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Bruun's Titting UP

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    Bruun's Titting UP

    Oh, Bruun. Don't ever feel like you can't bring it here. I don't like it when you go away, and I know you are suffering right now. I am here and always will be as long as 'I'm here'. Same with the others, I believe. :l
    This Princess Saved Herself


      Bruun's Titting UP

      yep, me too, bruun. finally got mostly caught up on your thread. ergh about the wine. sorries. frickin guts need to cooperate! (i once had a student who said with her mother, 'i love your guts'. it was such a cute flip on the usual 'i hate your guts'. now, if only our guts would love us back!) sounds like you've got some good remedies in your tool box.

      thinking of you, often and much and fondly. love your description of our beloved doggie girl, the 'hand knit throw of the softest comfort'. beautiful and true!

      love ya, gal!
      xo rudy


        Bruun's Titting UP

        Aww Bruun. Sorry you are feeling so crap. Scary stuff it sounds. :egad: I hope you are feeling better tonight? Booze is toxic. I don't know how my body put up with the abuse for as long as it did. Do you think it's the wine causing this problem? Do you think you need to go to the doc or the hospital?


        NEVER GIVE UP. That is all.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Bruun's Titting UP

          Dragging myself to the keyboard and dragging my knuckles en route to demo my level of intelligence. Not to knock it altogether because I did figure out, for about the 6th time, that one reason I feel so dizzy The Morning After a bottle of wine is the damned anti-diarrheal drug I use -it has a side effect that gives me extreme somnolescence, dizziness ugh. I don't know what consititues an extremely high dose, but I'm taking a box every other day and I think that's abnormal dosing. Apparently, against all odds, I hate opium. From Wiki:
          Loperamide is an opioid-receptor agonist and acts on the μ-opioid receptors in the myenteric plexus of the large intestine; by itself it does not affect the central nervous system like other opioids, unless extremely high doses are taken (in which case it can produce psychoactive effects on its own).

          Taking a few days off but Mummy Dearest is visiting tomorrow AM and that could be frightening. I love her but I'm not in full coping form and she likes to charge about town with Things To Do I usually don't (when I'm on vacation damnit) since I'm not the A type she is. Anyhow, that's the latest from broomstick land.

          Love and hugs to you all.


            Bruun's Titting UP

            Bruun, for Imodium, daily dose should not exceed 8 capsules. Not sure how big your packages are.... Please be really careful mixing this stuff up with AL please. That's an order. My broom is bigger than your broom, I just know it! :l

            Mommy dearest???? Oy. May your time pass quickly. How long is she stayin?

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Bruun's Titting UP

              OK Bruun. I'm stalking you. What's up???

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Bruun's Titting UP

                Hi Bruun! Hope you are having a good weekend.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Bruun's Titting UP

                  Hi DG,

                  I guess I am a bit burned out from the computer, sorry to be absent. I do mix the two, I am very bad in the rule breaking dept. I do not drive when I mix, however.

                  Mummy didn't visit because I was under the weather with my stomach and with my monthly.

                  Do ya think the alcohol is a problem in my life?!! Yes, its a barrier to normal living. My body is rejecting it completely.

                  Focused on the goal, again. I wish I could see my cycles of AL and control so I could figure out how I get back in control. I think alot of it is hormones and blood sugar, and of course that gene.

                  Speaking of which, I do have a 23andme kit that needs my spit. It will tell me if NAL will work for me or not, definitively.


                    Bruun's Titting UP

                    Hi Bruun! Thanks for popping in to say hi so I can stop stalking you now.

                    So how does the spit thing work? Can you spit any time? When will you be doing it? I think it's SO COOL that you can find out for sure if it will work for you or not.

                    Eventually I will be taking a pharmacology class in Addiction Studies. I'm pretty sure we will talk in detail about the drugs of abuse but I'm also hoping we talk about the drugs of treatment too. I can't wait to ask the instructor what he knows/thinks about HDB, TSM, etc. I am out there planting seeds.

                    Well, time to go exercise then feed dogs, feed people, write a short homework paper about fetal acohol syndrome. Yikes.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Bruun's Titting UP

                      Hey! What's the lowdown on that again? Where'd you get it? How much? And what does it tell you?

                      I know Coalfire (miss her) put it up, but that seems like seven centuries ago in MWO time...

                      I would be very curious to find out if I've got a gene that says, "Yer sure to be an alkie." Don't know why...


                        Bruun's Titting UP

                        Hi Ne and All,

                        Ne/Neva Eva;1176006 wrote: Hey! What's the lowdown on that again? Where'd you get it? How much? And what does it tell you?

                        I know Coalfire (miss her) put it up, but that seems like seven centuries ago in MWO time...

                        I would be very curious to find out if I've got a gene that says, "Yer sure to be an alkie." Don't know why...
                        Here is some info about it:


                        I am reading it just now.



                          Bruun's Titting UP


                          Here we go, getting you back. We were talking about 'brain' supplements that we thought helped. I am doing the 5HTP instead of the Gab. What is the consensus on that and/or comparison ?....anyone?
                          I believe along with the Bac it helps my memory and thought process.

                          Love you, revitalizing your thread!

                          The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                          *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                            Bruun's Titting UP

                            I think beatle is the ultimate source on that although in holistic you may find others. I think 5HTP is a precursor to tryptophan and there are arguments each way/direction about which one to take. I take tryptophan just in case my whacked out body can't convert 5HTP. Also, neither of these is a replacement necessarily for gaba although I think they feed the same basic mechanism of building seretonin. I'm pretty rusty on this stuff at the moment and don't have time to look it up, unfortunately. Tryptophan is needed to mfg Niacin which with other B vitamins & magnesium creates seretonin. Gaba also is a seretonin precursor (I think). I'm sure someone else knows much more than this. beatle, where art thou?

                            Love you too Lush!:h


                              Bruun's Titting UP

                              You've got it backwards, Brutus. Tryptophan --> 5HTP --> Serotonin.
                              I saw someone on here, I think it was beatle, recommend Tryptophan over 5HTP, especially if you're taking an AD. Combining either of those 2 with an antidepressant is dangerous advice, as it can give you Serotonin Syndrome, which is potentially life-threatening.

                              That said, I take 5HTP and have noticed a marked difference with my mood. It sort of takes the edge off and generally makes me happier. I have to take it after I eat breakfast though, because it reduces my appetite. I also take it at night, as it does a good job of helping me sleep.
                              Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                              George Santayana


                                Bruun's Titting UP


                                I notice I come up with words in meetings that were tucked away...Bac or the 5HTP? I do not care! I am so in tune with my life!

                                Baclofen gave me so much, and I let it go. I have my life bac again. I am sorry to the naysayers; Baclofen is my life. It takes the drunk out of the drunk. :-)

                                Newbies, Listen to me!

                                The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                                *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*

