Hi everyone! Looks like it's been a busy couple of days for Bruun & Company!!! Red it's great to see you here and of course Ne too along with all the regulars!
Is - so glad you are getting the referral to a good psych doc. I'm realizing just from the classes I'm taking that it totally makes sense to at least get an evaluation rather than do all the insane stuff we end up doing on our own to try to feel better. Who knows? Can't hurt to go see what's up. I'll be interested to hear how it goes. What's the latest your knees? (I'm sorry if I missed stuff - I've been skimming this week!) good to hear about a sweat free night! I love those. Easier to sleep too! (or more pleasant when not sleeping!)
LL - good to see you. Sorry to hear you are battling some SE's right now - hope they pass quickly for you. Are you planning to stay on the Antabuse too?
Spacebebe - haven't had a chance to get to your thread today - I hope you are doing great!
Pete that was interesting photo composition. You and Brenda and your coconut oil photos! :H
Hi rudyb and Brenda and all the friends. Where is Bruun today? Is this the night of the customer outing? Hope you are continuing to think and "do" in such positive ways today!
Got a good grade on my midterm. When we reviewed the test in class today, one of the students went a little crazy on the teacher. :egad: Passive aggressive much? I stopped and thanked the universe that I didn't end up with him on my debate team. I am on my 3rd day in a row without sugar. Glory be. I get really strong cravings in stressful moments. This is a time when it would be nice to take a month vacation from married life! Peanuts are bad choice for me, but they are not sugar and they got me through my "moment" today! I do not need to eat sugar. Sugar does not fix/change anything. All it does is take me into a cycle of craving and craziness. I can choose not to go there. These are my Jason Vale style mantras for today.
I hope you all are having a good one!!