on the nail, Ally.
And as Dr. A says in part 2 of his message here, it is not just tragic that millions of people have died/are dying because this "discovery" is being thwarted from coming into the mainstream -- it's even more insidious, it is an artificial tragedy because of the STRONG resistance to letting a cure be disseminated:
If one compares the resistance of many experts in the addiction field in academia, one should think of what happened in 1982, when Drs Barry Marshall and Robin Warren (Nobel prize in Medicine 2005) proved that a bacteria - helicobacter pylori – was at the origin of gastro-intestinal ulcers. When I was a medical students, the dogma had it that like for alcoholism and addiction today, ulcers were a “complex, multifactorial problem”. At its origins, psychosomatic/psychiatric disorders, eating habits, stress, heredity etc… The treatment required regular visits to a gastro-enterologist, weekly sessions of psychotherapy and expensive inefficient medications.
The discovery, to paraphrase Dr. Barry Marshall, was harshly fought by three lobbies: the gastro-enterologists who were making a living of performing endoscopies, psychiatrists and psychologists who were making a fortune from this life-long disease and the pharmaceutical industry.