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Bruun's Titting UP

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    Bruun's Titting UP

    Pete - I'm sure women the world over are relieved. :h

    rudyb, i just started taking addiction counseling courses. it's really interesting and i am learning a lot. it's also a really novel thing to go to classes, study, take tests, etc. without being drunk or hungover. :H

    LL - Determinator posted a link to a recipe - he made his own kimchi recently. Now THAT sounds good to me! Funny - I drove past the health food store today and I was racking my brain trying to remember what it was I was going to look for there. It was kimchi. DANG.

    I think halloween avatars are in order for sure! I like yours LL.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Bruun's Titting UP

      hiya lushie you gorgeous texan vixen! so nice to see you! grins.

      yes, you see, bruun, the concensus is that you just have to get past the smell. come to think of it, i've made that, too. when i kept goats. oops son awoke. will have to wait...


        Bruun's Titting UP


        PERFECT COSTUME!!!!!!

        The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

        *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


          Bruun's Titting UP

          ...that being kimchee/kimchi. i simply properly sliced up napa cabbage, gently pounded it with a little whey from making goat chese (chevre, which used to give people orgasms), some spices -yes, make it spicy!- and sat it on the counter for a few days. let it ferment a bit. then, into the fridge for however long, if only long enough to chill it, as it was so TASTY that it was hard to wait much longer than that. yum! bruun, i recommend you try it. it goes especially well with rich dishes, be they of eggplants, meat, or fried bread.


            Bruun's Titting UP


            When I was going over costumes and Avatars, darn you Murph. I saw all kinds that would be suitable for his avatar. Please powers that be, just one more chance and we will keep him straight. Maybe certain things he can only show or say to certain ones (help me Rudy w/grammar) of us. Please. I think there will be more thumbs up then thumbs down of 'active' members. Please.
            I was suicidal one night, he listened. I would not be here because of Murph. I hesitated to say this to admit weakness. He saved my life. Not with crap that everyone nailed him for, he cared. I have a 10 year old daughter that still has her mom. Kick me off for saying this........But fuck all of you that hated his avatars, his verbiage, his arrogance.
            Get a life outside of here. Talk to my daughter! She still has me thanks to Murphy.
            Man, Murph, I miss you.

            The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

            *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


              Bruun's Titting UP

              oh, and good news: my new neighbor-turned-bff is going to go in on making kombucha with me. collectively we'll make vats of it and drink it all day. it is DEFINITELY a nice substitute to ale, and you become so healthy when you drink quantities of it. (certainly more so than when you drink quantities of ale!) we'll have our little counter-top science project, the mushroom will grow, we'll handle her together, and we'll invite the whole neighborhood over, including steve buscemi, willem defoe, natalie merchant, and daniel craig (if he's in town with rachel weisz), for a kombucha keg party!

              wanna come?


                Bruun's Titting UP


                Get with the program my sweetie!
                (Previous post)

                The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                  Bruun's Titting UP


                  Duh, sorry, I meant the Avatar post. "The mushroom will grow"...Murph would be proud..LOL

                  The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                  *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                    Bruun's Titting UP

                    lushie, dear, i've no idea where i've lost the program. 'cept that i posted my latest without first reading yourn. obviously, the light-hearted nonsense about kombucha has no preceding segue from your post. oopsie! thinking it has naught to do with avatars -this your wonderment at my lack of flow- i will belatedly acknowledge that your post is pretty darn powerful. wow! i knew that you depended on murph for your morning, coffee-spewing laughs, but i had no idea that he had that much of an effect on you. aren't we all -not the least of us your daughter- so very lucky to have had him here?! but i would bet you dimes to donoughts that it would be no fun at all for him to be back here. they -the powers that be and all the other anti-murphs- would be on him like white on rice for every last word he'd dare type. i think it's safe to say that the prospect is far less than inviting. i wish it weren't so, but 'fraid it is.

                    lushie, we'll have to plod forth without him here, and do what we can to be the kinds of forces for healing that he once was in this hinterland. alas, but asi es (that's how it is).

                    xoxo, and waaa emoticon (how do i do that, pete?).


                      Bruun's Titting UP

                      ...or do i misunderstand you completely? i'm doing a bit of interpreting here...


                        Bruun's Titting UP

                        Rudy, can I come live with you? :h
                        I have toyed with the idea of making my own kombucha SO many times, watched the tutorials on YouTube, etc. But after going all gung ho and making my own kefir and not being able to keep up with it (and honestly not really liking it, much to my dismay), the idea of tending another living, growing culture was quite daunting! In any case, I don't have the room to do it now. I wish I could afford to have a bottle of G.T.'s every day!

                        I also like kimchi (thanks for reminding me, I've got some in the fridge right now that I forgot about!). And I've also watched countless YouTube tutorials on making my own! :H I haven't yet attempted it though, I just buy a jar of it here and there. I'm not always in the mood for sour/fermented foods, but when I am, I go overboard! I've gone days where I've subsisted mainly on sauerkraut, pickles and pepperocinis!
                        Sauerkraut is another favorite. I got all interested in fermented foods when I was doing the raw food diet. I almost bought this crock contraption to make my own sauerkraut.

