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Bruun's Titting UP

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    Bruun's Titting UP

    Your reaction had me crying into my keyboard, tears of laughter, could not thank you enough. LOL> hope NE figures it out! Now that could be some funny subtext if she doesn't see this. Which we may be able to look forward to, since she's cutting back on MWO. It may be the bac.


      Bruun's Titting UP

      Bruunhilde;1052636 wrote: Thanks SS, love your dress, by the way. Speaks volumes!
      Haha! It actually wasn't meant to "mean" anything, but I just love Viktor and Rolfs' couture dresses a lot. However, I've recently taken just about anything to have meaning with my Bac experience! The last time I talked to the good dr., he was in his hallway due to the fact that he was having tiles in his office falling on his head (he works in an old building.) There were workers in his office repairing the tiles. He later made a joke that the Bac was doing to my brain what the workers in his office were doing to the tiles! We had a good laugh about that. :h


        Bruun's Titting UP

        Dr L sounds like such a great all around person, plus an extra special doc, of course. He gets called "the good doctor" around here so much I could vomit, but, not because he doesn't deserve the kudos, he does.

        Your dress makes me think of a perfect picture of a lovely woman with crucial holes that need repair but she's still beautiful despite them, and possibly in part because of them, they make her the unique person she is. Not the AL hole, of course, that needs a sewing up.


          Bruun's Titting UP

          Bruunhilde;1053252 wrote:
          Your dress makes me think of a perfect picture of a lovely woman with crucial holes that need repair but she's still beautiful despite them, and possibly in part because of them, they make her the unique person she is. Not the AL hole, of course, that needs a sewing up.
          What a fantastic description. Very very fitting.
          Better Living Through Chemistry

          Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

          Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


            Bruun's Titting UP

            Thanks Is,

            I've been wondering, what is the inspiration behind your pic? It's very noble looking, inscrutable.

            By the way, going up another 5mg to 70 tonight. Today was the first day I could take bac all day long and instead of being more and more depleted, I felt more and more energetic. I may even get my ass out the door to walk the dog! Tomorrow! LOL


              Bruun's Titting UP

              Bruunhilde;1053258 wrote: Thanks Is,

              I've been wondering, what is the inspiration behind your pic? It's very noble looking, inscrutable.
              It is unbelievably strange that you asked me that just now. I was just finishing a post over in Serenity's blog, and it showed my completed post with my avatar, and I was thinking how much I enjoy seeing it every time, and that maybe I should give a shout out to where he is from. And then a second later I click on your thread and read this post!
              The title of the picture is The Guardian. He makes me think of Atlas (and that always leads me to Ayn Rand). Except this Atlas got out from under the weight of the world and found a way to hold it in the palm of his hand. He's from this amazing website called Digital Blasphemy (I even love the name) - Digital Blasphemy 3D Wallpaper: Widescreen, Dual-Screen, Triple-Screen, iPhone4, iPad, Droid, XBox360, PS3, HDTV Backgrounds
              I found it probably close to 10 years ago. The creator makes all of these amazing digital wallpapers, and some look VERY much like a photograph of a beautiful nature scene. I used his freebie wallpapers for YEARS, and finally decided to become a member a few years ago in order to get access to his full collection, and it's been worth it. All of my wallpapers (on both home and work computers) have been Digital Blasphemy wallpapers for a long time now. And I get a lot of comments and compliments from coworkers passing by (and even sometimes from tech support that has to login remotely to fix something!).
              Check it out. Anyone can view the whole collection (there are a LOT now), and he has I think 10 freebie wallpapers that he is always updating, so there's always something new (or sometimes old!) even if you're not a member.

              I believe that The Guardian is from '97 or '98. It was one of the first ones (maybe THE first one!) that I set as my desktop background, and to this day it's my favorite.

              Oooh, that and "Once Upon a Time" - Digital Blasphemy: Once Upon a Time (2003)
              This one spent a LOT of time as my background. Something's lacking in the picture here though, I remember it looking MUCH better as my wallpaper. Still beautiful here too though.
              Better Living Through Chemistry

              Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

              Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                Bruun's Titting UP

                First time I saw your avatar, I must say I thought it a little spooky. I thought it was me mate 'amlet with Alas poor Yorrick's nut in his hand. Hello, Mr Death! We're aaaallllll partying on down, and we're aaaaallllll gonna meet'cha, sooner or later. Name the time and the place...

                Don't like thinking about the wanker, much, meself....


                  Bruun's Titting UP

                  Lowcountryman;1052467 wrote:
                  Girls: you seem to be too interested in pets.. Bacheads!

                  Low, I'm fairly certain you have NO idea about how we feel about our pets. It's a fairly uniquely american woman thing, I think. (I wonder too, honestly, if it's not related to our underlying issues, but more on that another time.) Think cat lady... (no offense gfs, but you know I'm right! :H)

                  SOOO much to respond to gfs. I couldn't let the above slide. Also:
                  this one?
                  Really? I don't get that...but no wonder it's my favorite.

                  the avatars are too cool, btw.
                  btw, bruun, I've emailed and pm'd you. get back to me will you?


                    Bruun's Titting UP

                    Seethepony;1053565 wrote: First time I saw your avatar, I must say I thought it a little spooky. I thought it was me mate 'amlet with Alas poor Yorrick's nut in his hand. Hello, Mr Death! We're aaaallllll partying on down, and we're aaaaallllll gonna meet'cha, sooner or later. Name the time and the place...

                    Don't like thinking about the wanker, much, meself....
                    :H x 5!!
                    Better Living Through Chemistry

                    Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                    Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                      Bruun's Titting UP

                      Thanks Is, great website. I like this one Digital Blasphemy: Cradle (2003)
                      and the one that looks like you're the spaceship from alien world about to land in gotham city. But your avatar is better than all of them. And I must say, that guy has a nice neat workspace. I'm hoping after my bac switch, my work area becomes something neat and organize that I could post without extreme shame.

