How's the pool Bruun?
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Bruun's Titting UP
Bruun's Titting UP
Hi everyone! and hi Bruun - happy Sunday. Wow what great conversation going on.
Someone sent me this by e-mail. Usually I delete 'em before reading 'em but for some reason I opened this one. And just had to share in light of discussions the last couple of days. :H
A study worth sharing with friends both male and female:
A study conducted by UCLA ' s Department of Psychiatry has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle. For example: if she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features.
However, if she is menstruating or menopausal, she tends to be more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth and a spear lodged in his chest with a bat up his ass while he is on fire.
No further studies are expected on this subject.
rudyb - your rowing sounds amazing. you must be very fit! and running too. i am also a kidless person by choice. well, not by really strong choice. like IS described i've never felt the burning desire. i'm sure the fact that drinking was my highest priority through the child bearing years might have had something to do with it. it's all good though - no regrets. i'm glad i never did anything stupid like think a baby would somehow "make the drinking go away" or anything like that. lol - i thought all my job changes and moves all over the country would do that. :H my homework this week in human behavior was about parenting and the styles/issues and impact on kids. this class has felt emotionally stressful as it takes me back to my own childhood so much. nothing tragic but emotionally void. i will be glad when this class is over so i can stop re-visiting that week after week. when is your race?
Grades - I wont' have results from my last Monday midterm for another 1.5 weeks! This teacher comes out of the starting gate like a rocket in this class, but seems to take quite a break through the midterm time. I think he's going on vacation.I will have my grade from my last Thursday final this coming Thursday as I start the next level of that class with the same teacher and many of the same students. One more midterm - Human Behavior on Tuesday. That's from home "open book" which I'm sure is a trick. This teacher is full of tricks! :H (the test will probably be timed so if you don't know much, you won't be able to look everything up in the time allowed.) So I'm dusting off my memorizer today for that.
Bruun there are SO many ways to give to children!!!!! I hope you find a satisfying path to that. You are a wonderful human being with so much good to offer.
Speaking of exercise... I've been battling a cold this week so haven't felt like doing any. Even though i still have a cold, I'm sure it's time to get back in the groove. I've been working with bodylastic resistance bands and doing circuit type sessions from
Anyway...hello to everyone who might come along to pull up a chair by the fire at this 5 star hotel!!! Hope everyone has a good day and especially YOU Bruun!!!!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
Bruun's Titting UP
Doggygirl;1193919 wrote:
So Is - was your shopping trip successful? (maybe I didn't go back far enough up thread) Your friend sounds very fun to shop with. Spark looks interesting as well as the other titles you mentioned. Amazon 1-Click is going to put me in the poor house! Can you post the recipe for teriyaki kale chips?
Shopping is today. Yesterday was cleaning out all of my crap from the ex's, then figuring out what to do with it once I got it back home!
I'm having an odd day. I went to sleep really early last night and slept well. Was up at 7:30 this morning, ready to start my day. Went to the gym and did some cardio - I channeled my inner Roo and gave the rowing machine a try for the first time! It felt like a pretty good workout, but I imagine it would be much nicer outside on a lake! :H
Came home and had breakfast and took a shower... and now I sort of feel like I just want to climb back into bed! Ugh. I'm not exactly in the shopping mood right now, but maybe that will change once I actually get out of the house. It'll be good to hang out with my friend in any case.
It's an overcast, breezy, rainy day here. I was very much enjoying it this morning while I was sitting outside with my tea, but now that I'm looking to get out of the house soon, I'm not feeling quite the same way! Maybe that's part of what's contributing to my desire to want to crawl back under the covers...
Here is the recipe for the raw teriyaki kale chips:
1 bunch of curly kale, washed, stems removed, torn into bite sized pieces
3 T. nama shoyu (or tamari or low sodium soy sauce)
2 T. Bargg's apple cider vinegar
4 T. sesame oil
3 T. agave syrup
1/2 t. ginger powder
1/2 t. garlic powder
1/2 t. onion powder
sprinkle of cayenne
Blend sauce ingredients and pour onto the kale. Stir well to thoroughly coat leaves. Lay out on teflex sheets and dehydrate at 105? overnight. Turn and dehydrate until crispy.
If you don't have a dehydrator, you can bake them in a 350? oven for 10-15 minutes.
If you want something simpler (raw recipes always call for hard to find ingredients and invariably a trip to Whole Foods), check out this recipe at one of my favorite websites - Baked Kale Chips Recipe - Living Through Chemistry
Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.
Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.
Bruun's Titting UP
Is - I know what you mean about the chilly rainy days! I just want to crawl back under the covers myself. Hopefully your friend and some good shopping will change your mood. Thanks for the recipe! I do have a dehydrator - haven't used it much this year. This will give me an excuse as there is still kale in the garden!
