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Bruun's Titting UP

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    Bruun's Titting UP

    Hallo friends and lurkers,

    I'm starting a thread of my own experience because everyone's progress threads have been so helpful to me, I want to help out too.

    As you may know and be weary of my complaints regarding baclofen side effects, I have good news for us all ... for now, the complaints are in remission. I suddenly realized I've felt normal for a couple of days, if still a bit lazy, but much much better. So....

    I titrated up (okay, titted) last night with no problem, but great effect on my sleep.

    Even though I somehow set the alarm for midnight instead of normal waking hour (figuring I might not wake on my own with the extra 10mg), and the phone woke me up (east coasters need to remember that 8am your time is FIVE in the dark hours here and could cause me to be NOT SLEEPING whilst thou are RINGING) (RANT) and then the cat woke me up, and something else but I totally forgot. In each of these four cases, however, I went back to sleep after five or ten minutes. That in itself is a minor miracle.

    I was NOT dizzy when I got up at any of these waking moments, a fabulous piece of news, and I was not sleepy and tired this morning. I feel calm and capable at work.

    The sinusitis is gone, the snoring is gone, the weird breathing issues I had at first are gone. I admit I used the Neti Pot to help me through it, and it was helpful I think in clearing things out before infection could set in.

    I've been on 50mg for more than a month, and finally feel like myself again, only better. I went from 50 to 62.5 last night. Here's the good stuff:

    I don't bolt out of bed stressed about the day anymore.
    I don't lie awake worrying anymore.
    I enjoy my pets and laugh at them instead of getting mad when they do something they think is normal and I think is stupid and yucky.
    I'm just calmer, and I'd say happier.

    Even if I don't move on from here, I'm better now that I was before bac. Bac takes away alot of the angst that made me drink to feel better. I'm not naive enough to think I'm anywhere near my switch, I'm just sayin'.

    However, my plan IS to move up from here, as slowly as needed but I'm newly motivated. Amazing how everything righted itself in a matter of a day or two. I'm encouraged. I can drive and work and function now, and so I can now tit up.

    (once I saw them, I couldn't just leave the granny pants out of the picture!)

    Bruun's Titting UP

    Bruun, that is so fantastic that I am beyond words. It's amazing, isn't it?
    KOKO and all that.
    xoxo, and
    :h and :goodjob:
    and the granny panties may be my new favorite 'word'



      Bruun's Titting UP

      YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you! And YOU can use "that" word anytime you want if it helps you!
      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


        Bruun's Titting UP

        Thanks NE, thanks Taw - re "the word" - I feel I've earned the right after wearing the shoulder boulders for 30+ years. I never liked the word but I do like it in this context.... Hope I'm not offending!! Lemmeno and I'll stop if anyone objects.


          Bruun's Titting UP

          Hi Bruun, that is great news! I had to laugh about the thing with the pets--I adore critters, but they do engage in some very strange behaviors sometimes!
          "We are high priest Vatican assassin warlocks. Boom! Print that, people!" -- from the "Cats Quote Charlie Sheen" Wordpress Blog


            Bruun's Titting UP

            oh, please. Who could you be offending? Have you seen the other threads floating around? Bac is not for the faint of heart. Plus, we're all alkies. Not many of us live in a bubble. (but some do, I know. Sorry for my language, peeps.)
            Yes, to the pets, of course. Will email you shortly, I swear.


              Bruun's Titting UP

              Great news, hope it goes well. It is, after all, in a lot of cases, why we are here!


                Bruun's Titting UP

                Update: Upped dose another five mg last night for a total of 65 yesterday. Slept like a rock. Woke up late, forgetting that I had a 9am appointment I slammed the alarm clock thinking I didn't need to get up just then, closed my eyes for just five minutes of snooze and an hour later, I didn't even have time to SHOWER before I had to leave in four minutes. Luckily, it was just the dentist and I did brush my teeth and comb my hair first. Oh, and put on some clothes.

                So, the dentist told me my nightly gaping maw was better than nightly grinding teeth, but poses special problems. Listen up you who relate, to the dry mouth from the bac side effect of relaxing your jaw and you can't seem to keep your mouth shut while you sleep....

                He told me that you have to be really vigilant about cleaning your teeth and mouth (brush all over and two minutes minimum) before bed, because when your tissues dry out they are no longer protected from acids in your mouth, and that can be detrimental to your gums and teeth.

                The hygenist offered me a trial pack of dry mouth tooth paste/wash/gel, but I declined because I've tried it before and it was instent canker sore world inside my mouth. Biotene was the brand, if anyone's interested.

                Thanks Bleep!


                  Bruun's Titting UP

                  Woot! Isn't getting a good night's sleep great?? I've also found it to be the case (as have a few others), that sometimes titrating up can actually reduce your SEs! And sometimes add in a few good ones too, as you've found.