                      Pony, you crack me up. As usual. :H

                      NE, yes, you had me laughing again as I pictured the nasty DJ doing something obscene and using a really long cattail on the audience who love S&M. Sorry it took so long to respond to the PM. And I should have said, I almost never check email or FB these days. Although on Ronald Reagan Day, I almost had to post "WTF" as my status.


                        Bruun's Titting UP


                        will now be in every post I can squeeze it into.

                        I found that particular one (cradle) rather disturbing. (this is your brain on bac.... just sayin')
                        I will be online this weekend. Thank whatever.

                        Need dog advice!!! So check them dammit. Or i think there is a thread around somewhere about pets and pet food? Maybe we can meet there?
                        :h you too


                          Bruun's Titting UP

                          Nev, promise to do so this weekend if not tonight. I'm planning on making today light at work since I'm absolutely fried, I upped again and am having some typing trouble, ADD, fatigue, cramps, etc.

                          So, I have some positive news, to start out the weekend as you shoppers with wrinkles go hit the stores (SuperBowl Sunday = best shopping day of the year!).

                          The news is this. I was watching Dr Oz, and there is a cheap solution to droopy face, or at least the eye part - maybe it will work on jowls, will let you know.

                          Dr Oz had a woman on the show comparing injectable fillers on one side of this woman's face around her eye, and on the other eye, she used, with SIMILAR INSTANT result, pseudoephedrine mixed with our fave GABA with a retinol eye cream. INSTANT effect. Cheap, no needles or weird stuff being injected. Of course it's a daily application but who cares....

                          Google it. Dr. Oz Sagging Breasts Saggy Butt Remedies | Pseudoephedrine Swirl For Eye Wrinkles

                          I've been dispairing over my sagging deflated undereye bags, which seem to have suddenly aged me 5 years or more since bac started. I've been using expensive and inexpensive eye cream and all sorts of nutrients to no avail. No amount of hydration seems to plump them back up. So as you may guess, I'm pumped! THIS WILL WORK!
                          I'm going to the store NOW! :wavin:

                          EDIT UPDATE. Since this pseudoephedrine only comes in sudafed (coated RED pills) according to the pharmacies I called, and it's a controlled substance, they can't order it in powder or liquid form for fear I will get entrepreneural and start up my very own meth lab. More research is needed because I don't want reddish under eye bags.


                            Bruun's Titting UP

                            Oh thanks for this, Bruun. I just made reference to my SagTits over on Murph's thread. I live in the highest density meth-lab region of the U.S. I will go to work on this immediately!!

                            EDIT: Can you tell me how resistance exercises for my butt are going to lift my breasts? Or am I just missing the breast resistance exercises?
                            "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                              Bruun's Titting UP

                              LOL, the SagTits was about doing chest exercises to increase the size and to shape the chest - they didn't do any exercises that I recall, and they did make the disclaimer that there's nothing they can do about sagging skin and the breasts naturally do just sag. You can't firm up fat, you can just reduce it, and breasts are skin and fat.

                              Ironically, I titted down a few years ago (breast reduction) and reduced my SagTit situation quite a bit. However, age is taking it's toll.....

                              Edit: by the way, found a long acting version in white at CVS pharmacy. 10 pills for $5.00, crazy. I tried the stuff on my eyes, but don't see much improvement. I'll have to vary the recipe some, since I didn't catch any "recipe" to provide amounts in the show.


                                Bruun's Titting UP

                                Feet, Audibles, Age, Bac

                                Hello everyone, happy Saturday!

                                Like Is, I have some terrible foot problems and was hoping the vibraams would help. I think there's a couple of things going on here. Is, let me know your thoughts:

                                My feet are better when I exercise, but I can't exercise when I'm incapacitated/can't walk. Stretching helps but being a drinker, I find it hard to be disciplined to do even that. By the way, I was better at all of this, obsessive even, until I hit 40. The age-switch.

                                I work in a very casual environment most of the time, so I wear fit-flops, which are the only shoes I own (and I have about two dozen pair) that don't cause me pain after a couple of hours. In fact, I can go all day in them. The only thing that comes close (to painfree) is wearing socks without shoes.

                                This time of year, I wear the winter fit-flop slip ons, they are U.G.L.Y. But I'm free of pain and can walk. However, having worn these for a year, I am now having more pain when I wear dress shoes for meetings, I get the crippling pain that the vibraams give me. There's something going on with the little toes. I don't know if the fit-flops have done something good or bad? I think it's probably good and the dress shoes and lack of exercise are bad.

                                Next, I'm finding that the hard sleep bac plus xanax gives me, causes me to sleep in one position for five or 7 hours straight without moving. I wake with intense pain in my other foot or hip and a numb arm from sleeping on my back. Used to only have numb arm from sleeping on my arm. I can't tell I'm leaning on one side vs the other, seems like I'm flat on my back, but this keeps happening. Maybe it's simply being in one position too long and an old mattress.

                                Also, hearing things that aren't there still. Now it's the cat meowing at the door when in fact, she's across the yard taking a shit. It used to be that sound like the neighbor's TV is on at all hours, earplugs or no earplugs. In fact, worse with the earplugs...

                                Last, I'm having the dizzy eyeball, effed up fingers thing on and off. This AM I took bac (12mg) because it's Saturday (weekdays I can't take it in the daytime) but now I'm afraid to drive to get my errands done. Ugh.

                                I'm going to give it a go and see if I can shake it off by moving around vs being sedentary as Lo0p and others say is helpful.