Brutus!!! Are you sleeping in?
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
Bruun's Titting UP
On the contrary, DG, it's too darn rainy to go anywhere today! It slows down just enough for a little bit to where I start thinking about making a go of it, and then it's torrential for another hour!
Well, at least I made it to the gym this morning. So if I end up just relaxing for the rest of the day, it'll be alright.Better Living Through Chemistry
Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.
Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.
Bruun's Titting UP
bruun! that totally sucks! it has happened to me a bunch. you never expect it to, but it does here and there. best, if you know it'll be a longie, to type it in word and then cut and paste. i know, i know, you know! (and sometimes you don't know they'll be long until they are!) you have my total sympathy. try again?
Bruun's Titting UP
hey you guys,
regarding losing long posts... every time I've lost a post I just log back in and it gets sent. it seems that MWO logs you out for some reason. anyway I accidentally discovered that and it has saved me a bunch of frustration. grat.
Bruun's Titting UP
gratitude;1194231 wrote: hey you guys,
regarding losing long posts... every time I've lost a post I just log back in and it gets sent. it seems that MWO logs you out for some reason. anyway I accidentally discovered that and it has saved me a bunch of frustration. grat.
Bruun's Titting UP
I'm researching Bronkaid because the SE's you describe remind me of when I used cocaine as a workout stimulant and also OTC sinus meds for colds which made me work out better and feel much more energetic and happier. Sad I can't take that stuff, my bro and sister rely on them just to give them energy. They don't have hypertension..... buggers, just found it has epinephrine. That's the poison I loved. And can't have - well, I will see if I can take it in moderation if I am found to have asthma. I almost hope I do get diagnosed with it, it would sure explain alot. I wonder if its a wonderdrug for joints too, haha, would love that. Edit, mean joints as in ankles, knees, hips. Haha
Okay, DG, I was reading your quote from the email you got about menstruating and other phases of women and how they are attracted to certain faces, it brought me to last night and I got distracted before reading the end of it - I was remembering the men at the dinner party last night and which ones had rugged faces and I was evaluating whether I was attracted to them or not. .... and I was thinking, this guy was either hitting on me or he was trying to get me to contribute to his fundraising project - he did lame "oversharing" in the 3 minutes I spoke with him - intimating that he had money, but now devoted his life to helping victims of tragedies, and he wrote down his cell number as well as his URL to his and more - the note is in my jeans and will likely stay there and get washed. Then there was the partner of the woman throwing the party, he didn't help at all, he let me, a stranger to him and to everyone including the hostess (I met her once before and the rest were all old friends) do 4 hours of slavish kitchen work (hostess was around 4 hours behind when I got there, I made two side dishes and helped serve and clean up. I tried to have loving kindness all night and to not drink too much wine. But I think I had a little too much, and said one thing I wish I hadn't (to be fair, I was baited), but otherwise was an amazing damn guest. The other guests called me and the other Kitchen Slave the hostess's "sous chefs" so it was a running joke all night because one of the guests was Sue so we were all Sue. The guy that gave me his # helped in the kitchen for 2 minutes, no other guy helped at all. Two of the women didn't help at all. So, I was thinking about those dynamics and how shitty it was in that respect (although I did enjoy myself I felt resentful of doing enough work that I should have earned at least a hundred bucks yet the hostess acted rather cooly towards me all night even when she thanked me for my work! Prolly that had to do with her partner staring at me for two hours over dinner right in front of her face. Sh*t. It's both good and bad to be the youngest person in the room by 12 years +.
And then I spit out my detox herbal tea when I read the rest of your quote DG: "However, if she is menstruating or menopausal, she tends to be more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth and a spear lodged in his chest with a bat up his ass .... "
I didn't get to the fire part til after I recovered from the bat up his ass comment. And to avoid being sexist here, and risk losing the thread forever, I will freely admit that I was only attracted to the women who helped in the kitchen, with the exception of the hostess with whom there was a mutual distaste I fear. And I also fear I will get to know her well since the entire dinner party said we will definitely invite you to the next. Question to my MWO group here, do they mean I'll be their Guest or their Kitchen Slave?
By the way, I find I lose my entire posts by pasting in web content, although when I was dosing up on bac, I found keystroke errors caused it way more! I honor youse who rewrite the whole damn thing. And Red, I thought of you, not sure if you'll see this, but I was thinking that the original post was deleted by Powers Protecting Me because I was oversharing and risking my anonymity. Although I doubt anyone at the party would be here and I doubt any lurkers actually read whole posts like this because its alot of crap and probably boring as all hell. But its therapy and friendship for some of us others, eh? Yay!
