Happy Saturday all!
Well, today (I should be leaving NOW, actually), I'm heading over to the ex's to grab the last of my things. He is moving today too and we are closing on Tuesday. Now I just gotta find somewhere to put all that crap. I know I could sell some things on Craig's List, but fielding phone calls/emails and making arrangements to show people stuff, etc., is SOOOO not me. I've got an Excalibur dehydrator from my raw food days that I know I could probably get $100-$200 for. I'll have to find some motivation for figuring out what to do with everything.
Then tomorrow I'm getting together with my best guy friend, who everyone thinks is gay because he's very metro and great at picking out clothes, for himself and for girls. He's going to help me pick out an LBD for a bachelorette party next weekend. It's a requirement for attendance, as well as a party wig! Should be fun. I also need to find a dress for my brother's wedding next month.
Aside from that, making time for the gym. Per Cass's recommendation, I picked up Spark and started it this morning. I have a feeling it's going to give me a lot more motivation to work out!

Ok, gotta run, will check in later. Bruun, Roo, DG, Red, LL, Ginger and Petey (and whoever else I may have missed), hope you have a great one! :l