                        All of this talk reminded me that I hadn't had any ACV today! So now I am sitting and sipping a glass of ACV water with a packet of Emergen-C stirred in (feels like my body is trying to fight something off). It's quite good!
                        Better Living Through Chemistry

                        Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                        Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                          Bruun's Titting UP

                          Pete, that looks more like a retainer that a mouthguard! :H
                          Here's the one that I picked up from Wal-Mart for 20 bucks:

                          And I would imagine that the one I get from my dentist (which I believe is a few hundred bucks and not covered by my dental insurance), would be even thinner and lighter.
                          Better Living Through Chemistry

                          Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                          Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                            Bruun's Titting UP

                            Doggygirl;1189382 wrote:

                            Is is your avatar picture from Burning man? That's beautiful. I like Pete's lighted one too - Seattle?
                            Yup, it's the Temple of Transition, and I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. There are Sharpies lying around everywhere, and people write messages to people that they've lost, or write things that they want to let go of, etc. And on the last night, they burn it. It's a very intensely emotional and cathartic experience. And out of 50,000 people, nobody makes a sound while it's burning. You don't hear any music playing and if people talk to each other, they do so in a whisper. It was amazing to witness. It's a lesson in letting go.

                            Doggygirl;1189382 wrote:

                            On a separate note, I thought you guys might be interested to know that bac crops up here and there in my classes (which I'm only at the very beginning level, and have not taken pharmacology yet). It has popped up here and there (not high dose version) along side brain scan images showing reduction in excitement at substance use triggers. (cocaine in one example) I will probably be taking pharmacology next semester and will be very interested in what the instructor knows about high dose bac trials, etc.
                            How neat!! Now I want to go take a pharmacology course. Let us know what you learn!
                            Better Living Through Chemistry

                            Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                            Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                              Bruun's Titting UP

                              I feel blessed to have you all here around the campfire, enough to search out a new temporary avatar (loooove my lioness too much to give up forever). But I do have a remote control tarantula that climbs walls and ceilings so if nothing else, I can use him. Her. Whateva.

                              Okay, I'm going to the farmers market in half an hour and will pick up the feared fermented stuff. The woman there recommends the book Wild Fermentation for recipes. I'm with you Is, I'm afear'd of the tending to the thing, I'd rather see if I can develop a taste for it before determining it's something I can hack. Also my girlfriend/neighbor from Germany, when we were kids, her mom made kraut and I always hated it then. So ... understand this is stepping off a cliff for me ... I commit to trying to develop a taste for it. I'm doing okay with the ACV, the Braggs tastes better than the local store brand which is unfiltered but not organic, I now see. Or is it? I thought it was but when I looked at it last night through a haze of beer, I didn't see it. Yes, confessions right and left this morning, sorry folks.

                              Ru, take pics of your science experiment with your neighbor.

                              Holy Sh*t Pete, I mean Petus, LOL. I have the same setup only the upper is plastic and lower wire. Since mine is ten years old, its really not pretty enough for pictures. The plastic has yellowed.... The wire has gotten somewhat less attractive and shiny.

                              LL, I just read a book (a couple months ago, forget the title) about a Korean family and the kids complained about smelling like garlic from the Kimchee every breakfast, said they were teased unmercifully. I guess Rudy you could expect your sweaty nights to be especially lovely if you're outgassing all that stuff. LOL

                              DG, love your avi. Did I ever mention the reason for my name here is in tribute to Broomhilda the comic strip from my childhood? Although I mispelled it, its also a female warrior as I think Is mentioned at one time. Its also the name of a dearly departed cat I named Bruunhilde but called "Hildie", the sweetest silly most loving cat of all time, and I say this after cuddling up all night with one of my other cats, not even feeling like I'm betraying her with my missing Hildie.

                              Anyways, rambling on, procrastinating and enjoying the companionship here. I was thinking last night, I coudl go to a health website but no one there would have the AL understanding you guys do, its so special here. So while we may go off in so many subjects, we all have an underlying issue that we've battled or are battling, that no one else understands. Plus you all are a bunch of smarties and I'm honored to be here with you.

                              So someone with Murph's email PLEASE convince him to come back with a new ID? I have an idea for his new name: Mother. LOL, just think of what could be construed by that one.


                                Bruun's Titting UP

                                Okay, back from Farmers Mkt, got curried raw organic sauerkraut, which is my first forray into the fermented world. It was the only one I could keep in my mouth and not spit out. Not sure what else they had, just working on getting used to the bitter taste. I have confidence I'll get to the motherload soon enough. Also picked up my weekly carton and to-go cup of greenfix.

                                Raw GreenFix Smoothie
                                * 1/2 cup Kale
                                * 1/2 cup Chard, Swiss
                                * 1/2 cup Chopped Collard Greens
                                * 1/2 cup Spinach
                                * 27 1/2 g Lettuce Leaves
                                * 1/2 cup Dandelion Greens
                                * 1/2 cup Parsley
                                * 3/4 of an Apple
                                * 3/4 of a banana
                                * Flaxseed
                                Yields 32 oz: Approx. roughly 51 carbs , 190 calories