                  Interesting note about the dry mouth issue from sleeping w/it open at night. At this point it's hard to believe I'll ever again sleep w/out my jaws being clamped tightly shut, but if the relaxed open-mouth sleeping ever returns, I'll remember what your dentist said! That used to happen to me w/lower levels of bac, so maybe those days will return again some day.

                  Pets are wonderful, though they can be rather infurating at times. One of my dogs has been trying her hardest to push me off of the bed at night lately, which hasn't been helping my sleep issues!

                  By the way, your choice of thread title cracks me up!! :H

                  And love the granny panties, and the over the shoulder boulder holders! No need to worry about offending anyone! :l
                  Better Living Through Chemistry

                  Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                  Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                    Bruun's Titting UP


                    Getting the happy feeling?! Good for you! Seems like you're very doing ok here. Thank you for starting your thread. And you did it for the right reasons, imo. Also 'important' that, when you made the switch, you can recall having this good feeling. So you might be looking forward to a nice feeling while titting (love the word) down.

                    Hope you keep doing ok, and have long nights or heavy sleep while titting up.

                    Girls: you seem to be too interested in pets.. Bacheads!

                    Bruun, good luck,



                      Bruun's Titting UP

                      Thanks Is and Low,

                      It was thanks to you and others here that I did tit up (LOL), thanks for your numerous answers and posts about your experiences, I'm sure I'll continue to reread them as I go the path you've traveled. Is, not looking forward to the clamping again, but suggest you go get one of the meltable mouthguards they use in waterpolo (and perhaps other sports?) which you melt to your teeth and wear it on your lowers, at least you can maybe change your bite at night so it doesn't grind your jaw joints.

                      By the way, second time I tried to reorder from Goldpharma, they shut me down as I was ordering. My last order submitted correctly but they canceled it and refunded me. WTF? And this just when the RX now has to go by barge instead of air, so the wait is more than a month! ARG.

                      Will try 4RX tonight from my personal computer, can't access it here....


                        Bruun's Titting UP

                        Bruun, that is good news! I had some of my worst SEs at the 50 mg/day level. They seemed to completely disappear by the time I hit 120 or so. I still had occasional nighttime sleepiness/crazy dreams and some nausea, but they were actually lessened from when I was taking 50. Isn't it weird how the higher doses seem to make things better?

                        Anyway, CONGRATS and hope that this means that the higher doses will treat you better!:l :h


                          Bruun's Titting UP

                          Bruunhilde;1052580 wrote:
                          Is, not looking forward to the clamping again, but suggest you go get one of the meltable mouthguards they use in waterpolo (and perhaps other sports?) which you melt to your teeth and wear it on your lowers, at least you can maybe change your bite at night so it doesn't grind your jaw joints.
                          Thanks for the recommendation. I actually already do wear a mouth guard at night, it's on my uppers only.

                          But now you've got me curious - what is a meltable mouth guard? Do you mean the kind that you put in boiling water for a minute or so and then when it's pliable, mold it to fit your teeth by biting down? At least, that's how mine was. Just wondering if it's the same thing! Hopelly when I start titting down ( :H ), I'll go back to sleeping with my mouth open! In the meantime, the xanax helps me with the clenching.

                          That sucks about the issue you're having with Goldpharma! If it makes you feel any better, I used 4RX exclusively when I was ordering online and never had a problem with them. Good luck!
                          Better Living Through Chemistry

                          Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                          Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                            Bruun's Titting UP

                            Thanks SS, love your dress, by the way. Speaks volumes!

                            Is, yes, that's exactly what I mean, you need one for your lowers, I actually remembered (hard to believe, I know) that you only had an upper. You may want to vary which one you use and use both sometimes, because if you keep clenching, varying the the load in different areas of your mouth, can only help.

                            By the way NE, if you see this, when you use the "disco" icon, I always think the guy in the box is getting his rocks off and whipping the crowd, just so you know. Blame it on my disgusting mind. Although I consider it one of my *best* features!


                              Bruun's Titting UP

                              Bruunhilde;1052636 wrote:
                              Is, yes, that's exactly what I mean, you need one for your lowers, I actually remembered (hard to believe, I know) that you only had an upper. You may want to vary which one you use and use both sometimes, because if you keep clenching, varying the the load in different areas of your mouth, can only help. Ah, now it makes perfect sense! Thanks so much for spelling it out for me (and remembering that I already wear one on my uppers!).

                              Bruunhilde;1052636 wrote:

                              By the way NE, if you see this, when you use the "disco" icon, I always think the guy in the box is getting his rocks off and whipping the crowd, just so you know. Blame it on my disgusting mind. Although I consider it one of my *best* features!

                              That absolutely had me cracking up over my keyboard!! What a hilarious description of that icon! Now that's all I'll ever be able to think of when I see it. Thanks for the laugh!!! :H
                              Better Living Through Chemistry

                              Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                              Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.