Also DG, wasn't it you that said my writing reminds you of Erma Bombeck? Please take that back. It bothers the hell out of me. LOL
Bruun's Titting UP
BTW ...
Grommet, heya, nice to see ya. Still get a kick out of your avi every time i read it. The pool is being enjoyed by the dog mightily. This AM, he immediately went outside and just sat by the pool, quite a picture. Then he got up after warming in the sun for half an hour, stepped down the watery stair and took a leisurely swim just to cool off. What a life, eh? Too bad he won't go in at night with the disco lights turned on so I could movie that. Are you or Lo0p secretly Evan The Pool Boy, I've been wondering. Is, spill the beans, is it Lo0p? :H He likes to go half naked all the time, so it makes sense.
Also Greg & Grat, I haven't been that lucky. I don't get logged out, so there's no logging back in to do.
Roo, the oar thing, all we have is ocean here and Jaws has me skeered to go in there or on top of it in something so small as a canoe shaped boaty. So Ru, any other ideas? Outside of the gym that is? Also, I barf first in a boat, so I'm not great at bigger boats either. Or the back of stationwagons.
Also, anyone ordering from Amazon finding that the private sellers now take as long as Amazon to send you used books? I buy from private sellers for that quick ship convenience, now finding tho the last two books I ordered Oct 5 are not shipped and they are in stock, used, two different sellers so I'm suspicious.....
Inquiring minds want to know there's a conspiracy going on.
Bruun's Titting UP
Yes, I've lost a few posts and then thought to myself, did I really want to post all of that anyway? NO!!! :H I feel that way with at least 50% of what I write here, so I might not be the best person to base it on.
I'd rescue the guys number from your pants to avoid washing it (now). You never know. On a rainy day...I mean there wasn't anything wrong with him that you could tell. Unless he was too old. You said you were the youngest person there, by at least a decade. If said man was too old, then wash his number. But you know my thoughts on age...tis a number, as long as everything else is a go (to a degree of course). I think it was stellar you helped the hostess out like you did. It's not your fault her partner was staring at you all through dinner. It's his (why do women blame other women for how their man behaves?) I know you wrote once you had a good time, but I'm not sure if I'd hang with this group again, if invited. How old were these folks exactly? Was the reason all the women were in the kitchen (well not all, not the lazy ass ones) due to their age and their generation? Then again, most of the time the women take care of the kitchen and the cooking in the social things I go to.And I usually take care of all of it when I entertain. I kind of like doing it, though.
*that hostess owes you a tip, or at least a big fat thank you! :lThis Princess Saved Herself
Bruun's Titting UP
I gotta tell ya Bruun, I'm not a fan of Petus/Fetus/Bam Bam. Pete or Petey is better, or I'm sure you can think of something good.
I've lost some PM's due to my computer crashing. For those that don't have a PC pre-Windows 7, a crash involves the infamous Blue Screen Of Death, and if any music is playing it starts skipping and making a horrible noise and the whole experience is very traumatic. My blood pressure shoots up, I scream obscenities, and I start seeing red. Anyways, the last time it happened was when I was nearing the end of a PM that I was writing when I was pissed off. After I bought a new computer because I threw the old one at my wall, I realized that the universe was telling me I should calm down before I answer PM's. The end.Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
George Santayana
Bruun's Titting UP
Oh damn, just had to edit a post O!P!,
Sorry for that - didn't know Petus wasn't good too, but didn't realize the F was such a shit story. LOL, I just kept laughing through your pain, bitch that I am. And I have the blue F screen of death on my work PC, effing. And IE 6.0 about to be upgraded this month but I'm remote so won't get it. Also, worried about how much more they'll filter out. Are you a genius with PC's OP? Oh Petey, would you rescue this old beotch so she can post on her old PC that won't let her do anything but read on MWO? Can't number the amount of posts it took for me to realize that was a no-go for that pc on the new harddrive?
Lucky Mx isn't here to make a nasty comment about you helping with my hard drive. But you ARE the new Mx, and channeling his wit, right, filling the void? As it were?
Red, did I blame her for him staring? I didn't mean to, she was a bitch all on her own. I think she was surprised I was so much younger than she remembered, not sure, but the only other time we met, I was a wall flower, she was being a PIA in a very annoying way. The only reason I went was to meet new people. I've lived here for 5 years and the only people I meet are very far away (I work remotely) and in my HOA. So meeting people I don't get drunk with is top of the list of things to do besides working out and dogpark. The latter which has been a bit f'ng zero in the meeting people thing. Nice but ... often undesirable in many ways, men and women alike. No sexism here, baby. Except sometimes.