and take it as a personal attack on them. I don't understand it, and so I just won't talk about the subject anymore.

          But, I started on BAC, and I still haven't gotten my first spontaneous orgasm yet. I feel cheated.


            Double blind trials

            37, please don't let our ignorance dissuade you from posting. I for one, look forward to your posts and value them.

            I too have not achieved spontaneous orgasm. Quite the opposite.


              Double blind trials

              bleep;1050844 wrote: 37, please don't let our ignorance dissuade you from posting. I for one, look forward to your posts and value them.

              I too have not achieved spontaneous orgasm. Quite the opposite.
              To the contrary, I find the posters here are knowledgeable about BAC, and very warm and supportive. Oh, I am still going to read and post, but I'll just stick to personal experiences and chit-chat from now on. I've learned my lesson...these forums aren't really the venue to seriously debate the efficacy of any particular treatment.

              Now that I am actually on BAC, I find some of the experiences (my own, of course) interesting. I'll talk about them in another thread.


                Double blind trials

                What's this spontaneous orgasm stuff and where do I find one? I hadn't read that was a side effect, but maybe I need to revisit Loops sex thread. Wow, people here sure have a lot of crazy SE's. 37, please continue to post your scientific opinion. I enjoy it and I like that you can actually break down and decipher the research for us.
                This Princess Saved Herself

