I'm starting a thread of my own experience because everyone's progress threads have been so helpful to me, I want to help out too.
As you may know and be weary of my complaints regarding baclofen side effects, I have good news for us all ... for now, the complaints are in remission. I suddenly realized I've felt normal for a couple of days, if still a bit lazy, but much much better. So....
I titrated up (okay, titted) last night with no problem, but great effect on my sleep.
Even though I somehow set the alarm for midnight instead of normal waking hour (figuring I might not wake on my own with the extra 10mg), and the phone woke me up (east coasters need to remember that 8am your time is FIVE in the dark hours here and could cause me to be NOT SLEEPING whilst thou are RINGING) (RANT) and then the cat woke me up, and something else but I totally forgot. In each of these four cases, however, I went back to sleep after five or ten minutes. That in itself is a minor miracle.
I was NOT dizzy when I got up at any of these waking moments, a fabulous piece of news, and I was not sleepy and tired this morning. I feel calm and capable at work.
The sinusitis is gone, the snoring is gone, the weird breathing issues I had at first are gone. I admit I used the Neti Pot to help me through it, and it was helpful I think in clearing things out before infection could set in.
I've been on 50mg for more than a month, and finally feel like myself again, only better. I went from 50 to 62.5 last night. Here's the good stuff:
I don't bolt out of bed stressed about the day anymore.
I don't lie awake worrying anymore.
I enjoy my pets and laugh at them instead of getting mad when they do something they think is normal and I think is stupid and yucky.
I'm just calmer, and I'd say happier.
Even if I don't move on from here, I'm better now that I was before bac. Bac takes away alot of the angst that made me drink to feel better. I'm not naive enough to think I'm anywhere near my switch, I'm just sayin'.
However, my plan IS to move up from here, as slowly as needed but I'm newly motivated. Amazing how everything righted itself in a matter of a day or two. I'm encouraged. I can drive and work and function now, and so I can now tit up.
(once I saw them, I couldn't just leave the granny pants out of the picture!)